Toronto Escorts

Newbie Need Advice


May 24, 2022
Hello, everyone sorry for the long rant, I have been wanting to book an escort service for a while. I have a curiosity and a craving. I think it is something I want to experience. Before making a TERB account I have been reading the comments on the forums to get an idea and to answer my questions. I have never used an escort service before. I am looking to get an INCALL service. What is the best for one wanting to get started out an Independent or an Agency? We all know the rules “C-36” How close are we in repealing it. The SP can sell their service, but the client is not allowed to purchase sexual service. I know as well that it is a companion service, and we are just purchasing time and whatever happens in that time is the business of consenting adults. The main thing I read if you are a newbie, is to get well reviewed, well known and to stick to posting in Terb. So would it be safer to acquire service from an Independent or an Agency. Does it matter if it is a Condo or hotel?

Are the services still running? SP's do clients still see SP frequently, since of C-36? To those who frequent the hobby often have you experienced any push back from LE. Police waiting outside or interrupting and knocking in the middle of the session. How rare Is it for the police to be waiting outside to trap the client even for ad postings from TERB. Are sting operation real even for well-reviewed Independent or an Agency. How rare is police push back and interface for a Incall Condo or hotel? I have no problem sharing my number, Id and email with the SP for the background check screening. I know it is important for the SP safety. I am sure they will keep the information safe I am not worried about that. I am just wondering how do we contact the provider for an appointment without incriminating yourself? It it rare for LE to force the SP’s to give a list of clients information. Has any clients or SP’s experienced this? I read the news there has been no recent arrest or charges to any honest good clients and is WHAT I READ TRUE? The only one arrested or charged I read are those who seek out human trafficking or underage which is deserved. How effected are honest good clients?

From what I read I know Condos are good because it is more private, I know security may ask why you are here and who are you seeing, you must sign in. And there is a condo entrance code or buzz in code. And later even an elevator code. Hotels are more convenient you have a better excuse to be there but since it is a business is LE is more likely to be involved? Based on experience which is safer Incall Condo or hotel?

I did my research and I am leaning to get an Agency as I read that DiscreetDolls, Hush, and TG are good and have a good reputation. Is there any other good agency for newbies? I read the independent section as well and found some that are very accommodating for newbies. Would it be safer to get an Independent because of LE.

In lieu of research and worry. I know we leave the donation in envelope at the beginning in full view on the table/stand. Would it be safer to put it in an envelope special greeting card from Dollarama? I also read that some SP don’t mind a full amount e-transfer since sometimes it is a hassle carrying cash. In case you are searched by LE outside so you are not carrying cash.

So, we all know why we want to purchase a companion service. Now down to a few DUMB questions it’s okay to laugh. I Know we must take a shower when we arrive which is good hygiene and being well groomed is important. After the shower do you walk out with just a towel or briefs w/o a t shirt, fully cloth, or naked. I also read it is better to use the condoms the SP has and not to bring your own. Since it better to use what the SP’s has and so we don't have to bring our own since we don't know the brand the SP prefers. I also believe in communication. Since the SP can sell their service, but the client is not allowed to purchase or ask for sexual service. On site do we just politely and respectfully say do you want to start this, lets do this or ask for this? The SP’s bio says they offer x services. But since we can’t ask for it. Does the SP ask first, and ask what we want or can we ask? When we are on site and meeting is okay as a client to ask the SP, I am looking for GFE or PSE if they offer it. Can we ask?

I know this is a long rant. To sum up I know Since I am new It is best to seek out very well-known revived Independent or agency providers and I will be okay. Commentators- any bad experience with LE. I'm looking to start this hobby these are my two cents. Any advice for me. Or experience of what you seen to help me? I know it looks like I am overthinking I honestly think it's a sign of the current time.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Don’t be nervous. You will have a new gf… for about an hour


New member
May 23, 2022
Agree with whats been said. It does sound like they have a good handle on what to do. I made a three hour booking when I first started, expensive yes but I plied her with questions and got every answer I needed.

............ we had some fun too. She was an indy and I also spent some time checking her out first, as she did me. :)
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Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
Go with a well reviewed lady preferably indy, let her know its your first time seeing an sp. The good ones will always make sure that you are as comfortable as can be. Its a bit nerve wrecking seeing an sp for the first time so try booking a longer session if possible minimum 2 hrs. Share a glass of wine or 2 with the lady to start with and have a conversation to get the nerves out. Then just let the session flow, she knows her body well so let her guide you. If she is really good she will be able to read you just as well and know how to get you off.
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May 24, 2022
Too much readin for me. Suggest making your future question a lot shorter. LOL
I understand I wrote an essay since I am neverous I rambled.

To summarize
I know it is important to see a well reviewed lady does it matter if it an agency or independent. Condo or hotel. And in your experience how likely is it for law enforcement to actually show up.

In the past few years. Has any clients or anyone in this forum actually been stopped/questioned/charged yet that you heard. Why haven't they demanded information from the SP. Are stings real?
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
I only read about half way through the second paragraph.
You're really overthinking this.
In 15 years of doing this, I haven't had any problems.
Pick a girl from one of the reputable agencies (not an Asian agency), or a well known independent and book.
Almost zero chance of any kind of law enforcement issue.
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