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  1. J

    Favourite Nude Celebrity Pics

    Judy Greer is one hot lady.
  2. J

    Soccer Players are such PUSSIES

    Don Cherry's favourite sport - soccer.
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    Way to go China

    You dumb ass ! You are blaming over a billion people for a few people. In Korea, some of the population eat dogs. Are you going to blame their entire society for being backwards and twisted? Not so long ago some meat products in Europe had horse meat in it. So should we blame all Europeans...
  4. J

    Advice for Hobbyists

    Thank you for the good advice.
  5. J

    Miley sucks off a blow up doll onstage..

    I'm sure Miley's dad, Billy Ray, is a very-very proud dad right now.
  6. J

    Bringing a photo of a girl with you to an SP

    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Constanza brings a picture of his fake model girlfriend just to get into a club that was attended by only models.
  7. J

    Why are women so awful at parking?

    You sound like you have an issue with one or more women in your life. There are many bad drivers out in the GTA including both sexes.
  8. J

    2014 FHM 100 Sexiest

    Thanks. Don't agree with FHM rankings, but some very very nice eye candy.
  9. J

    Rogers Suck

    In my experience, you either love Rogers and hate Bell or vice versa. You may have reached a bad Rogers service rep. I'm not sticking up for Rogers but I've had bad experiences for both Roger and Bell. Sorry for your bad experience.
  10. J

    Need your help

    POF is mostly 70% men. Most female ads are probably men pretending to be females looking for men.
  11. J

    Porn Sex VS Real Sex

    Thanks. I want to have pancakes now.
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    How long until the search for Flight 370 is suspended?

    Lets thank the Malaysian government and airlines for being so forthcoming with information. If they would have asked for help then the search would have started sooner.
  13. J

    Kimmies Parties

    Naked Walmart...ewww
  14. J

    Confessions Escorts

    I agree with Serena. Varleria, you have a nice body!
  15. J

    What's Kathleen Wynn smoking?

    What's Kathleen Wynn smoking? It won't be a penis. She is a lesbian.
  16. J

    how to separate feelings for a SP?

    Very elegantly said Pablice
  17. J

    how to separate feelings for a SP?

    I totally agree.
  18. J

    how to separate feelings for a SP?

  19. J

    how to separate feelings for a SP?

    Thanks for the advice.
Toronto Escorts