CupidS Escorts

Why is it that….


she drives me crazy
Mar 9, 2003
I moved to the KW board a few years ago when I relocated for work and immediately felt the icy wrath of a few of the douche bags out here - you know who you are. I too have fallen pray to childish pissing contests with a few (well one particular) individual and it is a complete waste of time and energy.

I am going to take Da Vinci's advice and ignore a few people that piss me off.

Quite frankly, if we could rid this board of the two or three morons it could be fun and helpful for the rest of us. I for one try to post honest reviews as often as I can and avoid the other fluff.



New member
Jan 1, 2011
This K-W board would run much smoother if a few simple rules were followed:
1. If you are new and you have met a SP, don't post a review (then you won't be called a S H I L L).
2. If you are new, and maybe you are are unsure how things work - like search - don't ask about a previously reviewed SP (then you won't be told "there's a search feature idiot, learn to use it").
3. If you have a great session with a SP who has been previously accused of doing drugs or given bad service, don't post a review (wait until someone inquires and send them a PM - then you won't be called a S H I L L by posting in the thread).
4. If you have a bad session with one of the local legends, suck it up and don't post (then you won't be told "her dog must have died and you're a prick for being so unreasonable").
5. If one of the local legends stands you up, suck it up and don't post (you probably didn't super-duper confirm your appointment).
6. If one of the regulars posts something stupid and you really want to respond "arghhh, why do you always post such useless shit" don't respond (as has been said here many times, use the ignore button).
Lastly, if in doubt, PM one of the regulars and make sure what you were considering posting isn't going to upset any of them...


New member
Dec 3, 2005
This K-W board would run much smoother if a few simple rules were followed:
1. If you are new and you have met a SP, don't post a review (then you won't be called a S H I L L).
2. If you are new, and maybe you are are unsure how things work - like search - don't ask about a previously reviewed SP (then you won't be told "there's a search feature idiot, learn to use it").
3. If you have a great session with a SP who has been previously accused of doing drugs or given bad service, don't post a review (wait until someone inquires and send them a PM - then you won't be called a S H I L L by posting in the thread).
4. If you have a bad session with one of the local legends, suck it up and don't post (then you won't be told "her dog must have died and you're a prick for being so unreasonable").
5. If one of the local legends stands you up, suck it up and don't post (you probably didn't super-duper confirm your appointment).
6. If one of the regulars posts something stupid and you really want to respond "arghhh, why do you always post such useless shit" don't respond (as has been said here many times, use the ignore button).
Lastly, if in doubt, PM one of the regulars and make sure what you were considering posting isn't going to upset any of them...
Hahahaha love it......seriously hoping your being sarcastic tho.... unfortunately its hard to tell now a days


Apr 7, 2005
Sorry if this insults some gentle sensibilities but there are too many thin-skinned over-sensitive terbites out there most of whom have joined in the last few years or so and do not have the ability to do anything but bitch and complain.

Come on people grow a pair of big brass ones and stop all the whining.

Christ, sometimes you come on here and it's like some bully stole everyone's lunch money and everyone is crying about it.

Get over yourselves. This is an open forum about massage parlors and escorts.

I have no problem arguing with people about anything on here but the whining, moaning, and wailing about the "big bad nasty people" is getting so tiresome.


Jan 17, 2004
Regardless, I use to remember the gold ole' days in the K/W. It was well known for a friendly place to visit, lots of hot, nice girls like Mariah, Nikita, Erin, Victoria, Jenna, etc...and good guys like Calloway, Stoo, CEO, Cutter (good your still here) .
Let’s not forget Amanda, God she was hot.

Magicmanofmassage was also prolific back in those days, he had his faves. I met up with him for coffee from time to time, usually before his weekly get together with …….hmmmm, well, you probably know who.

I understand he was remarried not long ago, apparently his new lady resembles…….hmmmm, well, you probably know who.

Speaking of CEO, he popped back a few of months ago and reviewed one of the local favourites. Calloway and Stoo haven’t been heard from in a while.

Let's get back to just having fun and enjoy the girls.
Exactly what this thread was meant to be about.
I don't get to KW much anymore... either for real, or in here. If it makes you feel any better, many of the forums are full of smack-talk. Maybe people are just generally feeling stressed and "beat up" in their jobs and stuff I think, and they take "revenge" in the comfort of the WWW.

Perhaps if we all remember that we're here to share info and banter about the worlds oldest, and most awesome, profession that will help. What could be more fun than chatting about, and with, our favorite ladies after all?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Ok....Here is a "but can't help myself post"

Terb has been a great place at times....An awesome place to log in, get a chuckle and for you men a chubby pickle...
For the ladies an awesome place as well, a smirk, a response, a little comment!

This thread was meant to be a positive..but as soon as you try to be positive on a negative issue...Bam....(read above comments)
God damn it everyone....
I vote for..if you are having a bad may not post on any thread on Terb!!!
Lets get this board back in shape!!!

BTW...Helena???? Check ur email shortly....

Signing off with a --------I never give up on positivity....And DJ??? Lets go to a Anthony Robins Seminar... <My treat>


New member
Mar 5, 2010
I hear Wayne Dyer is coming to TO,he is a feel good sort of guy. Tickets are a wee bit less to I believe. If you meet up with him don't tell him I sent you, he kinda told me that casual sex isn't the way to live in the moment....whatever...:)


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I hear Wayne Dyer is coming to TO,he is a feel good sort of guy. Tickets are a wee bit less to I believe. If you meet up with him don't tell him I sent you, he kinda told me that casual sex isn't the way to live in the moment....whatever...:)
Money is no object...just some Motivational listening.... And Motivational sex!!!;)


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Vash, I think most poster understand that the OP intended for this to be a positive post. However, it is based solely on what the OP thinks is wrong with the board (and I agree that what he suggests is a big part that is wrong). It actually comes off as somewhat condescending "I thinks this is wrong and you should stop doing it.". As we saw from one response, another poster has issues with some of the OPs posting. And the OP did not address that - no, "oh I'm doing this and it's bugging someone so I will stop.".

Personally, I think posters should back off on the S H I L L drama and go easy on newbies. I happen to think that is worse than members having a pissing contest, but thats just me.

I also happen to think Helena is bang on - everyone should chill and have fun. Or do what I did and put certain people on ignore!

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
...And Motivational sex!!!;)
I'd be up for that, my dear!

Can we invite Miss Helena too?

I like her idea of fun. I know I'd recognize it the moment it walks up, before it even gets down on its knees.

And I'm pretty sure I'd find that to be a motivational experience.

SS Sharla

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Tony Robins and Wayne Dyer mentioned in one thread.

This is the best thread ever!

Throw in some Cheryl Richardson, and Ester and Jerry Hicks and you'll really get me going.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Tony Robins and Wayne Dyer mentioned in one thread.

This is the best thread ever!

Throw in some Cheryl Richardson, and Ester and Jerry Hicks and you'll really get me going.
It's a crazy world when you discover new names in your quest for enlightenment on Terb....:)

SS Sharla

New member
Nov 1, 2010
It's a crazy world when you discover new names in your quest for enlightenment on Terb....
There are no limits on where you can find grace. Often, it is in the stragest of places and comes at the most unlikely time.

If you pick up a E/J Hicks book try to read it with a little more then a 'grain' of salt. But their exapmles of positive affirmations, gratitude, and manifestation are interesting. A little repetative at times but that is the whole idea of affirmations.

Cheryl Richardson is speaking at the "I Can Do It!" conference that Wayne Dyer is doing in TO. Been considering going.

This stuff doesn't appeal to everybody but it seems to work great for those who enjoy it.
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