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Rules- Men what are your personal rules in this hobby?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2019
Similar to many fellow hobbyists have posted already but here is mine

- I don't send deposits as it can never be anonymous and I don't want a paper trail. Had to miss out on many providers but it's okay
- I don't provide copy of ID or LinkedIn etc as some providers ask. If big websites which spend millions on cyber security can get hacked ..can't trust security of an individual
- never share Terb ID.
- I prefer booking by email and like providers who are prompt on emails.
- I avoid providers who have too much philosophical shit written either on their website or their Twitter. May be some people dig it as it is an attempt to look well read or intelligent but I find it incredibly fake. Granted everything in this hobyy is probably fake buy that's just irritating to read


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I never ever tell them my Terb handle.
I used to avoid telling my TERB handle, or even mentioning I’m on here, but as this has become more of a community of SPs and hobbyists, I’m not worried about it at all any more. In fact, most of the girls I’ve seen recently I’ve communicated with here, or made connections with them as a result of being on here. I’ve also found that if you have a reasonable reputation here, and have shown you conduct yourself in a reasonable way, that offers some reassurance to a new sp you might be seeing.


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2019
I will never give my ID or use my personal phone. I have no idea why these escorts want our information how am i to know they won't sell it? I've yet to see one answer why they demand ID or a linkedin profile, my guess is there's a list of john's out there they review.
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Active member
Jun 16, 2018
Alot of great rules but here's my main one:

1) NEVER tell anyone you know in real life that you do this, whether it be friend or family, even your closest of closest friends that you can trust with your deepest secrets. You never know how it can come back to haunt you. As far as this hobby goes i'm a ghost


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Alot of great rules but here's my main one:

1) NEVER tell anyone you know in real life that you do this, whether it be friend or family, even your closest of closest friends that you can trust with your deepest secrets. You never know how it can come back to haunt you. As far as this hobby goes i'm a ghost
That's an excellent point. Only person that knows I do this is an Aussie pervert buddy of mine who lives in Peru and he does things that would make most adults blush!!!


Active member
Nov 8, 2017
I only see well reviewed ladies.

I always take a shower and piss right after the deed.

No party favours ladies, sketchy locations

Never haggle over the fees.

Always be a gentleman, respect boundaries, time

I like to have a rotation of ladies ( 4 or 5) so I don’t get too caught up on one.

Always use an alternative number

Willie Layer

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
Just about everything has been covered. Here’re mine.

Always be discrete/private. I will reveal my job in general terms, but it’s specialized enough that she can probably ID me if she googles.

No deposits, ever.

Always be washed, groomed, on time, respectful, fun and generous. It helps if you aim to be the highlight of her day.

I avoid excessive tattoos, shady locations, party girls, desperate girls.

Your private life is paramount, so is her’s. I don’t want to hear about her IRL issues and it should be a red flag.

Don’t fall in love.

…of course I have broken a few of these but I’m human, but these are the general guidelines I abide by.


Active member
Feb 20, 2008
My 2 cents:

I agree with most that has already said.... however, if the girl is well reviewed I do make deposits such as a 50,- gift card from amazon. Just to confirm the booking. Never had any problems (so far).

Think of it the other way around: If you're a girl making a 3-4 hours date (which I often do) with a dude you don't know, I'd want a little sign of commitment too....

But like I said... just my 2 cents....
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Because if things go south she will trash you all over terb. It’s happened so many times.
I suppose that's a valid concern during your first year or so here but once you're established and well known I suspect this becomes academic. In my case I feel like I have a good reputation here so I'm quite happy to share my Terb name if it helps with an SP's discretion/safety. No one knows who I really am so I don't feel like I'm compromising my privacy by mentioning it. I've even mentioned it to a couple of strippers after their performance and to,d them I'd leave a review so if anything I hope the good name Soccersweper has some goodwill attached to it. :)

I did have an incident last year where I posted an inquiry about what ever happened to a certain SP I had seen before COVID and had seemed to disappear and she herself surfaced and responded and went off on me Amber Heard style for some reason but it was so unhinged and bizarre that it reflected badly on her and people who looked up my earlier posts with her came to my side.
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Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
My 2 cents:

I agree with most that has already said.... however, if the girl is well reviewed I do make deposits such as a 50,- gift card from amazon. Just to confirm the booking. Never had any problems (so far).

Think of it the other way around: If you're a girl making a 3-4 hours date (which I often do) with a dude you don't know, I'd want a little sign of commitment too....

But like I said... just my 2 cents....
Yeah same here. I think nowadays the majority of sp's will want some form of deposit before committing to an appointment. I usually book longer sessions so i understand why an sp wants a deposit before committing to a big block of time with a random dude she has never met. On the rare occasion i have given the entire donation upfront at the time of booking the appointment. Might not be the smartest thing to but havent gotten burned yet.
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Just Trying To Help
Apr 15, 2008
Southwest Ontario
I have many rules now, never used to...when I first started I was willy nilly, young and stupid, didn't have a care or worry in the world. As the years wore on I started implementing rules due to drama/bad experiences. Most of them have been mentioned.

1. Never send a deposit, ever.
2. If you pull into a low rent sketchy motel chances are really good you just booked a date with a low end sketchy SP. Drive away.
3. If her pictures are old and outdated, she is old and outdated. Move on. In this age of technology and smart phones there is no excuse for using pictures taken 5+ years ago and there is a good reason she is still using them.
4. Don't use your primary cell phone, get a burner.
5. If you can, Hobby early in her day and early in her work week.
6. Count the cash a minimum of 3 times before leaving your car.
7. Don't fall for her.
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