Search results

  1. E

    Fire insurance claim help

    thanks a LOT for the advise ! you won't happen to recall the name of the company that helped you , or any one else who could help me with a reference , im kinda scared dealing with independent adjuster
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    Fire insurance claim help

    i was under stress and have started working with the insurance directly , is there a time line when i can bring in the independent adjuster , i was led to believe they charge a very big percentage of the claim effectively bringing down the net claim a lot . I'd appreciate feedback if some one...
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    Fire insurance claim help

    hi, I recently had a fire at my place and trying to get my life together and need your suggestions and advise on it, home is near total loss . please note that its a stressful time for my family and any and all sincere advise will be deeply appreciated. i have insurance with one of the...
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    Why I Am Voting Liberal

    With all thats going around , i guess we either need propotional representation and/or Mandatory voting with None of the above as a option on every ballot , the current form of democracy is getting crazier by the election .....
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    I REALLY hope that Canada rejects these people

    could not resist copy and pasting from toronto star ....... And the reason is? Would someone please explain it to me like I'm a six-year-old. WHY or how come a country such as Australia can turn away this boatload of "migrants" yet Canada somehow seems legally required to take them in? What is...
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    CL post of the day

    too honest in my opinion !
  7. E

    Khadr family in the news again -- sexual assault

    and the sister is doing a guy in ottawa from an influential family ! these parasites need to shown their place
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    Junk removal info request

    thats a great idea :)
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    Crooked Businesses

    my humble vote goes to auto insurance companies , then to bell and robbers
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    Junk removal info request

    really ?
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    Junk removal info request

    be my guest
  12. E

    Junk removal info request

    guys the summer is finally on us and after months of Procrastination I finally have to remove the old shed from the backyard , the garden shed is made of wood with shingles for the roof , insulation etc ( previous owner was probably hiding aliens or illegals :) ) ,size is approx 12 feet X 8...
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    iPad: Much ado about not much?

    Wow , ur mom is a Lucky lady , for one she is getting the latest technology and two she knows how to use it , i have had tough time getting my mom to use cell phone and she's lot younger than 76 :)
  14. E

    Having a hard time finding...

    you need to look for a BR player which is DIVX comptible , i looked for it none in the market at this time , you might need to wait till a chinease clone player comes , PS3 is a great option though plays almost all the files and blue ray plus gaming
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    DR or Cuba?

    nice info , thanks bro
  16. E

    Awkward parking situation due to my kindness

    I sincerely hope that would this one negative experience will not stop you from helping another human in future .Due to family issues in the past year I've been to hospital emergency several times and always bought the full day ticket and almost every time gave the tickets after a couple of...
  17. E

    ACC parking

    Take the red rocket bro,
  18. E

    upgrade to win7

    thanks a lot bro , appreciate the link
  19. E

    upgrade to win7

    i have nearly the same question , i have crappy vista on my lap top , how do i upgrade to windows 7 , kicker is i bought my lap top few weeks before the june 26 cut off for free upgrades , is there a way to get free /cheap upgrade ?
  20. E

    What TV brand is the best?

    I could not agree with you more , the best bang for buck with excellent picture
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