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    RANT: BBFS inquiries - who are these losers??

    It's a lot more common then you'd think. I was rather naive and oblivious just like OP regarding the subject up until recently to be honest, as it never crossed my mind that it could be even possible with agencies or reputable indies. I always associated BBFS with street walkers and such, oh how...
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    Is WW3 coming ?

    Gotta love the word propaganda when western media was trying to bury the story under 2 month coverage of MH370 disappearance. With all the Bluefin 21 and Angus Houston on the tele.
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    Is WW3 coming ?

    I like your cherry picking. It was also guaranteed that NATO will not expand and those words meant shit. So what happened?
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    Is WW3 coming ?

    Nothing. I was following the conflict closely and so far that was the only weakness from Putin geo-politically speaking. Western Empire is in a weak position right now, so yeah he could've sent "peace keepers" circa USA in 90s Yugoslavia, the only reasoning I see so far is that Russia already...
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    Am I missing chemicals/hormones in my head or body?

    It's a mental thing. We were raised in the age of virtual reality, the age where porn/sex/games/reality TV is all freely available through the screens of our computers/smartphones/tablets/laptops etc. There is no really point in getting off your ass physically and trying to get what you...
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    Global Warming. Fact or grossly exaggerated??

    It is obvious that Planet yet again shifted from the period of warming, back to cooling. Give it few years and the climate change fanatics will scream that the upcoming ice age is the prelude to the actual "catastrophy".
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    Russia now threatens Estonia

    Go deeper, and Estonians along with the rest of Prebaltic countries are mostly German, with a history of strong support of Fascist Germany when it invaded USSRs back in 1941. And yeah, Russians are considered to be second class citizens over there too.
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    Ron Paul: Crimea secedes. So what?

    Nobody else respects them, but Russians should?
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    Russia invades Ukraine

    They weren't Ukraine's to begin with. And yeah, that's what you want Nuclear War? Too much call of duty cyberboy? :)
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    Russia invades Ukraine

    And the reason? All the aggressive nation building that they've done since the collapse of Soviet Union. US followed the footsteps of Brits.
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    Russia invades Ukraine

    Trying to mess with the supply on the markets can work both ways, and if anything it will hurt both sides and bring us even closer to the brink...
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    Russia invades Ukraine

    That can of worms was opened long time ago. Balkans is a great example. Remember 2008? Kosovo?
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    How Cheap Are You?

    That kind of cheap I cannot stand. Nothing wrong with making smart purchases and save some money wherever you can though, living within your means is a good thing. I watched a guy at work trying to get a quarter for 5 minutes that fell under an automatic door. I was just shocked and speechless.
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    UK Muslim society wants forced sex segregation in UK universities

    Can't you just wait until Canadian Muslim population grows bigger and that kind of debate will start taking place here, in Canada? So exciting, hail Multiculturalism! Anything of value to contribute? Do you agree with the idea of segregating males and females like that?
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    You won't find much of that kind of right around here, more like live and let live and gtfo out of my pocket kind of right wing.
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    Hopefully the wife/gf cheating hypocrites will speak out to condemn that kind of illegal behaviour!
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    I have a different view on home schooling, but to each it's own.
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    Wal-Mart: An economic cancer on our cities

    How naive are you? Before you answer, check where your keyboard is made, might be from a third world exploitation.
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Sure. Not surprised that your book club didn't go out and do shit to get beer and weed money as teenagers.
  20. A

    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Um, you're right captain obvious? Just like if crack was available legally it wouldn't enable as much crime?
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