Toronto Escorts

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  1. C

    Toronto Bills

    Does Toronto ever get an NFL team? First off, the pros of Toronto... 1. Outside of LA and Mexico City, it is the largest North American market without a team. 2. Canada (and yes, even Toronto) has ridden this poor economic wave better than the US. The cons of Toronto... 1. Maple Leaf town...
  2. C

    Will Terrell Owens Sign With The Redskins?

    Forgetting the fact I'm responding after we know he signed with the Cincy Pussycats...Shanahan would have been a great coach for him. Shanny, if nothing else, knows how to treat prima donna vets. Funny how Denver's roster has been remade since he left town.
  3. C

    Ymmv guys are taking this too seriously...
  4. C


    Maybe...we need to start using the term more at restaurants and when reviewing traffic cops, etc... ;)
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    I think this is what I was poking fun at, right here. Every review seems to have those four little letters.
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    Meh...this was meant tongue in cheek opposed to dick in mouth.
  7. C


    Again, would this not simply be assumed? That's my point...
  8. C

    Do you answer the phone while having sex?

    Are you kidding?!?! What if it is my girlfriend phoning?
  9. C


    Odd question...but when does mileage not vary? It scares me to think that people read these reports and we feel the need to post 'YMMV'. For crying out loud, mileage from Montreal to Toronto changes depending on which lanes you drive in... No one's experience with an sp will ever be the...
  10. C

    Check your PM ;)

    Check your PM ;)
  11. C

    97th Grey Cup...Picks?

    First time even that the Als go up against the Western Riders. Who's your pick and what's the score? Unfortunately, I suspect the Super Bowl will be closer this year...Als 50, Sask 21
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    NFL...who's for real

    Chargers will not win anything with Norv as coach. Fire him now...hire Shanahan or Cowher, and they might have a shot.
  13. C

    NFL...who's for real

    Be interesting to see if they can out score New Orleans when the time comes.
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    CFL Playoffs -Grey Cup

    Realizing BC has now been dispatched by Mtl, guess it is too late to say 'told ya so', eh? It was just a feeling I had that the Lions were due to do something right back then.
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    Is it just me, or are the boots in general distribution getting higher? Guess they are not just for SPs anymore. Don't get me wrong, this is not a complaint. Being I tend to spend most of my working days in the downtown core, I'm just spouting off about my enjoyment here.
  16. C

    NHL in S-Ontario?

    Calgary Flames played their first three or four years at the Stampede Coral in front of about six thousand. Without the '88 Olympics, I wonder if the Saddledome ever would have been built in the first place.
  17. C

    NHL in S-Ontario?

    I beg to differ on Mississauga. The Ice Dogs did well when they were actually marketing the team. The Majors are still there and could do well as well. Even the Brampton Battalion have done well.
  18. C

    Best Song for the Hobble-de-gaga

    First off, "hobble-de-gaga" is a term I remember from an old morning guy on what was Mix 99.9 back in the 1990s, Rob Christie. Anyhow, sitting here with Genesis' 'Tonight, Tonight, Tonight' on my computer speakers and got to thinking how well this song would work for me. So, if you take the...
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    San Antonio Blue Jays?

    I just chose a random big US city that doesn't have a team. Insert Sacramento or Portland, Oregon, or whatever.
  20. C

    San Antonio Blue Jays?

    That's the thing right there...Rogers wants to make money. The Yankees and Red Socks ownership is there to win. The teams are their respective toys.
Toronto Escorts