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  1. S

    Lasik problems....

    There was a thread about this a few months back. When search starts working again, take a look. I had one eye done a few years ago. Can you imagine what its like when they have this major apparatus fastened to your eye, they cut the flap, and then the doctor says "Uh oh! That's going to sting...
  2. S

    Should I ??

    What do you call the lint that gathers in your belly button, assuming you have an "inny"? And what if the lint came from a brown sweater? Yeesh! :)
  3. S

    Sundin Suspended

    A hockey stick floated up the stands would have to hit someone pretty precisely to do any real damage. Face shot would likely be it, since its a winter sport, and most fans have long sleeves or even a jacket on. On the other hand, a foul ball from baseball, travelling at 100mph+, could kill...
  4. S

    DVD writer, Mini dv camera

    I'll piggyback another question here, which is what software can you use to copy stills (ie. *.jpg's) to a DVD for viewing on a TV? Same question for *.mpg's, *.avi's, etc.
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    Computer Hijacking

    I had to get a second monitor when I wanted to check out Jenn's boobs....they wouldn't fit on one monitor!! :) What motivated you to go dual monitor, Sasha?
  6. S

    Computer Hijacking

    Even though I just downloaded Ad-aware, I noticed it needed an update. After I updated and scanned, it found a whopping 36 files!!! After deleting them, and rebooting, it screwed up my dual monitor setup, but it only took a few minutes to correct that. Things look good for now. Thanks for the...
  7. S

    Computer Hijacking

    I downloaded Ad-aware 6.0 (free), and it found 7 files to delete. But it hasn't changed my issue re: homepage. I find that I also am getting intermittent pop ups. I don't have any desire to change from IE. If I delete IE, and reinstall, will that likely fix the problem?
  8. S

    Computer Hijacking

    Somehow my IE home page got changed. So, I changed it back. I close IE, then start it again, and it goes to my preferred home page. BUT, when I look at the internet options again, the home page is changed back to the undesired page! So I change it back, delete all cookies, delete all temp...
  9. S

    Alex Lifeson arrested in Florida

    Who knows how people act when they're under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Not to say that he was under the influence, but we just don't know. Having said that, I'm a big Rush fan (about ten concerts, every album, Signals record autographed by Neil Peart in person, bid $2000 for a Moving...
  10. S

    Employment Wanted for Sexatary don't need a sexatary because of all your "automated stuff"? What kind of stuff would that be, Dave? Love dolls, penis pump? Actually, never mind...I don't really need to know!
  11. S

    So....what did ya git for xmas?

    Not even a lump of coal? Santa must be undecided about whether you've been naughty or nice! Or he's saving the best for last! :) Or he's trying to PM you, but your box is always full (love letters from the elf's?) Or he already sent something to your email Make...
  12. S

    Lactating ladies in London?

    You're going to make him where an elf's outfit? Oh well. Different strokes for different folks! At least its not a Keebler's elf outfit! :)
  13. S

    new guy here

    I don't think "cass" is a real word, so I wonder what you meant to type. "case" would make sense, but if the "c" got in there by mistake, that would mean you want a French Vanilla and a Ham & Swiss in your ASS! Now THAT is a bit KINKY! :) Now if it was a Boston Cream doughnut, I'd understand!
  14. S

    Wankicures and The Law?

    Good point Stoo! Sorry about that. I think Kat's image distracted me, and I forgot everything I had just read! In fact, what the hell is my real name again? If I introduce myself as Snake Pliskin to my cousin's boyfriend at Christmas, I'm blaming BadKat!!! :) Back on topic, I have never heard...
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    Review - Alanna@Playmates2003

    Whew!!! Nobody writes a review like wooly! Dang!
  16. S

    Wankicures and The Law?

    If you read the Globe and Mail article, you may get a different perspective on what the objective of the bust was.
  17. S

    new guy here

    So instead of a gift of lingerie, you'd prefer a coffee and a sandwich? Well, you gotta like a girl who isn't pretentious! Hehehe! :)
  18. S

    new guy here

    I can think of a few other things of yours she might be after!!! :)
  19. S

    Thinking about gettin an Expedition

    I have an Explorer, and the mileage sucks!!! No better than an Expedition. With the Expedition you get more room, and a lot more towing capacity. I wish I had a mulligan to use on my purchase!
  20. S

    Shoulder Injury

    Hey Flo, what advice can you give for a groin injury? Caused by running hard and changing direction during baseball. I'd see the chiro, but they're gonna wanna put those electrode things in a place that's far too personal! I don't need to have my nuts nuked!
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