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  1. W

    Looking to ditch Rogers...

    So I am looking to ditch rogers for home phone, drop to very basic TV, and maybe even lose for internet too. When searching online there is just way to much info out there that it beocmes overload and I can't get through it. I am looking for replacements. I would love to get into downloading...
  2. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    It is not just the liver damage. It is 4 factors 1. Liver Damage 2. Self testimony 3. 2 of the 3 ingredients 4. evidence of other drugs also consistent with self testimony. All dots combined, what picture would most people get?
  3. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    This is where I form my opinion, but to be honest I have never liked it in law, and I still say that even though it has let people get away with criminal activities on me. I just can not fathom a person who is truly not guilty suffering because it looked like he was guilty. I will form my...
  4. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    There is evidence that Martin assaulted Zimmerman. Of course there is. As for who hit who first, there is evidence as well in support of Martin being the aggressor, the placement of the keys for one example. But you do not want to look at that. Which is fine. But you openly admitting that...
  5. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    He may not have been a habitual user at all as well. That could be very true as well. I am open to all possibilities. Are you?
  6. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Again he was not in the shadows. If anything it could be said that Martin was in the shadows at the T of the walk way when Zimmerman was walking back. It can be said that Martin jumped out of those shadows and assaulted Zimmerman. There is more evidence to support that claim then the one you are...
  7. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1 Codeine stays in the body for 2-4 days. Depending on when he took it compared to when the autopsy was done, and many other factors - there is no way to say that it "cleared" Martin. Not with the liver damage at the age of 17. Sorry. The liver...
  8. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    So Martin is innocent and zimmerman is guilty in your eyes? Where did I get that wrong? You have been lobbying for days in this and another thread about Zimmerman being guilty of Martin's death. Are you now saying that Zimmerman is innocent. Afterall he is innocent until PROVEN guilty right...
  9. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    It is comments that like that make you look like a fool. Martin is innocent until proven guilty, but Zimmerman who was acquitted is still guilty??????? So please tell the class, how is someone innocent and how is someone guilty and how you come to those conclusions. You know - so the rest of...
  10. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Never made him out to be a hero. Never made Martin out to be a thug. Never saw race either. I saw a sad event of compounded mistakes from more then just Martin and Zimmerman that lead to the two of them meeting up at the T that night and regrettably only one walking away. Just as I hopefully...
  11. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Doesn't matter much to me. I am not a US citizen. I am not a member of either sides family. I don't live in Florida. I don't carry or own a gun. I don't follow people. Etc etc etc But it just shows the reality and where exactly your rage is coming from. It is quite informative. It is okay...
  12. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Which is you would be singing a completely fucking different tune if Zimmerman was a woman. I know it and you know it. Zimmerman was defending himself. Period. THAT is why he was found NOT GUILTY and you just helped show why. Thanks.
  13. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Is this directed to me? I have no problem doing this but you need to keep it equal. I answered yours. Answer mine.
  14. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    If he was ET???? May have had issue regarding our laws as he would not have US citizen. I would think of the case quite differently though. That would be a huge reason for Martin to be scared of being followed for sure, and I would really question why the ET was following him. Clearly the...
  15. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    I asked if it would still be self defence. Not what the defences job it but you are still avoiding. It is okay. I get it.
  16. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    They proved he was not guilty of murder based on self defence because TM was beating him up. So again would be self defence if it was a woman who TM was beating on in your opinion? Everything about the case. Just change the sex. Keep all the questions and assumptions you have. If it was a...
  17. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    No there is evidence. There is the placement of the keys, the testimony, the pictures of the attack, etc etc. There is evidence. It was collected and entered into the court. That is the way it goes. It was entered by both sides. Some is just plain fact, some it science, some is human but it is...
  18. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Yes. The evidence showed that. You choose not believe that evidence. That is your problem.
  19. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    The law doesn't not decide based on sex. But you would. If Zimmerman was a woman and got attacked by Martin, would you still say murder? You can't and you know it. That is why you don't say anything. It just as easily could have been some nosy old white ippity woman. Almost every neighbourhood...
  20. W

    The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1

    Dispatcher only said they don't need Zimmerman to follow. Not that he was not to allow him.
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