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US Media today is insane


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
Berlin said:
I don't think it's a " US " media thing. It's more like a common approach to milk the story to the max, for any broadcasting stations.
The troubling part is that the story should have been over once it came out she just got cold feet and ran away. There is no need in the world for that sort of story to merit a 1 hour special on CNN Friday night.


Jan 20, 2004
Esco! said:
A few years ago a little girl was kidnapped, held hostage for a few days and then escaped. CNN had live coverage for almost a week as I remember, see here:


The girl was neither white nor rich.
I can probably dig up a few more cases like this so stay tuned
Once this women called to say she was ok, lied, then told the truth, MOVE on US media, give some coverage to the next missing person.
If this women is not charged I think she should at least have to foot the bill for the police man hours during the search.

And this women knew she was in the media spotlight why else would she have cut her hair


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
wildchilds said:
And this women knew she was in the media spotlight why else would she have cut her hair
Simple. She needed a change.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Esco! said:
There was no police report filed by her, she just went missing and never told anyone.
She never broke any laws that I'm aware of.
She called 911 didnt she


Jun 29, 2003
Dar ?

there was a women in politics from western Canada a few years ago,name was Dar ? that claimed she was kidnapped,she ended up in Las Vegas with some guy.Her husband claims she was kidnapped but authorities think elsewise,in fact they made some deal between the Alberta Gov and Montana to stay off the charges.
This newest case has the family making a statement that they never knew she had so many problems and they were going to address them.
Media will always pick up this kind of story,regardless of race colour or religion.The latest one now is the 14 year old that is a JW and does not want a blood transfusion,she is in Toronto now,just wait to see the press behind this one,unless an election is called,


Jan 20, 2004
Don said:
I was gonna post about Zhang but you beat me to it. Anyway wildchilds just has some issues. Simple as that.
Zhang story was real and Canadian, thread is "US" media as in USA duh :rolleyes:
The point is once this woman was found to be a phoney CNN should move to the another missing person, not waste airspace talking to wedding planners/would be guests of the wedding


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
wildchilds said:
Zhang story was real and Canadian, thread is "US" media as in USA duh
The Zhang story was also on american media...DUH :rolleyes:

wildchilds said:
The point is once this woman was found to be a phoney CNN should move to the another missing person, not waste airspace talking to wedding planners/would be guests of the wedding
OK, thats an excellent point and I agree with you, BUT, why did you bring up the fact she was white and rich???


Jan 20, 2004
Esco! said:
The Zhang story was also on american media...DUH
Not nearly as much coverage on CNN as this is getting and Zhang story was a tragedy this is not :rolleyes:

Esco! said:
OK, thats an excellent point and I agree with you, BUT, why did you bring up the fact she was white and rich
Because she IS white and rich, surely you don't believe if this woman was from any other non white background it would be getting the same coverage


New member
Dec 21, 2004
The only place that she committed any crime was in New Mexico (where she called 911) and they have said that they have no intention of charging her with anything. She may be required to make restitution for the effort made to find her in and around her home town, but that would be a civil matter.


Driver/World Dominator
May 2, 2005
Esco! said:
There was no police report filed by her, she just went missing and never told anyone.
She never broke any laws that I'm aware of.
She called 911 from a pay phone and claimed she was kidnapped. That is filing a false police report. Charges Pending!!! and well deserved.

wild ricky

New member
Jan 22, 2005
I think the point is that the media is milking this "news" item for all it is worth. This is still a headline story on CNN and now the only thing left to discuss is whether she gets charged with a crime - who cares? The DA in the communities involved need to make that decision and just do it. Unfortunately the American public is so voyeuristic they actually enjoy this sort of somewhat sordid story so the media keeps playing it. It says as much about society as it does about the desperate ends to which the media will go to find a titillating story to increase readership - I think it is called yellow journalism.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
wildchilds said:
Not nearly as much coverage on CNN as this is getting and Zhang story was a tragedy this is not
hello???? Wilbanks was getting coverage because they THOUGHT IT WAS A TRAGEDY AT THE TIME! They didn't know it was a hoax and when it was exposed, Wilbanks is getting roasted in the media. What if the Zhang story turned out to be a hoax? It still got all that coverage because people though it was real AT THE TIME!!!


wildchilds said:
Because she IS white and rich, surely you don't believe if this woman was from any other non white background it would be getting the same coverage
Yup. News is news. Green is the big color in the media. And yeah, rich people draw a lot of attention - regardless of color. btw - I don't recall reading anything that she was rich. And yeah Zhang was news on all the news mediums in the US. People I know in the US would constantly ask me if they found the missing Chinese girl yet.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
wild ricky said:
Unfortunately the American public is so voyeuristic they actually enjoy this sort of somewhat sordid story so the media keeps playing it.
I get a snicker when I hear comments like that. We watch all the American stations too. I was wandering around Queen St. last night and it was packed with tons of teens waiting for Paris Hilton. There are a lot of Canadians who watch that Simple Life trash, just like there are a lot of Canadians who watch American idol and Survivor and all the other American broadcasts.... news too. People aren't watching Train 48 on Global or the Red, Blue Green show (or whatever it is - that show that spun off into that Duct Tape movie). I won't even go into music.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
The "runaway bride" may be charged as she called her Finace' and said she had been kidnapped.

The local Police and State Police can charge her with public mischief etc and also recoup costs for a pointless search.

As to American Media...thee all news channels like CNN rely on a loop factor. Keep replaying the loop until something else comes up to replace it. It was a slow News day so to speak. If three's nothing new..follow up with redundant stories like "cold feet syndrome". Always a shrink looking for airtime willing to comment.

Media..no matter where it's located is advertising dollar driven. What are people looking to know? Then push the hell out of it! Over and over. They look at the average person tuning in for about `5 mins at a time...thats why the loop is so tight on these stories.


Jan 20, 2004
Don said:
hello???? Wilbanks was getting coverage because they THOUGHT IT WAS A TRAGEDY AT THE TIME! They didn't know it was a hoax and when it was exposed, Wilbanks is getting roasted in the media. .
"US media is insane" for the coverage ONCE they found out it was a hoax :rolleyes:

Oh and "hello????" to you as well


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
wildchilds said:
"US media is insane" for the coverage ONCE they found out it was a hoax :rolleyes:

Oh and "hello????" to you as well
I disagree. This broad deserves to get roasted in the media for what she did. Hopefully all the negative press will make other would be wedding runaways think about the repercussions.
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