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  1. J

    The most times you've repeated on an SP

    12 visits a year each? that is 6K roughly a yr?... I have spent about 7K on one SP this year(do the math $250/hr), I have seen only one... until I decided to move on and retire from this. There is a lot of fish in the sea why restrict yourself to 1 or 2? By doing the latter, you might find...
  2. J

    Paul Walker, Fast and Furious star dead at 40, in a fiery car crash...

    I had the pleasure of knowing Roger, he was a very very addicted to speed, which sadly led to this tragic moment of his and Paul's life. I really doubt that anyone could have stopped him from test driving the car on public streets. This makes me sad for the family and kids they both left behind...
  3. J

    Paul Walker, Fast and Furious star dead at 40, in a fiery car crash...

    We shall not forget the driver of the Porsche Carrera GT, Roger Rodas, great guy. He was a friend of mine, I was talking to him 2 days ago and I just learned that he was in the same car as Paul Walker. I got to know him about a year ago. He was the best in the business, speed addict, which...
  4. J

    Paul Walker, Fast and Furious star dead at 40, in a fiery car crash...

    Sadly it is True! RIP Paul Walker, Fast and Furious will never be the same without you.
  5. J

    adult vacation

    I'd suggest Cancun, Mexico. I just got back yesterday... try its a very fun open-minded resort as the name may suggest. If you aren't shy, you'll have a blast, there's a lot of adult activities.. foam parties, Topless volleyball games... Kinky games... sexy...
  6. J

    NetFlix Thread?

    If Rogers is your ISP, they charge $10/month for unlimited bandwidth. I believe Bell started that too.
  7. J

    NetFlix Thread?

    For Apple tv, it's almost similar to PS3. You just need to change your location to USA and change your DNS. Check the video, its a step by step. It works for me. As far as for PC or Mac, I use, you can either purchase it or use the free version with ads(little...
  8. J

    All things soccer 2012-13

    The final bow What a week it has been, with the biggest names in the world of football retiring. This season has been exceptionally amazing, simply because Manchester United showed their true colours by winning the Barclays Premier League, taking it back to Old Trafford, has been absolutely...
  9. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    The Definition Of Love My love is of a birth as rare As 'tis for object strange and high: It was begotten by Despair Upon Impossibility. Magnanimous Despair alone Could show me so divine a thing, Where feeble Hope could ne'er have flown But vainly flapped its tinsel wing. And yet I quickly...
  10. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    To my special ONE! Dedicated to someone special somewhere in this world. Life changes its beauty all the time Sometimes it’s a shade, sometimes life is sunlight, Live every moment here to your heart’s content, The time that is here may not be tomorrow, One who loves you whole-heartedly, If...
  11. J


    He was on NXT I think 2 years back, and WWE kinda need new face now.. Jericho, CM punk amongst others are getting old...
  12. J


    We all knew the outcome of that match, and yes for The Rock it's for publicity of this movies and his own personal ratings. However if you watched the whole match, it was really good, the 2 of the greatest WWE superstars in one ring. It was a good match. On the other hand, it's like fight The...
  13. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    Love Love Love, this feeling made me be a hopeless romantic. I hope I'm not the only one that enjoys this kind of writing. I wish I could tell YOU how much I love YOU, I love YOU, I love YOU very much, And when I close my eyes I see YOU, When I open my eyes I just want to see YOU, When YOU are...
  14. J


    Respect! WrestleMania29!
  15. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    As cliché as this may sound, I'm a romantic at heart. Poetry allows me to express myself. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of...
  16. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    Very much appreciated Don, I'm glad there are few more people that appreciates poetry as much as I do on this forum and YES go figure for the rest!
  17. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    there is one of the reason I don't post much here, because of stupid replies. Nope not british at all lol...
  18. J

    All things soccer 2012-13

    Manchester Town Hall is 84 per cent Red as United fans win derby Twitter poll. I guess we all knew there is only ONE Manchester and its RED!
  19. J

    Poems - Tribute to the greatest.

    I have been a big fan of poems for the longest time and John Keats was one of my fav poet. He was British Romantic poet, was very talented, unfortunately he died at a very young age. Tonight I'm feeling IT "romantic mood". Here goes one of his greatest poem. Hope you enjoy the finest poems as...
  20. J

    Music video

    try this music video
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