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  1. I


    What makes you so sure the first guy didn't already know that?
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    US Media today is insane

    The troubling part is that the story should have been over once it came out she just got cold feet and ran away. There is no need in the world for that sort of story to merit a 1 hour special on CNN Friday night.
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    US Media today is insane

    Like blaming Democrats for everything when Republicans have the White House, Senate, Congress, AND the Supreme Court?
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    No offense taken. Well, i know that, and you know that. But the 45 million are merely at the mercy of the rest of us who don't seem to care about them. I find it amazing that Americans can sit in judgement of other regimes, whether they be Iraqi, North Korean, or whatever other regime that...
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    GOP calls Osama tape "a gift"

    Re: Re: GOP calls Osama tape "a gift" For some reason, Colin Powell's presentation to the UN just popped into my head.
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    Fine, then Bush can run for the President of Chad. In America we don't settle for being better than the rest of the world. We aspire to be the best we can be. See ya in my rear view mirror.
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    The Case Against George W. Bush (A Must Read)

    When you admit Abu Ghraib was the worst thing that could happen when fighting people who "hate us for our freedoms"...when you concede that the pre war rationales were entirely made up....when you concede that outing Valerie Plame was treasonous....when you concede that Al Qaqaa is a disaster in...
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    GOP calls Osama tape "a gift"

    Re: Re: GOP calls Osama tape "a gift" No, the point is that the Republicans are giddy over Bin Laden still being out there releasing tapes. Still ABLE to be out there releasing tapes. Imagine 40 soldiers being massacred Monday in Iraq, and the Kerry campaign calling it "a little gift".
  9. I

    GOP calls Osama tape "a gift"

    Actually, they did release such an ad. They may have left out the 9/13/01 quote, but as soon as he lied in the debate, they had one out within a day or 2. We just don't see them.
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    Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape

    Actually, Bush has been considered a right wing whacko for quite some time. Only today did i hear anyone suggest OBL was also a right wing whacko. By yourself, of course. So the joke's on you, bud.
  11. I


    Maybe this is naive, but if those 40 million all were able to start contributing to the healthcare pool, even if it had to be with the help of taxpayer contributions, rates should go down for everybody else. Everyone insured, lower rates per person......sounds like a winner.
  12. I


    And Bush is sure getting the job done there <rolling eyes>.
  13. I

    GOP calls Osama tape "a gift"

    This is where i wish the democrats had some balls. Release an ad showing snippets of Bin Laden's new tape, and follow that up with Bush saying he's not concerned about him.
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    GOP calls Osama tape "a gift"

    Imagine if Kerry's camp called the existence of OBL's threats "a gift". "We want people to think 'terrorism' for the last four days," said a Bush-Cheney campaign official. "And anything that raises the issue in people's minds is good...
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    1)Just out of curiosity, which country has a higher mortality rate? 2)Why does anyone assume that government beaurocrats (sp?) would be any worse than HMO beaurocrats when it comes to getting treatments? I'm currently sitting around waiting for my HMO to approve an MRI on my back so my doctor...
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    Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape

    Some things just deserve repeating.
  17. I


    Oh come on. Grow a sense of humor.
  18. I


    Then i'll say it. What the fark are you talking about? Are you sure you're posting in the right thread?
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    Oh please. What a wonderful view of your fellow man you seem to share.
  20. I


    Blah blah blah. Public education, social security, and even the notion of subsidized health care for those who can't afford their own......thinking those are bad things is idiocy. You can spend your money better? Altogether now "Cut my taxes". Go ahead, say it. You want your taxes cut and if...
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