Toronto Escorts

East Indian escorts in Canada vs U.S.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I have been wondering something for a while. Why is it that in cities like Toronto you can find a pretty decent number of East Indian escorts vs the U.S? Where I live in Ohio a lot of Indians have shown up in the last 20 years. Enough that we have a good variety of Indian restaurants both Southern Indian (Vegetarian) and Northern Indian, although I'll admit one of the best Indian Restaurants I ever ate was in Markham. I can count on one hand the number of Indian women I have seen show up in strip clubs in the U.S., and both were cousins. I have not found one Indian escort in the U.S, in any city.

Is there something different about the area of India that the immigrants to Canada come from vs the U.S?


New member
Jul 6, 2007
Many so called Indians in Toronto are from the Caribbeans taken there by the British to work in the civil service, these Indians over time have developed different sexual attitudes to the Indians who come directly from India who have highly conservative sexual attitudes.
The Indians in Ohio are directly from India hence the difference.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Many so called Indians in Toronto are from the Caribbeans taken there by the British to work in the civil service, these Indians over time have developed different sexual attitudes to the Indians who come directly from India who have highly conservative sexual attitudes.
The Indians in Ohio are directly from India hence the difference.
I agree..
Adding to this, the people coming from directly India (Either US or Canada) are immigrants striving for better prospectus and Mostly graduated in IT/Pharmacy/Health services. This is just a general opinion and may not be 100% but at least with 80% people i know.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
One simple reason presumably is Ohio Revised Code § 2907.24(A) Soliciting
That doesn't seem to stop other nationalities from escorting in Ohio, and the rest of the U.S. I see a lot of Mexican and Korean escorts, and quite a few Western European across the U.S., and have recently seen quite a few Eastern Europe and Brazilian escorts show up on the east coast, and slowly migrating west. It sounds like it's a combination that a lot of the Indians in Canada are actually Caribbean and more conservative upbringing. I suspected a more conservative upbringing, but didn't take in account the other option.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
In Toronto including our suburbs we have a huge population of east and west indians, that;s probably the main reason.
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