Seduction Spa
Toronto Escorts

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  1. Hawkwind

    Same name, do you avoid?

    If the name is generic like Christine or Angela then no. But I do have one sister who has an unusual name and that causes me to have a double take. (I have 4, count ‘em, 4 sisters:eek:)
  2. Hawkwind

    Ray Liotta Has Passed Away

    I liked him in Field of Dreams. “No, its you, Ray” - short line delivered with such depth :)
  3. Hawkwind


    I am clean shaven so no issues with a beard. As for bodily hair, I shave all the hair out of my armpits and trim the nether regions with a shaver with a guard on. In the past I have nicked the skin :eek:
  4. Hawkwind

    Women that will not do oral after penetrative sex.

    Everything I do is with a condom so oral after sex never really been an issue.
  5. Hawkwind

    Are Strip Clubs worth the drive to Montreal??

    I have been to two Montreal Strip clubs back in the day and both were full of gogeous babes. I was on a business trip so no concerns about the drive. I will say I still like Toronto Brass Rail and Zanzibar the best........
  6. Hawkwind

    Andy Fletcher, Founding Member of Depeche Mode, Dies at 60

    Never really knew him as an individual. I was only aware of Depeche Mode as an excellent band and got a lot of video airplay when Much Music launched in 1985. Sad loss though.....
  7. Hawkwind

    Are some TERB members just here for something to do?

    Yeah pretty sure the statistic for most forums is about 1% - 2% contributors. I’ve only been a member since monday and when I meet an escort, I will contribute a review. But the last thing anyone needs is to feel the pressure to review. I think its more about having a place to talk about your...
  8. Hawkwind

    Newbie Need Advice

    Agree with whats been said. It does sound like they have a good handle on what to do. I made a three hour booking when I first started, expensive yes but I plied her with questions and got every answer I needed. ............ we had some fun too. She was an indy and I also spent some time...
  9. Hawkwind

    Americans are the biggest whiners in the world

    Exactly like the British too, I doubt the French are a particularly happy bunch either :)
  10. Hawkwind

    Rules- Men what are your personal rules in this hobby?

    Fair enough. No judgment. But do be aware that this viewpoint can change over a lifetime. Never say never..... :)
  11. Hawkwind

    confession thread

    Have your tissues handy ;)
  12. Hawkwind

    2 questions (if im in the wrong thread sorry)

    Viagra works well for me, but I just take 25 mg cos I just need it for nerves like you. All inclusive usually means the SP is naked and you finish with a happy ending. However interpretation varies so YMMV.
  13. Hawkwind

    Will we be fucking dolls in the next ten years?

    God I hope not. The reason why I do this is for the intimate company of ladies. Within the law of course
  14. Hawkwind

    Describe yourself in three words

    Just Want Intimacy. :)
  15. Hawkwind

    Rules- Men what are your personal rules in this hobby?

    Hi, new to the forum, first post... :) Rules for me is to be clean, be on time and be respectful. Rules for lady is just honesty and discretion. Other rule is of course to keep myself anonymous. Saves a lot of problems and undue worry.
  16. Hawkwind

    Just joined, look forward to contributing. :)

    Just joined, look forward to contributing. :)
Toronto Escorts