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Sign The Petition To Revoke Elon Musk's Canadian Citizenship


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Does he have to pay Canadian income tax on his world wide income?

ONLY the United States and Eritrea impose taxes on their citizens living abroad. So dual national (say US/Canadian citizens living in Canada) have to file a US tax return every year. Failing to do so can incur significant penalties.

I had a gf who was born in Canada to an American mother who lived here all her life and Canadan father. She got a US passport for shits and giggles. A few years back, she got detained at UC Immigration for failing to use her US passport to enter the US AND also for failing to file US income tax returns. She had to hire a US lawyer. a Canadian lawyer and an accountant to sort out and file her US 1040's. Cost her $15k in professioonal fees.

How much tax did she owe Uncle Sam? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada!

This is because she always filed and paid her Canadian tax obligations, which through a foreign tax credit, offset her US taxes.

The rest of the world taxes based on residency, where you are living and working. Well except for Eritrea who imposes a special 2% tax on all Eritreans abroad - dual-nationals included - in order to fund the dictatorial one-party government which has ruled since independence in 1993.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Shouldn't we be more worried about all the illegals committing crimes in Canada and not going from court to a plane back their home country?

Granite Top

Active member
Feb 17, 2025
Trudeau says to cut it out, but not to worry however, he won't be writing Musk out a cheque for $10 million like he did to the other Canadian Omar Khadr who murdered that US Army Sergeant.

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