The One Spa

Hyperbole & Shills

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Just a thought for the hard of thinking...

With all due respect to the straight-shooters on Terb, this thread is directed to the minority few (read: hobbyists) who, for one reason or another (perhaps an alarming absence of self esteem?), need to bolster their posts with hyperbole or pull an outright shill and lie through their teeth.

It's another touchy issue for me as it affects many sp's whom I still consider friends. I still have my ear to the ground and I still keep hearing complaints from several girls regarding bogus reviews. What in hell am I talking about? I'm talking about the fictitious or hyped-up posts that claim so and so is GFE this or GFE that, when nothing could be further from the truth. And this, coming from senior Terbsters... Seeing as many of you who engage in this twisted behaviour do not forsee the danger that can result, I shall attempt to inculcate to that select group of individuals what happens when this type of post is written:

1) The next person who sees this particular girl is going to have similar expectations if they booked her based upon some thread heralding her services. DFK? DATY? Hmmm. Gee, that didn't take Rocket Science now, did it?

A typical rebuttal: YMMV. How convenient. I suppose you can then present yourself as "special" with the facade that you're part of an exclusive crowd... Did I mention something about low self-esteem somewhere?

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Girls that do "extras" do not engage in this practise selectively. Come one, come all. There are no shades of grey. So, either they do or they don't. End of story. There is no such thing as YMMV today. That line shoud have been deep-sixed a decade ago for it's been pushin' up daisies for some time now. Long before review boards became in vogue. Back in the mid 80's, girls would get beat up by other sp's if they knew she was doin' the nasty. That mindset is no longer prevalent today, what with the GFE explosion and all. Girls no longer need to keep it a secret for they no longer have to fear for their lives.

2) A bogus post could put the girl into a dangerous environment if the client (who booked based on the review) is drunk, potentially violent, on drugs, or God forbid, a combination of some or all of the above.

I've come across every conceivable example of a bad situation. I've seen drama unfold that still makes my skin crawl when I think about it today. Rape occurs quite frequently in this business. Of all the years I had been involved as a driver, there were two instances where a violent rape had occurred. Ever try to say no to a cracked-out person? Ever try to reason with one? You may be a well respected pillar of the community, yada yada yada. But not everyone is like you. This business draws all types of nefarious characters as well as decent folk so please bear that in mind the next time you have the urge to stretch things a bit.

3) When senior reviewers post in such a manner, it is accepted as the gospel (for the most part). What gets me is when the following reviews thereafter corroborate the initial post to one degree or another and typically conclude with the YMMV boldly attached. Hmmm.

Agencies have been denigrated for this abhorrent behaviour and the odd "new" poster has been questioned from time to time, yet, a handful of senior terbsters tend to shill or hype with impunity. Go figure?

What usually does occur in its place:

The girl is outed as a shill herself or simply a waste of time. YMMV becomes irreparably afixed to her service and the masses stay away (those who are overweight, too skinny, self-conscious of their looks or status, quick shooters, and those with an underwhelming manhood, etc). Only those who have managed to delude themselves into believing the girls really enjoy his time, find him irresistably gorgeous and they all come like a banshee because of his skill or size, would be willing to risk "taking one for the team" and booking her. Many an innocent sp has taken the hit for something she did not create...

It's not difficult for me to spot who the perpetrators are. I simply juxtopose a review with what I know of the girl. You guys definitely know who you are and my word to you is to take notice for I know too! The girls could never say anything for fear of losing business or being trashed on Terb. That's a luxury I can easily afford as I no longer have a vested interest in the biz nor do I ever intend to have one in the near or distant future. Moreover, the integrity of boards such as Terb are only as good as the information it provides. My one question to those particular jerks: Is it really asking too much for you guys to take heed and notice what in hell you are doing? Is your self-esteem so low that you are willing to endanger a young woman for the sake of a pitiful pat on the shoulder by your on-line peers? Any idea how pathetic that is?

To those in denial... flame away.
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I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
Monte Cristo said:
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Girls that do "extras" do not engage in this practise selectively. Come one, come all. There are no shades of grey. So, either they do or they don't.

My one question to those particular jerks: Is it really asking too much for you guys to take heed and notice what in hell you are doing? Is your self-esteem so low that you are willing to endanger a young woman for the sake of a pitiful pat on the shoulder by your on-line peers? Any idea how pathetic that is?

A couple of comments on the points I pulled out to highlight from Monte's provocative post...

I think one of the things all hobbyists are guilty of at one time or another is yielding to the delusion that so and so sp did those things for me because she really liked me. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I never believe that what she did for me, she's not going to do for the next guy. I also don't know if I subscribe to the theory that sp's will "open" up their restrictions to become more popular or gain more business. I tend to think that girls who do bbbj or dfk, for example, do so because they like to do those things, not because they think it will make them popular. Conversely, if a girl doesn't do those things, I can't imagine she would suddenly start just to get a few more bookings.

On the subject of shilling to gain the approval of this board, I never would have dreamed that would be a motivation for anybody. That is truly lame. I always assumed shillers shilled because they hoped for financial gain, either by getting more calls, or by getting girls for free.

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Expounding on YMMV

Minor variances will inevitably occur regarding service quality with any one particular sp. That being said, they would never be so drastic or diametrically opposed from one client to the next as some would lead you to believe. That is, unless you act like a jerk. The truth of the matter is this: quality variance tends to go south, not north when an extreme presents itself. In other words, be a jerk and you'll be treated in kind or worse. Act like a gentleman and she will be the best that she can be. Just don't expect extras unless it's already part of her menu.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Don't count on it, Monte Cristo.

(I have no point, I just always wanted to say that to you.)

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002

Finally some truth. On numerous occassions I have ventured out on the premise of that which I read on this board. only to wonder if I had read the review right. You do this once or twice and, due to embarrassment, keep your mouth shut. I have refuted a few glowing posts based on my particular experience with the lady, club or spa in question.

But Monte is right,on a couple of points. I was at a spa this week where a girl's first review was posted. She was so indignant at what the reviewer wrote and promptly informed me that what was written does not happen with ANYONE! Of course for financial reasons it would not benefit her to reply to the post. It does make you wonder how poor this person's ego is to write such drivel. The other problem is as mentioned, the security aspect and dealing with drunks/druggies.

Over time you start to make a mental note of these posters, and basically ignore their posts. It doesn't take long to spot their allies. I understand where Monte is coming from, and I am sure there are a few people/shills that are on both of our lists.


Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

homonger said:

On the subject of shilling to gain the approval of this board, I never would have dreamed that would be a motivation for anybody. That is truly lame. I always assumed shillers shilled because they hoped for financial gain, either by getting more calls, or by getting girls for free.
It is lame but it happens. You'd be floored on some of the stories I've heard. Yes, many clients engage in this behaviour in the hope of getting a discount or freebee. Why? I'll never know for it is illogical. The girls aren't that stupid. They know who the client is that posted the bogus review. Some have come to me in tears over the issue due to the grief they've endured. Does anyone truly believe that an sp would reward that action with a free lay? And as for more calls... What is volume when it comes with the threat of a client going postal on a girl because she won't put out the way she did for so and so? Please... If only common sense would prevail. Would you openly risk a punch in the eye every time you went to see a business client if it meant more business?

The majority of clients who shill do it for their pitiful need of attention. You may be normal but there are a ton of freaks and introverts out their who couldn't get laid without spending money, even if their very lives depended on it. And for some, this is their only world...


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

Monte Cristo said:

Please... If only common sense would prevail. Would you openly risk a punch in the eye every time you went to see a business client if it meant more business?
Hmmm... how much more business are we talking about?

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

homonger said:

I also don't know if I subscribe to the theory that sp's will "open" up their restrictions to become more popular or gain more business.
They don't. At least, not in the way you are implying (an assumption on my part). What happens is this: they see other girls doing a large volume of calls and wonder why they aren't getting as many. Upon inquiring as to why, they soon learn that these particular girls are doing little "extras". Rent time arrives and she's broke... Out of desperation, she does it once, maybe twice, encouraging a client to book extra time if she accommodated the dude. Later, she realizes that no, she doesn't have herpes, let alone aids, so she'll do it again, and again. It's all about the money and weighing it against a perceived risk factor. Girls do not become prostitutes because they think it's glamourous and cool. They do it because of limited options. Take it from there and do the math.

homonger said:
I tend to think that girls who do bbbj or dfk, for example, do so because they like to do those things, not because they think it will make them popular.
Popularity has nothing to do with it. It's all about the money. DFK, DATY, etc., are the only things a girl has to hang onto to differentiate a client from her significant other. Girls typically save that for the ones they love. Many an sp has found that out the hard way. When their boyfriend or husband is no different from the clientele she meets, passion leaves the bedroom very quickly. And I don't know many women who would risk a long term relationship simply because she enjoys giving bare-back head or getting a tongue stuffed down her throat and up her pussy. READ: It's all about the money and the sp's degree of desperation.

There are a few who do enjoy what they do. I'm not discounting that. But they are a very small minority. Taking that as the gospel for the masses is fool hardy. Denial is a very powerful and extremely effective weapon when defending one's low self esteem, I suppose.

homonger said:
Conversely, if a girl doesn't do those things, I can't imagine she would suddenly start just to get a few more bookings.
If she's going home broke every night cause the other girls are doing it and she's desperate to make rent, feed her baby, or feed an addiction, ya wanna bet? Ever hear of negative peer pressure?

But, alas, the denial of the masses allow you to continue with this manipulative, coercive attitude, forcing newer and younger girls to engage sans dam (due to pressure from several angles, not only yours) simply to provide a few moments of (apparently) guiltless pleasure. Does this allow your unfettered conscience to sleep at night?

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Sheik said:

I agree with most of what you have said, but I must respectfully disagree on the extras bit. Some of these ladies do not do it with every client. Some are a bit selective others are picky and some will not do it period.
With all due respect, I'm not discounting that. For the most part, what you have experienced (this is an assumption of course, so please correct me if I am wrong) is the mindset of hi-end ladies. To some degree, they are rather empowered to do as they please. First of all, they are in demand and can cover many of life's daily, weekly, and even monthly expenses with a single booking or two and secondly, they have many regulars whom they have come to know on a personal level.

Guys such as yourself would never be caught dead on Cherry st. These women know this. It is very much a matter of trust. Volume is not an issue here nor is desperation. Yes. Some of these women do it because they enjoy it and they enjoy you. But when some of these other clients expect that mindset when they're paying $80 for Greek or even $180 or $200+, is taking it way out of whack. Even worse is lying about it without the girls' knowledge or consent. That's what I take offence to.

Sheik said:
Like you, I've been complained to by several ladies that I would consider "friends".
I truly sympathize with you and the girls who were victimized by this pathetic behaviour. I have been following that particular thread.

Sheik said:
I'm at this stage now where I dont care if the lady knows me as Sheik because all of them are aware of the fact that I dont do reviews anymore and that I do not expect them to be anyone other than themselves.
That is one of the reasons why you command such respect. For you, I tip my hat. Now, if only more would conduct themselves in a similar fashion...


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I always just assumed that a ladies repetoire of services were something she had decided on long before she knocked on the door and that they could become more restrictive if :
1-You were a complete jerk/abusive
2- Drunk or stoned
3-Had a breath or a hygene problem ,

This is in marked contrast to some delusion that you are so special that only a select few receive the "special attention " that you got .

I find it pathetic if guys are falsely claiming receiving certain services .

Having said that , I do believe that there is variation in how customer and Sp get along ie. how comfortable they are with each other . It is human nature that this will affect to some degree the enjoyment ( and I am not talking here about specific acts being added or deleted from the " menu " ) .

Most of my hobbying has been done in Montreal with either high-end agencies or independents . I have found that ymmv refers more to how comfortable you are and that becoming a regular does improve the "quality" of the effort . Having said all that , I am not into anything that would be called a fetish or anything where it would commonly be thought that only a low % would provide .


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

Monte Cristo said:

What happens is this: they see other girls doing a large volume of calls and wonder why they aren't getting as many. Upon inquiring as to why, they soon learn that these particular girls are doing little "extras". Rent time arrives and she's broke... Out of desperation, she does it once, maybe twice, encouraging a client to book extra time if she accommodated the dude. Later, she realizes that no, she doesn't have herpes, let alone aids, so she'll do it again, and again. It's all about the money and weighing it against a perceived risk factor. Girls do not become prostitutes because they think it's glamourous and cool. They do it because of limited options. Take it from there and do the math.
When you put it this way, I can see how a girl could loosen her restrictions if she thinks it will make her more money. I guess we are all going to do what we have to do.

Monte Cristo said:

Popularity has nothing to do with it. It's all about the money. DFK, DATY, etc., are the only things a girl has to hang onto to differentiate a client from her significant other. Girls typically save that for the ones they love. Many an sp has found that out the hard way. When their boyfriend or husband is no different from the clientele she meets, passion leaves the bedroom very quickly. And I don't know many women who would risk a long term relationship simply because she enjoys giving bare-back head or getting a tongue stuffed down her throat and up her pussy. READ: It's all about the money and the sp's degree of desperation.

There are a few who do enjoy what they do. I'm not discounting that. But they are a very small minority. Taking that as the gospel for the masses is fool hardy. Denial is a very powerful and extremely effective weapon when defending one's low self esteem, I suppose.
Well, another bubble burst! Thanks Monte!

Monte Cristo said:

But, alas, the denial of the masses allow you to continue with this manipulative, coercive attitude, forcing newer and younger girls to engage sans dam (due to pressure from several angles, not only yours) simply to provide a few moments of (apparently) guiltless pleasure. Does this allow your unfettered conscience to sleep at night?
Yep, I feel fine about it.


Aug 19, 2001
If someone's bs'ing in their reviews, I'm talking out-and-out falsehoods, then whoever has the straight goods should "out" them. Seriously.

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
badnick said:

If i am a close friend (or even family) to them. You think that they will tell you what she does? lol.
The relationship between driver and sp transcends what one would consider a normal friendship (no, get your head out of the gutter cause it ain't about free sex or anything of the sort). First, we are their life-line and are depended upon to be there for them at all times while on a call. The very nature of our business is such that, not many subjects are taboo, if you will. I once had a girl come flying into my car after being in a call for only ten minutes. The problem? He was some short little dude with a dick the size of a Donkey's. She swore there was no way she would put that into her no matter how high the remuneration. Another girl had this nasty habit of announcing to all who cared to listen that she was on her period as she inserted sea sponges into her vagina en route to a call. Badnick... I hear everything. Even when I don't want to hear a damned thing at all!

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
fijiman said:
If someone's bs'ing in their reviews, I'm talking out-and-out falsehoods, then whoever has the straight goods should "out" them. Seriously.
I agree. And I am more than happy to be that voice.

Another girl spoke to me last night after reading my post. Her problem was a little different and upon reflection, I may have stumbled upon the main reason why these assholes do what they do.

She had an American client who flew in from out of town a while back. This jerk booked her for a multi-hour call at a very reputable agency. Due to some of the revues (shills again), he thought he was getting a GFE. Let me state that this girl doesn't need to do shit like that for she is gorgeous, intelligent, very charming, and extremely enthusiastic when it comes to having fun.

About 30 minutes into the call, he asked her to leave, which she did. She was not curt with the man (the girl couldn't argue with a flea) and he seemed pleasant enough and didn't seem too disappointed. She politely explained the problem she was having and he appeared to understand, even sympathize with her.

What happened next? The following day she sees this glowing review of how wonderful she was. GFE all the way, man! DIGITS, DATY... you get the picture.

Is this how some of you exact your revenge? All because you feel that you have been misled by a bogus review? So your answer is to continue with the charade in the hope that some other hapless sucker can befall the same fate too? Kind'a like an initiation, eh?


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Monte Cristo said:
Just a thought for the hard of thinking...

With all due respect to the straight-shooters on Terb, this thread is directed to the minority few (read: hobbyists) who, for one reason or another (perhaps an alarming absence of self esteem?), need to bolster their posts with hyperbole or pull an outright shill and lie through their teeth.

It's another touchy issue for me as it affects many sp's whom I still consider friends. I still have my ear to the ground and I still keep hearing complaints from several girls regarding bogus reviews. What in hell am I talking about? I'm talking about the fictitious or hyped-up posts that claim so and so is GFE this or GFE that, when nothing could be further from the truth. And this, coming from senior Terbsters... Seeing as many of you who engage in this twisted behaviour do not forsee the danger that can result, I shall attempt to inculcate to that select group of individuals what happens when this type of post is written:

1) The next person who sees this particular girl is going to have similar expectations if they booked her based upon some thread heralding her services. DFK? DATY? Hmmm. Gee, that didn't take Rocket Science now, did it?

I can certainly see your point. My most recent SP adventure in Toronto was with a well review GFE. It also turned out to be the worst SP experience I have ever had in my life. Needless to say some points about this SP particular SP were brought up afterwards and if I known first hand, I probably would have made contact with another SP so the service expected was the service delivered.

Saying this, we must also keep in mind that an SP will have an off day and the service might not be what would be expected.

I was curious about what you mean by danger?

Anyway, that's my two cents worth.

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

scubadoo said:

I was curious about what you mean by danger?
A hobbyist so bent out of shape he goes postal on the girl simply because she wouldn't offer what was expected (GFE service).


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Hyperbole & Shills

Monte Cristo said:

A hobbyist so bent out of shape he goes postal on the girl simply because she wouldn't offer what was expected (GFE service).
I can see what you mean and can see how this could happen. Thank you for the clarification :)

Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
badnick said:

But have you ever hear of any girls telling you that she just gave the guy some extra mileage because he is cute?????????

You hear a lot, but you won't hear everything.
Yes I have, as a matter of fact. On many occassions. Most times, they don't even have to say a word for the warm glow on their face usually says it all. But when they do speak, they have a habit of gushing over the encounter and how buff or hot the guy was. The only shit I never heard directly were comments involving me.
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