Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

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  1. K

    Island that is both tropical and semi arid

    The big island of Hawaii the Hawaiian chain is tropical on the east coast and quite arid on the West coast.
  2. K

    SP That Do Porn

    Samantha Knoxx, Brass Rail stripper, has a couple of videos with two bi guys on Port Hub.
  3. K

    Best tv series ever!

    Twilight Zone (the original)
  4. K

    Black people 'disproportionately' arrested, assaulted by Toronto police: OHRC

    Crime stats are available by race for the US. Last I saw, blacks committed, depending on the category, between 28 and 52 percent of crime. They are only about 13 percent of the population.
  5. K

    To the men mid 40's and older, how old were you when you sex drive declined?

    Anyone with problems might want to start Kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. These muscles help keep blood in the penis. They can get weaker as we age. One way to test is to use a cock ring or two. Experiment with different types and placement, i.e. around both cock...
  6. K

    Rooftop access at night! TORONTO?

    When the Park Hyatt on Bloor reopens this fall, and if they haven't changed it, you can sit outside at literally the edge of the building at the 17th floor cocktail bar.
  7. K

    Is Roman Polanski Next?

    I would sort of doubt that Polanski would be extradited to the US by this time. He has both French and Polish citizenship. Poland has pretty much supported him. The 13 year old he is accused of raping, Samantha Geimer, has said that she doesn't t want to pursue it and said he had suffered...
  8. K

    Coronavirus: Are You Scared?

    That's true. I read some early stats that said that the death rates were 0 percent for ages 0 to 9, 0.2 percent for under 40. Now if you are over 70 it can be up to 8 percent and over 14 percent if you are over 80. But even those high deaths are people with pre-existing conditions such as...
  9. K

    Should Natives have the right to block Canadian railways ?

    That's probably not a good idea. Once you do that you are inviting a similar response to virtually any project a small minority doesn't agree with. Anarchy could become a common occurrence with all the associated bad results. Then you might have to call on the army, not just the police.
  10. K

    Cars honking at me for doing a U-turn

    One good reason for U-turns in downtown Toronto, especially going across town, is that very few streets allow left hand turns for much of the day. There might be fewer U-turns if you could read the tiny print on the no left turn signs which tell the hours when left turns are not allowed. Ever...
  11. K

    Question to providers about orgasms

    Priceless. First order of business.
  12. K

    Spielberg's daughter launches adult entertainment career, says dad supports her

    Forget those rich, entitled loonies. Next thing you know she will want to experience being homeless You can say high and toss her a toonie at the bottom of the Gardiner Spadina exit.
  13. K

    Should Natives have the right to block Canadian railways ?

    The Indians don't seem to be playing by the Canadian ideals and standards of politeness and fairness. In the US the protestors would more than likely be told very, very quickly that there would be no negotiation until the blockages were removed voluntarily or if necessary by force and the time...
  14. K

    Rick James accused of raping a minor in 1979

    Ha, there is no physical evidence in most of these sexual assault cases. Remember you need physical damage, sperm or witnesses. The fact that someone inappropriately touched someone 10, 20 or 30 years ago without solid evidence doesn't cut it. Where is the rule of law in all this stuff...
  15. K

    Another problem with fracking: Increased sexually transmitted infections?

    Ya, those guys and gals are working 80 hours a week and sometimes 10 days straight. Young people getting a $100K a year start in life. What can be better than that? In heavy fracking PA and OH no such stats have been presented. And even if so, the younger age group have higher STD rates...
  16. K


    Not about equivalency or screening. If I meet a stranger anywhere and they ask my name, I should expect the same from them. Just a matter of common respect between two people regardless of relationship basis. As to screening the provider. If the provider is a new independent or works in...
  17. K


    This has been discussed many times. But when you meet someone anywhere in life and they want your name and other personal information, whether it ba a neighbor or someone in official capacity you have every right to expect and should demand the same in return. It's really just a matter of...
  18. K

    Madonna Calls Canada 'So Boring' In Message To Harry, Meghan

    Canadians are not boring. They are polite and don't try to become your best friend in 30 minutes. They do not pat you on the back and try to tell you how great you are. They are very efficient and schrewd, i.e., got rid of the useless penny long ago and gave away virtually nothing in the...
  19. K

    Is signing a contract to be with an SP exclusively common in this industry?

    He needs to negotiate a reasonable monthly rate that is renewable if both parties agree. That way he can get out, but really would have a pretty good deal. Might not be much more expensive than a wife and definitely cheaper than divorce.
  20. K

    Filmores closing

    The charm and character of Toronto is being destroyed by the developers and the huge dollars involved. In my opinion new condo development should be pushed north of Eglinton to save what's left of the downtown core. Otherwise you will have a concrete, steel and glass jungle like New York where...
Toronto Escorts