Garden of Eden Escorts
Toronto Escorts

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  1. F

    Best Niagara Falls Strip Club?

    Been wanting to visit there myself. One thing I have been wondering is how does tipping work in Canada? In the U.S. we still have a $1 bill, while in Canada there is no $1 or $2 bill.
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    Star Trek Apology

    That doesn't sound much different than Old Kirk.
  3. F

    How long a drive from Downtown Toronto to several SP's

    Thanks, for the reply Heather. I was planning on visiting in the early afternoon if possible, so it sounds like the perfect time frame.
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    How long a drive from Downtown Toronto to several SP's

    My hotel will be on Carlton and Yonge, and the location I am going to will be going to are the locations of the three women listed in the original post to this thread. As for when I am leaving it can be any day from Tuesday through Friday, and time isn't important, as long as it's not after...
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    How long a drive from Downtown Toronto to several SP's

    I have a GPS and have google maps, but that still doesn't give me an idea of how bad the traffic can be, nor does it help me know about parking. Personal experience is often more accurate than a simple calculation. The last time I was in Toronto my GPS estimated the time from Oakville to...
  6. F

    How long a drive from Downtown Toronto to several SP's

    Heather, Amber, and Nikki Klass are high up on my TDL when I will be in Toronto. One question i have is how long, time wise of a drive from the Downtown Toronto area, it takes to get the areas where each of these SP's works. That will let me know whether I will be able to take one or more...
  7. F

    How far in advance do you book?

    Unless I am really set on a specific woman, I'll usually book the same day or the night before. The few times I ever booked more than a day ahead has been because the woman I was looking for was not available when I called, or the next few days, and the person on the phone, either the agency...
  8. F

    East Indian escorts in Canada vs U.S.

    That doesn't seem to stop other nationalities from escorting in Ohio, and the rest of the U.S. I see a lot of Mexican and Korean escorts, and quite a few Western European across the U.S., and have recently seen quite a few Eastern Europe and Brazilian escorts show up on the east coast, and...
  9. F

    How are the border crossing times back to the U.S.

    Thanks, so it sounds like the sequester hasn't affected times. Which is good. I normally cross the border during non peak hours, I was just wondering if I need to modify my normal crossing times. I'll be entering Canada the Saturday of Memorial day weekend and will be crossing back during mid...
  10. F

    How are the border crossing times back to the U.S.

    I just thought of something about my upcoming trip to Canada, the current sequester fiasco. I'll probably have to ask this again at the end of the month, but I am wondering how badly the reduced staffing has affected border crossings back to the U.S. Last time I was in Toronto the line of cars...
  11. F

    East Indian escorts in Canada vs U.S.

    I have been wondering something for a while. Why is it that in cities like Toronto you can find a pretty decent number of East Indian escorts vs the U.S? Where I live in Ohio a lot of Indians have shown up in the last 20 years. Enough that we have a good variety of Indian restaurants both...
  12. F

    Provider friendly downtown hotels with good restaurants in walking distance

    Thanks for the comments, so far it looks like Sheraton Centre and Hilton will be another area I look for. Bond place would be out due to the key card for elevators. Since I normally see providers during the mid to late afternoon, I don't think I'll have a problem at the Ramada Plaza. I have...
  13. F

    Provider friendly downtown hotels with good restaurants in walking distance

    The last time I was in Toronto I stayed at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown. It was pretty decent hotel with a few good restaurants within walking distance. I'll be in Toronto toward the end of May and while I wouldn't mind staying there or at the Holiday Inn down the block a bit, I would...
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    busty amy

    Ouch, with the size hers were, that must have hurt. I can see why she wouldn't want to do Russian anymore.
  15. F

    busty amy

    Rachelle, I didn't find a review of her that mentioned why she no longer offers Russian. Thebigberthe, aafe GFE must be new for her, since I had a good GFE from her last year.
  16. F

    That time again...fave pornstars(with pics)

    I don't think she did any porn either, and it's a shame. She did do a bit of magazine work and feature dancing. I saw her once or twice when she toured, but don't remember much about her.
  17. F

    Friends just back from Cancun--robbed by police

    They will rob you another way, through heavy handed speed enforcement with outrageous ticket fees. For a perfect example drive along Route 4 between Tampa and Orlando. I once saw what looked like 30 motorcycle cops lined up behind a billboard waiting to catch speeders. The funniest part was...
  18. F

    Is Windsor / London a slow city for escorts?

    Exotic Temptations site seems to be gone. Thanks for the link to, I think that's where I did some research this summer, but lost the link.
  19. F

    Is Windsor / London a slow city for escorts?

    I may be in Detroit next summer, and if I am will likely do a little excursion to Windsor and London. I was in Toronto and Montreal this summer and there were a lot of women available. Windsor seems very sparse. The only women I have found are Nicholette, but she isn't quite what I am looking...
Toronto Escorts