Ashley Madison

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  1. S

    Montreal Canadiens

    Carrier and Guhle have been an amazing second pair. It's a shame Guhle is unlikely to be back this season but Struble has really rose to the occasion and played quite well.
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    Trump Lures Putin Away from China

    Anybody who thinks that there is even the remotest of chances this could happen needs to stop unironically watching cable news, grab firm hold of their ankles and pull their head out of their ass. Neither the Russians nor the Chinese trust the Americans at all, thus eliminating any chance of...
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    Do the navigation systems in new cars keep track of where we go?

    This is why I only drive old cars without fancy gizmos and doodads. All the crap they put in cars these days is unnecessary fluff and, in the case of GPS, is a gross invasion of privacy
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    Describe Pierre Polivere

    Politically he is everything Trudeau is, just watered down and less obnoxious
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    Montreal Canadiens

    Owen Beck is looking like he could take Dach's place for now. Either way I'm not overly concerned. I'm looking towards next season
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    A Blast From The Past

    Guess Toronto has mellowed throughout the years, all they did when Saint Floyd overdosed on fentanyl was hold a struggle session
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    Montreal Canadiens

    I don't think they will do much of anything. If anything they might try to move Evans, Armia or Dvorak. Maybe Anderson but I hope they do nothing, keep the team together and see if they can make the push into the playoffs
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    The future of warfare are drones

    Phalanx also uses a lot of ammo and have a short range but that's not the point. The drones are the distraction that make hypersonic missile strikes a sure thing.
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    Police arrest 20 'crime tourists' who came to Canada to burgle homes

    I already gave my solution. Put them up against a wall and shoot them while cameras are recording but then you came in with your sadism demanding that they be tortured first.
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    The future of warfare are drones

    I'm not entirely sure that's possible but i freely admit my ignorance where the engineering and science is concerned. I would imagine that if it were possible both Russia and Ukraine wouldn't be bothered with experimenting with wire guided drones. Can't use electronic warfare to jam a fiberoptic...
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    The future of warfare are drones

    Do you mean jamming the electronic warfare jammers that are jamming the drones? Or to put it another way, Darth Helmet using blackberry jam to jam Barf's raspberry jam?
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    The future of warfare are drones

    They conveniently left out the part where electronic warfare equipment is able to knock out drones being flown with RF controls. You are starting to see wire guided drones but they have a limited range and have to carry a massive spool of fiberoptic cable, reducing the explosive payload they can...
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    Montreal Canadiens

    They'll have to go on a run like they did in December/early January. Not impossible but they'll also need some help from the teams ahead of them loosing games. Regardless of whether or not they make the playoffs I'm happy with this season. The team is showing they have a good core and having...
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    Police arrest 20 'crime tourists' who came to Canada to burgle homes

    So would televising them being shot in the heart. What you are proposing is the kind of shit that cartels do in Mexico. It serves no purpose other than satiating he bloodlust of a psychopath.
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    Police arrest 20 'crime tourists' who came to Canada to burgle homes

    Well taking a bullet to the heart or having your neck broken by a gallows are two quick ways of dispatching someone. Sure you could send them feet first through a wood chipper or feed them to hungry polar bears but that's psychotic behavior. Kill them sure but making people suffer unnecessarily...
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    Police arrest 20 'crime tourists' who came to Canada to burgle homes

    I disagree, invite the media from their home country to come record them being put in front of a wall and shot. Won't take long before this becomes a thing of the past
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    Roberta Flack is gone

    I only recently found out that Killing Me Softly was by Roberta Flack originally. I always thought it was the Fugees who originally recorded it
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    Music during appointments

    I was burying my face in between the legs of an SP and WAP by Cardi B came on, I insisted on pausing so I could change the track to the mashup of Rasputin by Boney M and WAP. We both loled. I prefer listening to Lo-Fi with escorts, no lyrics to cause distractions
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    Sign The Petition To Revoke Elon Musk's Canadian Citizenship

    This is, to paraphrase an olde English playwright, all sound and fury signifying nothingness
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    Someone explain to me....

    Sounds to me like there are shenanigans afoot. A good, and real, escort should have at least one place where they advertise. If all they got is a Twitter account, I wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole
Toronto Escorts