Toronto Escorts

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  1. K

    17 yr old Miley Cyrus new video. Gone too far?

    She's trying a bit too hard here.
  2. K

    Most Overrated NHL Player

    I think that during the free agency period this summer, Tomas Plekanec will be the most over-rated. He's had an amazing year this year, but very average years during the past. But he will get paid lots of $.
  3. K

    Top 10 Cities With The Most Beautiful Women

    Tavistock, Ontario should have made the list too. LOL.
  4. K

    Top 10 Cities With The Most Beautiful Women

    Prague didn't make the list? All the women I saw there were dolled up.
  5. K

    Siberian Tigers Fed Live Cow in China

    Here's the video!
  6. K

    One of Tiger's Pornstar choices > Joslyn James

    I do not judge Tiger's decisions...he is male afterall. The only thing I question is his choice of women. I would go for hotter chicks!
  7. K

    Old-timers wrasslin' - Hogan and Flair return to ring

    It's sad that wrasslin has to rely on the oldtimers to draw attention. IMHO this just means that the younger guys can't do the selling job, but then again, its another era, an era of real fighting in the form of mma.
  8. K

    Bret "The Hitman" Hart

    Out of all this drama, Vince is the winner!!!
  9. K

    Canada Juniors at the WJC

    Well said. Couldn't have said it better.
  10. K

    Canada Juniors at the WJC

    Aren't some of the best under 20 players playing in the NHL because they are too good to be playing junior hockey?
  11. K

    Canada Juniors at the WJC

    I am not a fan of the WJC. The fact that TSN over hypes it turned me off to it. Canada seems to be in the only country to care about the WJC as it hosts every other year.
  12. K

    Would you have cheated on her???

    I would not have cheated on her personally. But if I was Tiger Woods, yes I would.
  13. K

    What Is Up With Those NHL Morons Who Discipline Players?

    What about Keith Ballard chopping his own goalie's head off? What a moron.
  14. K

    Rental Question

    They don't have to initial the letter, but you can ask them to acknowledge receipt of the letter in writing or by email. When I send a letter to my landlord, I usually send it by email and ask him to respond to the email acknowledging receipt.
  15. K

    Vikings Cat69

    Thanks for letting us know. I was planning to book them early next year.
  16. K

    McDonald's Goes Upscale

    I gotta try the coffee then.
  17. K

    McDonald's Goes Upscale

    The food still sucks (except for the fries).
  18. K

    Movie - Ivan the Terrible: The cruellest Tsar of all!

    Any information on when this movie will be released? It looks interesting.
  19. K

    Tourism website includes ROM addition on World's top 10 ugly buildings list

    Their leader Kim Jong-il probably thought that it was the most beautiful architecture ever and nobody dared to disagree with him...or the ones who disagreed were buried at the bottom of this building. Is there a ranking of the world's ugliest leaders?
  20. K

    Tourism website includes ROM addition on World's top 10 ugly buildings list

    And the content in Canadian museums, galleries and places like the science centre are weak compared to other similar institutions around the world.
Toronto Escorts