Toronto Escorts

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  1. D

    Why is it that….

    Excellent idea :D But a nice warm pink would be so much better!
  2. D

    wow. durham is really lacking these days...

    Sorry Dirk but I can't agree to keep my hands (or mouth) off Heidi :p
  3. D

    wow. durham is really lacking these days...

    Having recently enjoyed spending some time with Heidi I have to agree and if she was in London she'd be getting hundreds of thousands of my pennies! One thing lacking in Durham is her agreement to make that move :biggrin1:
  4. D

    a new thread

    That's good to hear Doug! Canceled dates are not usually a problem but being stood up, wasting over an hour of a guy's time and travel costs gets tiresome. Shay did it once and gave me a $50 discount on the next visit, this was a great gesture and it is the only compensation I've ever received...
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    a new thread

    Before I stopped using EC I don't recall seeing anything negative about Jasmine. I also don't think I was the only one being stood up frequently by Paris and Angel but you never read complaints about them either. Just wondering if the comment on Jasmine is inside knowledge because there never...
  6. D

    Travelling To Windsor for a few day

    Here are 2 I think bluecolt may be talking about Tanya Tease Jasmine
  7. D

    A kind of a whine, a followup to Recommendation request

    You didn't stay! It's not easy to have some fun with a very attractive young woman if you don't stay :frusty:
  8. D

    a new thread

    SP's - 2 names I'd add are Dani Harper and Frankie Fine - both moved away but visit. In London Blond Angel and Paris were former favs but easily the 2 worst for reliability that I've ever met. MP's - also recommend Jorja and Jasmine, miss Luvy. Only saw Jasmine once but knew from that visit...
  9. D

    texting vs calling...........

    It's got that fishy wind up smell to it! He's "connected" and he's probably got more electronic gadgets than the rest of us :biggrin1:
  10. D

    texting vs calling...........

    So what are your thoughts on the guys spending hundreds or thousands of bucks a month on this hobby?
  11. D

    Saying Goodbye to Terb for now!

    Good luck Sal, with Remembrance Day approaching it's time for us to be thinking about all that make a sacrifice. I hope yours is only some time lost with Toronto ladies!
  12. D

    Review: Blonde Brooke.

    Did Helena explain it well enough? are you ready for the next leg collapsing installment? Bopp, I was screwed before that, there are connections with a lady I openly criticized on this board so my name is probably on their communal blacklist.
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    Review: Blonde Brooke.

    Did Heaven relocate, if so where to, or is she still retired?
  14. D

    Review: Blonde Brooke.

    Not so new as you may think! Brooke formerly Brittney in London, and Tessa formerly Summer. http://www.**********.com/reviews/showthread.php?p=413404
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    I think Brooke was Brittney in London until the end of August.
  16. D

    Prettiest MAs and SPs

    Seems to be an Alberta based agency but this post in the London section implies she is the Elle from T2T
  17. D

    Prettiest MAs and SPs

    Is this the Elle you are looking for?
  18. D

    Jayda @ Splendid

    Skiman Had Incomprehensibly Lousy Luck with his search for reviews on Jayda before he posted this!
  19. D

    incall in Guelph

    Probably??? Probably!!! :) If Helena wasn't so far away I'd probably be penniless! Probably??? No, definitely!
  20. D

    heading down

    Well reviewed independents For the parlours info on 5 locations can be found on this link
Toronto Escorts