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  1. S

    best rewarding casino games???

    The more decks, the harder it is to count cards. But, if you can do it, counting cards can actually swing the payback slightly into your favour. Mind you, it isn't fun; its hard work. The only times I've lost money in a casino was in Vegas, when I had a very nice count going. D'oh! :(
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    LE and Entrapment Laws in the U.S

    Am I the only one who thinks Vanessa should just stay here in Toronto where she is so much safer? Please? :)
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    Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss

    I watched the movie. It was bad. Jamie's chest is nice. Overall rating: MUST SEE! :)
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    Didn't the same sort of thing happen to Zena singing the national anthem a few years ago?
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    A colleague of mine died unexpectedly today

    Sorry about your colleague, fernie. A few years ago, a colleague of mine was visiting one of his customers who I knew very well. Stroked out and died in his customers arms. A friend of mine had his father die of cancer in his early 30's. Domenic Agostino (MP for Hamilton) just died of cancer...
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    Please Stop!

    PINGGGG!! And Chloe's claws spring out! Look out, someone's gonna get mauled! Hey....getting mauled by Chloe doesn't sound so bad! Hmmmmmmm. :)
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    Airline Nightmares & Woes -- Who has Stories?

    Planned trip: depart Toronto early, around 6:10am. Fly to Chicago to catch a connecting flight to Palm Springs CA, then 20 minute cab ride to spectacular resort in Palm Desert. Should arrive at the resort around lunch time, and have a great day drinking Pina Colada’s by the pool(s)! Actual...
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    seduce and conquer

    Thanks S&C! All my life I've had a fear of Cadbury Caramilk chocolate bars! I used to think perhaps I'd been beaten with one as a small child. But thanks to you, I now know that I fear them only because I don't understand how they get the caramel in the Caramilk bar! I'm sure that the answer to...
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    Buy A Real Mig 29 Jet Fighter

    I think you can land a fully armed MiG-29 pretty much anywhere you want!! :)
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    Awww, CRAP! Took four times of me saying this before I realized what I was saying. Shame on you Selina! :)
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    Buy A Real Mig 29 Jet Fighter

    I have to do this before I die! A bit less than 8500 pounds: Think I would try the MiG-25 instead though, since you are on the border of space!!!
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    TERB Credibility

    LOL @ Sara! Too true!! Snake prepares to duck when Jenn comes to
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    Double Clutching

    IMO, heel & toe is required for a performance, racing style downshift. I race, and never double clutch, and don't know anyone who does. Everyone heel & toe's their downshifts.
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    Q) For you fitness buffs

    If you've been working out for many years, take an honest look at the intensity of your workout. I see many people at the gym just "going through the motions". If you're doing cardio, then you should try to train through a cycle of easy-hard-real hard a few times to increase intensity. And push...
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    Accountant for Escorts?

    Hmmmmm....How long does it take to become an accountant? :) (considering career change)
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    Yay! Photo Radar may be coming back!

    While I'm not disputing this statement, I'd like to know how you can state this as fact.
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    Yay! Photo Radar may be coming back!

    The problem is the ticket goes to the vehicle's owner, not the driver. What if you let someone else borrow your car? More importantly, what about fleet vehicles? The penalty needs to be imposed on the actual offender, not the assumed offender.
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    Yay! Photo Radar may be coming back!

    We should have a thread dedicated to keeping track of the promises that the Liberals have broken, along with the surprises they're laying on us. And then make it a sticky for the next four years!!!
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    Final warning to chat user from 64.231

    That's BETTER! Straighten yourself out! :)
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    Final warning to chat user from 64.231 think dreaming about Fang's ass is somehow OK? DOC!!!! Your heterosexuality needs a boost!! :)
Toronto Escorts