The Porn Dude
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  1. M

    BadNick (Where/How did he get a licence?)

    The purple should give ya a hint...
  2. M

    The Meaning of No

    First, let me say that it's a treat dealing with an intelligently written post/rebuttal. Kudos to you. Please accept my apologies if my provocative, antagonistic approach offends you in such a manner as to be misconstrued with a racist attitude. Nothing could be further from the truth, as...
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    The Meaning of No

    ...continued Here is the problem: For some myopic reason, there are some of you that will decide to continue with the call. If it ended there, fine. But it doesn't. There are some among you who try to push things further. How? By forcing your way (or at least attempting to) with the girl...
  4. M

    The Meaning of No

    There are some among you who, for one reason or another, do not understand the meaning of no. Again, to all true gentlemen out there, please disregard this thread. To the specific minority for whom this thread is directed: For what it's worth, this might save you the disappointment in the...
  5. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    But I've been repeating this fact throughout, albeit, stating it as an exception to the general rule. pps. Have you seen the movie PAYBACK with Mel Gibson? [/B] Yes I have. I was hilarious.
  6. M

    Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz

    It appears that many have thought long and hard on the issue. As it should be. I was criticized for being racist somehwere earlier in the thread so in response to that, I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm not white. Kiarra was attacked (in varying degrees, albeit) for sharing information...
  7. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    Yeah, I wish. Maybe the odd few but hey... it was probably more about how protective I was about the girls. I was a good boy and kept business separated from pleasure! Or, at least that was the case until I met my S/O. She proved to be irresistable and our relationship got us both out of the...
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    Hyperbole & Shills

    Yes I have, as a matter of fact. On many occassions. Most times, they don't even have to say a word for the warm glow on their face usually says it all. But when they do speak, they have a habit of gushing over the encounter and how buff or hot the guy was. The only shit I never heard directly...
  9. M

    Adult Porn in Toronto

    Her name is Rebecca Love... ...she is a former exotic dancer and appeared in a few porn productions shot in Toronto. It was a series called "The Great Canadian Beaver Hunt" and was produced by a fellow named Gunn (sir name). He's based out of Buffalo or Rochester if my memory serves me...
  10. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills A hobbyist so bent out of shape he goes postal on the girl simply because she wouldn't offer what was expected (GFE service).
  11. M

    Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz

    Re: Re: Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz Didn't you go to school? It's all rather plebeian to me. But alas, I could dumb it down for you if neccessary...
  12. M

    Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz

    Re: I agree.... I agree, but it's more of a street issue. Not so prevalent within the escort realm. Street girls are deathly afraid of even making eye contact with another black man. It signals acceptance.
  13. M

    Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz

    Bravo, Kiara! I admire your intestinal fortitude in telling it like it is. It's unfortunate that there are some who will misinterpret your words and read into it what they desire. Nighthawk, I'm sure we've had similar experiences. I caught one comment you made in another thread intimating...
  14. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    I agree. And I am more than happy to be that voice. Another girl spoke to me last night after reading my post. Her problem was a little different and upon reflection, I may have stumbled upon the main reason why these assholes do what they do. She had an American client who flew in from out...
  15. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    The relationship between driver and sp transcends what one would consider a normal friendship (no, get your head out of the gutter cause it ain't about free sex or anything of the sort). First, we are their life-line and are depended upon to be there for them at all times while on a call. The...
  16. M

    Racial Profiling & the Escort Biz

    Before I expound upon the if, how, and why (based upon my own humble experiences working in the biz), I'd like to pose a few questions to those who fall within the demographics of a visible minority: Has racial profiling ever affected you in any way? If yes, how often (percentage-wise)? Agency...
  17. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    With all due respect, I'm not discounting that. For the most part, what you have experienced (this is an assumption of course, so please correct me if I am wrong) is the mindset of hi-end ladies. To some degree, they are rather empowered to do as they please. First of all, they are in demand and...
  18. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills They don't. At least, not in the way you are implying (an assumption on my part). What happens is this: they see other girls doing a large volume of calls and wonder why they aren't getting as many. Upon inquiring as to why, they soon learn that these particular...
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    Hyperbole & Shills

    Maybe I should change my handle... Agent Provocateur. (a buried clue).
  20. M

    Hyperbole & Shills

    Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills It is lame but it happens. You'd be floored on some of the stories I've heard. Yes, many clients engage in this behaviour in the hope of getting a discount or freebee. Why? I'll never know for it is illogical. The girls aren't that stupid. They know who the client is...
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