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  1. P

    Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack

    So I think everyone agreed a long time ago that Ford isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and has a list of faults as longer than his belt. In fact the only thing good that he has done is not be a "kiss-ass" to the city unions like Miller was. Still waiting for him to be charged with...
  2. P

    Oakville gas plant cancellation cost $1.1 billion

    So what are you saying? That this justifies what the Liberals did? That is perhaps the lamest, stupidest argument I have heard in a long time. Are you saying that this somehow mitigates it? Made it the right thing to do? This ranks right up there with some of your all time stupid...
  3. P

    Olivia Chow...Mayor?

    I believe the original point was whether Chow had run anything or had accomplished anything other than getting elected on Jack's coattails , which she hasn't. The point was not whether they were all elected officials or not which is what you are trying to turn it into. One presumes you are...
  4. P

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper to prorogue Parliament, push new session in October

    As usual you don't speak for very many people and your views have never been based on evenly applied criteria. In short you have proven yourself to be a biased windbag with the mistaken impression that people actually value your opinion.
  5. P

    Ontario By-election Predictions

    Wonder if the voters will actually do what needs to be done.
  6. P

    Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police

    LMAO. Lack of ego was never one of your problems was it?
  7. P

    finish this sentence - when I was young...

    I smoked my first cigarette at ten And for girls, I had a bad yen And I had quite a ball When I was young My faith was so much stronger then I believed in fellow men And I was so much older then When I was young Eric Burdon, The Animals
  8. P

    Sara from the fish plant

    Pretty average face and a bit of rubber on a very nice torso.
  9. P

    Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack

    Justify silence ? That is funny. 119 pages, and counting, of no video and a whole lot of drivel. Well to be honest one assumes its like the drivel in the first 20 pages, I'm sure no one bothers to read much of it anymore.
  10. P

    Analingus Contest

    He is your favourite so far? EWWWW !
  11. P

    Third win for Mayor Ford!

    Nah, the real assholes are few in number, the Vaughn's, the Ruby's, that wacko ass-pinch woman, and the Toronto Star city beat crew. The approval ratings are something different and very much volitile - look at BC. If there was a viable alternate candidate he would be in real trouble because ...
  12. P

    Teachers Taking "Sick Days" - Anyone want to defend this one?

    I stopped taking this thread seriously when I read the claim that they were in the top 10% when it comes to IQ. Hilarious stuff.
  13. P

    Steelworkers Call for Ontario Government to Investigate 407 ETR Contract

    Who cares what the Steelworkers want. There is no more corrupt organization in North America than that union (to say nothing about how they have fucked their Canadian members for the benefit of the US membership over the years).
  14. P

    Harper Regime getting desperate: Tories prepare mass-mail attack ads as Trudeau......

    There is zero evidence that it will bite Harper in the ass. So you really think it is perfectly okay for Trudeau to moonlighting and accepting large fees on the rubber chicken circuit when he is supposed to be working for us as an MP? Typical Liberal morality of convenience.
  15. P

    Sunshine girls

    Agree, is there a new Max Factor line of make-up called Slut or something?
  16. P

    Julia Ann look-alike (the pornstar)

    The only thing you aren't an expert on is mainly what this board is about. How ironic. :D
  17. P

    Ahhhh.... Rob Ford the crack fiend....

    You really have a low standard of proof don't you wiggles. If its in print in the Star it must be true. The only standard I know that is lower is if Sid Ryan says its true.
  18. P

    Low Blood Pressure

    As others have said your blood pressure is far from low, its actually "high normal".
  19. P

    Sick Days - It's Not Just Teachers

    The public sector will banckrupt the country in the same fashion that they have trashed Europe.
  20. P

    Edward Snowden: Ex CIA Whistleblower

    You sound like a scorned schoolgirl Aardvark not like you usually.
Toronto Escorts