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  1. H

    A question on the right to self defense

    LOL LOL Who said anything about "sneaking up on him"?? Him being the intruder whom has just broken in my home and is holding or pointing a gun at me/my family? LOL -- Friendly recommendation: common sense goes a long way... even when arguing on an online escort review forum. Even if a gun...
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    The First Attack: 9/11 WTC sub-level explosions

    No fugi, I won't do your research for you. It's common knowledge of the Military Jet fighters whom were trained for terroists attacks almost identical to the planes flying into the World Trade Centre/Pentagon. But good on ya for keeping yourself informed and reading up on it as much as...
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    The First Attack: 9/11 WTC sub-level explosions

    I absolutely believe that we've been lied to by the American Government. There are reports after reports of both eye witnesses and professionals in architecture and building whom say it just isin't possible for planes crashing into the top of buildings such as the World Trade Centre, to cause...
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    Is Objectification such a bad thing?

    This argument doesn't stand due to your willing participation in the sex trade business... which unfortunately serves to prove if such objectification exists, it is existential to woman's beliefs rather than men's.
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    Most Sick & Shocking Video To Come Out Of Gaza Yet

    "Witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons, and Palestinian security officials said the blast apparently was caused by the mishandling of weapons. Hamas blamed Israel, saying Israeli aircraft flew overhead during the rally. Israel denied it was involved." These three lines show the...
  6. H

    How to last longer??

    This has turned into quite the read... I had no idea men tried to "control" their orgasms, as I know if I feel one coming on, I can't help but want to make love harder and faster. Even pushing against him so we can climax together... Although I am a woman and our bodies are totally different...
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    Thankyou so much Sandstorm :)
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    I'm so sorry to hear that... I understand how debilitating Alzhimers can be and the loss you are experiencing watching someone you love go through that.
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    Guys thankyou so much for your responses and affirmation... last night I was really nostalgic about my parents leaving again, especially as the last time my mum got sick with Malaria (while in Mozambique). She recovered well enough and they both went on to really enjoy the rest of their...
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    As my parents are going away again to South Africa for the next 6 months, I've become really emotional and introspective as to how much I love them... I'm really going to miss them and it surprises me that at this stage in my life (mid 20's) I still yearn for their guidance and love. Maybe...
  12. H

    Man can FLY - WOW!!

    Amazing! What an incredible experience that would be... makes sky diving pale in comparison.
  13. H

    How NOT to be a player.

    I thought that pic was incredibly funny... (though not wristband part) just in general. Thankyou for giving me a belly-laugh yesturday.
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    Slips and Panties question

    Slips are lovely to wear when I have a partly see-through dress on... I always wear panties, only hosiery when it's cold out/appropriate. Not sure about client requests, as I've only had requests to go comando... although as I've decided not to be an sp anymore my advice is limited.
  15. H

    For the protection and privacy...

    Tboy, Player had the balls to confront something that didn't seem to make much sense. You are completely distorting his point of view by saying he needs to pick his battles, etc. Of course he does. And he knows which battles those are. How pompus of you to tell him not to stand up for...
  16. H

    muslims on a plane......

    Darlin' do you honestly believe a white family would have been questioned had they had the same conversation? Your argument is eloquent on many levels, but it negates to explain the essence of the very reason this family was reported as saying something "suspicious". Which is race. Perhaps...
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    muslims on a plane......

    Actually, I appreciate the insight he provided... irregardless of how "new" he is.
  18. H

    muslims on a plane......

    amen. thankyou MLAM for being so rational on this topic!
  19. H

    muslims on a plane......

    "sounded suspicious"?!! which part of asking where the safest place to sit while flying is suspicious? This is ridiculous! I had no idea people were so prejudiced. For fucks's sake, if it were a WHITE Canadian family asking the same thing, they never would have been questioned.... stop trying...
  20. H

    This has to be the funniest

    This is the funniest thing I've ever seen! Thanks A1, you've truly made my night... I have to pass this on to my sister. Plus, even more hilarious, they look to be in a library.
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