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Rental Question


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I recently bought a condo with a closing date of October 2010. Since my lease for my present apartment will renew August 1st, I will go month to month for the remaining time. I'm required to submit my request in writing to my landlord. He will then send the request to the property management company, who will turn send me a letter of approval/confirmation.

My question is, when I give my written notice to my landlord, should I request they initial the letter and give me a copy, or provide me with a receipt of some kind? I'd feel better if I had documented proof that I in fact gave them written notice. That way, they can't come back later and say that I didn't give them anything. What do you think?

Kirk Lazarus

New member
Feb 5, 2009
I recently bought a condo with a closing date of October 2010. Since my lease for my present apartment will renew August 1st, I will go month to month for the remaining time. I'm required to submit my request in writing to my landlord. He will then send the request to the property management company, who will turn send me a letter of approval/confirmation.

My question is, when I give my written notice to my landlord, should I request they initial the letter and give me a copy, or provide me with a receipt of some kind? I'd feel better if I had documented proof that I in fact gave them written notice. That way, they can't come back later and say that I didn't give them anything. What do you think?
They don't have to initial the letter, but you can ask them to acknowledge receipt of the letter in writing or by email. When I send a letter to my landlord, I usually send it by email and ask him to respond to the email acknowledging receipt.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
make 2 copies of the letter, have them sign one which you keep and give them the other one.
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