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  1. JessyCeleste

    What Does a Feminist Utopia Look Like?

    It looks like me packing my bags and leaving in search of cock and bisexual women who only get their panties in a bunch when they are on the floor :-P
  2. JessyCeleste

    Michael Jackson Stockpiled Underage, Violent Pornography on Neverland Ranch

    I second this. I'm very wary of whats reported in press when it isn't backed up by anything solid. I mean, this was before my time but thanks to youtube I found out that Peter Chris of Kiss was a homeless alcoholic who had lost his fortune in a series of bad investments, hookers and drug...
  3. JessyCeleste

    O Canada goes gender-neutral

    *HUG* lol Thanks sweetheart. Post by post, I'm liking you more and more. You're funny and sweet lol.
  4. JessyCeleste

    City Hall Racist Ad

    *applauding* Very well said. Also I worry that an ad like this will make this certain group feel singled out as being the most hated group in Canada. Making Islamaphobia seem like a bigger issue than it actually is. I don't know if anyone else shares this concern? As u said, the ad makes it look...
  5. JessyCeleste

    Available weekly in OT Slim&Fit w/Curves&Eclectic Taste Romance to Kink Gr8 Reviews

    Available weekly in OT Slim&Fit w/Curves&Eclectic Taste Romance to Kink Gr8 Reviews Hi! I visit Ottawa every week, the next will be June 22-25th followed by 28th-30th. I will be staying at the foot of downtown in a discreet, smoke-free location with ample street and lot parking available...
  6. JessyCeleste

    Available now Gr8 reviews Slim&Fit w/Curves&Eclectic Taste Romance to Kink&more!

    Available now Gr8 reviews Slim&Fit w/Curves&Eclectic Taste Romance to Kink&more! Hi! I'm available now near the Airport and will be staying until the 18th at check-out. I'm staying in a discreet, upscale location that is smoke-free with ample lot parking available. I come highly recommended...
  7. JessyCeleste

    Small claims court question?

    Hi Wazup, First off, I'm so sorry this happened to you.. that really isn't fair. Since you don't have anything in writing, I don't know how far this will go, although you may have a chance since you rented a truck for that purpose. I'm assuming you still have invoices for that and all other...
  8. JessyCeleste


    Me too! I was just about to post that. But am I crazy for thinking this isn't new? Men always speak of thighs and women always obsess about whether or not their own are hot... from what I know *shrug*
  9. JessyCeleste

    Another large U.S. board owner arrested -50,000 Pretend victims - popular site U.S.

    This is so tragic for everyone involved. Hobbyists and SPs alike. The info on these sites keep us both safe. History has shown again and again (or should I say statistical history) that any additional laws to the ones we had in place before C-36 only serve to drive the industry further...
  10. JessyCeleste

    O Canada goes gender-neutral

    LMAO! ourstory? Theirstory? giggle... good one!
  11. JessyCeleste

    2-year-old boy dragged into water by alligator near Disney's Grand Floridian

    Zoobott, I now see your personal letter in my inbox wasn't a nice gesture but sarcastic, saying that I should advertise only and just shut up on the board? II thought you were being nice and responding to another post I made expressing confusion about directory vs advertising, hence my friendly...
  12. JessyCeleste

    O Canada goes gender-neutral

    Before seeing if anyone called me out for my narrowminded arrogance, Id first like to apologizw and retract part of what I said. My remarks were arrogant, condescending and kinda heartless. Thats not the type of person I am but I do make mistakes. I could just edit it but i think in this case...
  13. JessyCeleste

    I'm shaved, and I think they know!

    LMAO! Sounds like a plan! And you are very welcome. :-) LOL you other guys are funny... thanks for the chuckles! Its all in good fun... or maybe I'm really naïve for thinking that... which makes me a hypocrite for chuckling. Sigh...I give up.
  14. JessyCeleste

    2-year-old boy dragged into water by alligator near Disney's Grand Floridian

    I wasn't saying it was child abuse to have a kid up at 9:20pm. I'm saying gators are hard to see at night, FL is known to have gators and when you were at the beach, gators aren't a problem and I doubt your 2 yr old was in 2 feet of water when No swimming signs were everywhere. I appreciate if...
  15. JessyCeleste

    2-year-old boy dragged into water by alligator near Disney's Grand Floridian

    I wasn't saying it was child abuse to have a kid up at 9:20pm. I'm saying gators are hard to see at night, FL is known to have gators and when you were at the beach, gators aren't a problem and I doubt your 2 yr old was in 2 feet of water when No swimming signs were everywhere. I appreciate if...
  16. JessyCeleste

    O Canada goes gender-neutral

    I second this sentiment. As a female, I realize that in the English language, the default sex when speaking of more than one party is ALWAYS MALE. Ie 'Mankind', 'For the betterment of Man', 'In any situation both parties will agree to follow the rules handed to him.' etc etc etc etc. There...
  17. JessyCeleste

    Gr8 Reviews! Slim&Fit w/Curves &Eclectic Taste from Romance to Kink or both &more!

    Gr8 Reviews! Slim&Fit w/Curves &Eclectic Taste from Romance to Kink or both &more! Hi! I'm ecstatic I'm available as of now near the Airport and will be staying until the 18th at check-out. I'm staying in a discreet, upscale location that is smoke-free with ample lot parking available. I come...
  18. JessyCeleste

    I'm shaved, and I think they know!

    I agree with the sentiment that it shouldn't bother you but the fact is, it does, so I'll just answer the question. As far as my generation goes pubes are seen as gross for the most part. Females often resent the fact that while we are expected to be shaved (I did it for myself way before it...
  19. JessyCeleste

    2-year-old boy dragged into water by alligator near Disney's Grand Floridian

    What kills me is the combination of how the parents allowed their 2 yr old anywhere near a lagoon in Florida of all places, in an area COVERED with 'NO SWIMMING' signs everywhere, AND he was not only near but IN 1-2 FEET of water AND it was 9:20 at night.... greeeeat! The term 'begging for it'...
  20. JessyCeleste

    16-18th Slim&Fit w/Curves &Eclectic Taste Romance to Kink Great reviews!

    Hi! I'm ecstatic to say I'll be visiting Toronto between June 16th-18th (check-in to check-out). I'll be staying in a discreet, upscale location near the Airport, that is smoke-free with ample lot parking available. I come highly recommended on the other boards and my reviews here echo those...
Toronto Escorts