Most Sick & Shocking Video To Come Out Of Gaza Yet


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
solitaria said:
Fuji your Israeli apologetics are becoming tiresome.

There was nothing in that crowd that needed to be destroyed at the cost of such high human collateral damage.

What could have been that important to target? Do you not value an Arab life as you value a Jewish life? Is potentially saving one Jewish life worth the cost of fifty Arab lives? There is no proportionality in your viewpoints.

Do you even know the ratio of Arab deaths to Jewish deaths?
The following was at the top of the video:

Raw; (2005) Hamas Weapons Parade Accident Kills 15, including kids

Initially believed to be new footage from the current events in Gaza information has come to light that this media is in fact from 2005 although it seems to have only been released in this particular form recently.

Hamas parades weapons in Gaza, they blow up, killing 15, including kids
By israelinsider staff and partners September 23, 2005



Jan 31, 2005
solitaria said:
Could you list some examples of the numerous other AQ attacks please.
There were a slate of attacks on embassies in various countries, the attack on the USS cole, an armed attack on a compound in Saudi Arabia, all within a year or two of 9/11.

In my view what changed was increased co-operation between the CIA and the Jordanian, Pakistani, and Saudi intelligence service. The Middle Eastern intelligence services did what the CIA never could do--they infiltrated Al Qaeda on the ground and fed good human intelligence back to the CIA who then used traditional methods (predator drones, etc.) to disrupt Al Qaeda.

It is now a major undertaking for AQ to get a message out from its leaders, they have lost the operational capability to carry out a sophisticated operation like 9/11.

What has grown up in place is, as a result of the public opinion polls you like to quote, a bunch of "home grown" Al Qaeda cells that have spontaneously popped up. These are the guys who did things like the London subway bombing--no real connection to Al Qaeda prime other than in name.

The thing is that these home grown terrorists just aren't sophisticated enough to pull off anything scary. They can bomb a subway car or a bus, but they don't have the financing, the training, the know-how, or the planning skills necessary to do anything really significant.

So the effect of the war on terror has been to replace a small organization capable of sophisticated attacks with a larger number of amateurs who are only really capable of hitting soft targets like subways.

Is that a success or a failure? I think it's a mixed result. The US achieved the objectives it set out to achieve and can say that it was operationally successful in shutting down Al Qaeda prime, and realistically put a halt to the major threats coming from that sector.

On the other hand I agree it'd have been nice to have done that in some way that did not spawn all the amateur threats against softer targets.

The CIA source is wrong. See the OECD and IMF sources beside it which have Canada in a better position than the USA.
It's not wrong, it's different. One source is counting more things as "debt" than the other is. For example, whether or not you count future unfunded pension liabilities.

In either case the debt carried by the USA is fairly equivalent to the debt carried by Canada even though we didn't fight in Iraq, and less than the debt carried by many other Western countries. Moreover the US is carrying far less debt load now than it did as a result of WW2 or as a result of Vietnam.

So yes it's been a big expense, but the US has shouldered larger expenses in the past, and has AMPLE financial room to maneuver.

Canada is on track to eliminate its total government net debt by 2021.
This is a real side point, but--not anymore, that prediction assumed $100/barrel oil. We aren't going to run the same kinds of surplusses in the future that we ran in the past, and in fact it may be a LONG while before we run surplusses again, despite claims to the contrary from Harper.

Regardless the war in Iraq crippled them very badly which was the point I was trying to make.
I don't see ANY evidence that the US has been in ANY way crippled by the war in Iraq. It has far more financial freedom at this moment than it did during and after WW2 and Vietnam. Neither of those events crippled the US. Further, there is not any evidence of the US being unable to respond massively to financial pressures: Despite the war in Iraq it was able to throw $1t at the financial crisis, and looks to be able to throw another $2-3t at it if it has to. Even with all that US debt will be lower in GDP terms than after WW2.

Those are just words. The USA still hasn't caught Bin Laden for all the "never before seen closer co-operation".
They're not just words--the US has taken out every pretty much every active Al Qaeda operative and the only ones (like bin Laden) that have survived have survived by remaining buried so far underground that they are completely ineffective.

It's got so bad bin Laden has trouble putting out videos because the Arab intelligence agencies are getting pretty good at tracing his messengers back to the source and calling down CIA launched Hellfire missiles on anyone involved in the communication chain.

Sure, there are three ways we can look at this question: Legalistically based on historic customs and traditions, morally based on various religious principles, and ethically based on social contracts and rational fairness.

Morality is probably the worst method to use because nobody agrees. Hamas thinks what they are doing is moral. I think what they are doing is immoral. Changing someone's morality amounts to changing their religious views in some cases.

It is MUCH easier to come to an agreement on ethical or legal terms than on moral terms. This is one reason why I have concentrated on things like international law and the UN Charter--there is broad, global, general agreement on those things.

In any case I am not particularly fond of utilitarian morality. I prefer a rights based approach.

We may never agree on what is the most moral course of action but I can show comprehensively that Israel's actions are in line with the broadly agreed on principles of international law.
Nov 30, 2007
this is just much innocent people dying.
may they rest in peace...


Mar 24, 2002
The most RETARDED thing about this entire thread is that the Hamas sympathizers who started and responded to it apparently DID NOT READ the text that accompanied the video:

Raw; (2005) Hamas Weapons Parade Accident Kills 15, including kids

Initially believed to be new footage from the current events in Gaza, information has come to light that this media is in fact from 2005 although it seems to have only been released in this particular form recently.

Hamas parades weapons in Gaza, they blow up, killing 15, including kids

A pickup truck carrying masked militants blew up at a Hamas rally on Friday, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80, The PA Interior Ministry confirmed.

Witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons, and Palestinian security officials said the blast apparently was caused by the mishandling of weapons. Hamas blamed Israel, saying Israeli aircraft flew overhead during the rally. Israel denied it was involved.

Seven of the wounded were in serious condition, hospital doctors said.

The rally was held in the Jebaliya refugee camp. Witnesses said participants crowded around the pickup truck carrying militants when the explosion went off. The witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons.

One man, who only gave his first name, Hussam, said he helped pull three men out of the pickup, two dead and one man who was still alive, but had a leg severed. The side of the pickup was charred.

The witness said he saw five dead children nearby. Dozens of children were wounded in the blast. The Hamas military wing, Izzedine al Qassam, is popular with youngsters. When the pickup with the gunmen arrived at the rally, many children crowded around the vehicle.

After the blast, men carried bloody body parts and lifeless bodies wrapped in blankets to nearby cars.

The dead and wounded were taken to nearby hospitals. Doctors initally said they had a total of 56 wounded at two hospitals, but Hamas later revised the figure to 45 wounded. The toll was later revised upward again on Saturday, to 140.

At Shifa, doctors had to treat patients on the floor of the emergency room because they ran out of beds. Masked Hamas men wheeled in casualties, including children.

So as it turns out, this horrible atrocity was NOT caused by an Israeli military strike, but rather, by the explosion of homemade weapons during some kind of military parade. (And seriously, people, what kind of society parades its weapons around and fires live ammo into the air? Those rounds have to come down sometime, somewhere. Get a clue, folks!)

What sayeth you now, Hamas fans?


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Inferno said:
The most RETARDED thing about this entire thread is that the Hamas sympathizers who started and responded to it apparently DID NOT READ the text that accompanied the video:

So as it turns out, this horrible atrocity was NOT caused by an Israeli military strike, but rather, by the explosion of homemade weapons during some kind of military parade. (And seriously, people, what kind of society parades its weapons around and fires live ammo into the air? Those rounds have to come down sometime, somewhere. Get a clue, folks!)

What sayeth you now, Hamas fans?
The caption was changed recently. It wasn't there initially.

I guess being such the smart guy you are, you never thought of that possibility.

That's why it said "initially believed to be new footage from the current events in Gaza..."


Mar 24, 2002
solitaria said:
The caption was changed recently. It wasn't there initially.

I guess being such the smart guy you are, you never thought of that possibility.
Did you pause to consider how this tragedy might have occured before you blamed Israel? No, you didn't.

Now answer my question. What do you have to say about the video now that you know how it happened?

What do you have to say about Hamas parading homemade weapons in front of civilians, including women and children?

What do you have to say about the suffering Hamas is inflicting upon its own people?

Answer those questions, and we may have an intelligent debate. Otherwise, feel free to resume howling into the wind....


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Inferno said:
The most RETARDED thing about this entire thread is that the Hamas sympathizers who started and responded to it apparently DID NOT READ the text that accompanied the video:
Typical of the Pro-Palestinian 'press'. Spread an story without factual basis, whip up world opinion against Israel, then quietly admit later on that it wasn't real. Of course no one hears and they continue to spread the 'truth' of the evils of Israel. That's exactly what happened with the "Jenin Massacre" that never happened.

Real shame when they get caught in their own lies.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
solitaria said:
Israeli Jews murder far more Israeli Jews every year than Hamas firecrackers. The Israel government has responded with extreme violence to a non-threat.
I think we should get a list of everyone who insists that the "firecrackers" or home made rockets are a "non threat". We will put all you guys and your families in a big field and launch 200 - 300 "firecrackers" at you. After that we will see how you feel about the firecrackers..

The fact that you minimize the damage Hamas causes, nullifies any other point you might try to make.

Obviously this point will be lost on you, but any country has the right to defend its borders and protect its people.

In a situation like this, the proper thing that Israel would do is to appeal to the government of Gaza (Hamas) to stop the rocket fire coming from within it's borders. If Hamas cannot stop it, economic sanctions can be imposed, and an appeal to the UN for help.

Since none of that has worked, Israel should have the right to do what it feels is necessary to protect its borders and its citizens. If the government of Gaza, wishes it can defend its people as they see fit...

Instead of defending its people Hamas is hiding behind them...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
persis said:
Pal's after the 2006 [under the advice of Iran's mullahs] stop suicide bombing inside the Israel... because it was a PR disaster... for them!

Did the Israelis show any sign of gratitude or relief.... yeah...right!
Zionist found something else to complain about in order to continue with what they have been doing all alone, killing Pals civilian population slowly but surely..!
OK.. so let me get this straight... you expect that Israel should show gratitude because Pals reduced their suicide bombing? In other words, Palestinians expect a reward because they stopped doing something terrible..
Can your ethics be any more screwed up????? Do you even see how morally bankrupt you seem?

The Pals stopped suicide bombings---not because it is a bad thing to do, or that it is against their ethics, or that it is wrong to kill Israelis... they stopped suicide bombings because it was a PR nightmare.....

Now I wonder why the world seems to be against the Pals...


New member
Jan 26, 2007
slowandeasy said:
OK.. so let me get this straight... you expect that Israel should show gratitude because Pals reduced their suicide bombing? In other words, Palestinians expect a reward because they stopped doing something terrible..
Can your ethics be any more screwed up????? Do you even see how morally bankrupt you seem?

The Pals stopped suicide bombings---not because it is a bad thing to do, or that it is against their ethics, or that it is wrong to kill Israelis... they stopped suicide bombings because it was a PR nightmare.....

Now I wonder why the world seems to be against the Pals...
What world is against pals, wonderland where you hang around?
I said if pals stop SB then Zionist should be happy ...wasn't that what all of you zionist complaining about... terrorist act?!
So stop complaining and start working harder for peace... instead of looking for some other excuses to continue with the killings of Pal's civilians... this shouldn't be that hard to understand...

you guys are so ungrateful...


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
solitaria said:
Obviously, the Hamas try to hide among the civilian population. Does that mean that the human collateral damage is all on Hamas? No.

Yes, I think it is. But you are doing a nice job of supporting the propaganda. You call rockets fire crackers..... it's sad really.



New member
Jun 1, 2005
onthebottom said:
Yes, I think it is. But you are doing a nice job of supporting the propaganda. You call rockets fire crackers..... it's sad really.

Hamas are firing firecrackers when you compare it to Israel's weaponry that was supplied to it by the USA. Israel probably has several thousand times the firepower of Hamas. As I said killing 23 Israeli over 7 years compared to 560 in 11 days (or whatever the total is now) is putting it to scale by calling Hamas rockets firecrackers.

That says nothing about intent. Either sides doesn't give a shit about the general population in the Gaza strip. From a moral perspective they are both just as despicable but Israel is dangerous.


Jan 31, 2005
solitaria said:
Hamas are firing firecrackers when you compare it to Israel's weaponry that was supplied to it by the USA.
Are you still trying to ply us with your primitive eye-for-an-eye morality? The Hamas rocket attacks have to be stopped. If you think they are a "non threat" would you consider vacationing in Sderot?

The only reason they haven't killed more people is that the Israelis there essentially live underground in bombshelters most of the time. Of course since they are a non threat you would not make use of the bombshelters.

Israel probably has several thousand times the firepower of Hamas.
So what? When the police show up to take down a criminal they show up with overwhelming force as well. It is stupid, just plain stupid, to reduce your force to match your opponents.

What you are saying defies common sense.

That says nothing about intent. Either sides doesn't give a shit about the general population in the Gaza strip.
I disagree. Israel appears to give a shit. Israel has done things like warn people of impending strikes and hit first with sound bombs where it's been possible. Hamas on the other hand has blown up their own civilians with home-made bombs in "the most sick & shocking video to come out of Gaza yet".


New member
Jun 1, 2005
slowandeasy said:
I think we should get a list of everyone who insists that the "firecrackers" or home made rockets are a "non threat". We will put all you guys and your families in a big field and launch 200 - 300 "firecrackers" at you. After that we will see how you feel about the firecrackers..
And we should put you in the Gaza strip when Israel chooses to drop massive bombs on civilian populations claiming self-defense and starves the population with their blockades.

Hamas firecrackers are a non-threat. There can be no intellectual discussion on that point. You have exponentially less chance of dying from a Hamas firecracker than dying in a car accident as an Israeli Jew living in Israel.

Don't confuse that with the opinion that I don't think Hamas needs to be stopped. However the way Israel is going about it is entirely wrong. Try to follow what I am writing instead of lumping everyone whom is critical of Israel into the pro-Hamas group without understanding their position.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Inferno said:
Did you pause to consider how this tragedy might have occured before you blamed Israel? No, you didn't.

Now answer my question. What do you have to say about the video now that you know how it happened?

What do you have to say about Hamas parading homemade weapons in front of civilians, including women and children?

What do you have to say about the suffering Hamas is inflicting upon its own people?

Answer those questions, and we may have an intelligent debate. Otherwise, feel free to resume howling into the wind....
I am not sympathetic towards Hamas. I think they are despicable.

However, two wrongs don't make a right and right now Israel is killing way too many innocent people and using "self-defense" to justify acts of inhumanity. The problem with the Israeli government is that they are not only despicable but they are way more dangerous than Hamas.


Jan 31, 2005
solitaria said:
Hamas firecrackers are a non-threat. There can be no intellectual discussion on that point.
Then why are all the people in Sderot living in bomb shelters most of the time, if it's such a non-threat?

You have exponentially less chance of dying from a Hamas firecracker than dying in a car accident as an Israeli Jew living in Israel.
I don't believe you. I think if you lived in the areas that Hamas targets the most and you did NOT make use of the bomb shelters your chances of being injured or killed in a Hamas attack would be much greater than your chances of being injured or killed in a car accident.

Hamas is not targetting all of Israel so it is stupid to use the rate of car accidents in all of Israel. What is the rate of car accidents in Sderot to injuries from rocket attacks in Sderot for the portion of the population that refuses to use bomb shelters? (Are there any who refuse to?)


New member
Jun 1, 2005
fuji said:
There were a slate of attacks on embassies in various countries, the attack on the USS cole, an armed attack on a compound in Saudi Arabia, all within a year or two of 9/11.
Basically 9/11 was the only real major attack on US soil resulting in a massive loss of life.

The fact that the US attacked Afghanistan didn't do anything towards diminishing the threat of being attacked again in my opinion. The fact that they beefed up their domestic intelligence and security as well as generally understood the nature of the threat better was the reason in my opinion.

Even if you are right about this point it is irrelevant in the end. The USA can't stay there indefinitely and eventually Al-Queda will find a way to re-group and re-organize and now they have more people that hate the USA.

fuji said:
It's not wrong, it's different. One source is counting more things as "debt" than the other is. For example, whether or not you count future unfunded pension liabilities.
I meant the CIA source is wrong in its comparison of debt between the countries. Just read what I posted from the OECD again.

"To enable international comparisons, the OECD publishes National Accounts data for the total government sector. For Canada, the figures include the federal, provincial-territorial and local government sectors, as well as the Canada Pension Plan and the Québec Pension Plan. Based on OECD data, Canada’s fiscal position is stronger than that of the other G7 countries (United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and Italy)."

This is a relatively minor point. Whatever you think about the financial comparison between the USA and Canada the USA is definitely way worse off than before they started attacking all things Al-Queda and more and a turnaround is not in sight.

fuji said:
I don't see ANY evidence that the US has been in ANY way crippled by the war in Iraq. It has far more financial freedom at this moment than it did during and after WW2 and Vietnam.
I disagree but it would be too time-consuming an argument to respond. Regardless after the USA helped fight WW11 there were clear winners and Germany/Japan wasn't planning future attacks. I doubt the same can be said when the USA withdraws from Iraq and Afghanistan and they will eventually be forced to financially.

fuji said:
They're not just words--the US has taken out every pretty much every active Al Qaeda operative and the only ones (like bin Laden) that have survived have survived by remaining buried so far underground that they are completely ineffective.
I guess time will tell who is correct. I think your position stands for only as long as the USA and other countries stay in Afghanistan.

fuji said:
Sure, there are three ways we can look at this question: Legalistically based on historic customs and traditions, morally based on various religious principles, and ethically based on social contracts and rational fairness.
Legalistically is the most irrelevant way to look at it in my opinion because historic customs and traditions become irrelevant and international laws can be changed or just ignored. In the end for anything to stand up legalistically over time it has to pass the other two ways of looking at the situation as you described.

fuji said:
Morality is probably the worst method to use because nobody agrees. Hamas thinks what they are doing is moral. I think what they are doing is immoral. Changing someone's morality amounts to changing their religious views in some cases.
The world disagrees obviously. Israel will be forced to withdraw.

fuji said:
In any case I am not particularly fond of utilitarian morality. I prefer a rights based approach.
The utilitarian morality that you aren't particularly fond of is the historical basis that your legalistic based preferred views come from ironically.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
"Witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons, and Palestinian security officials said the blast apparently was caused by the mishandling of weapons. Hamas blamed Israel, saying Israeli aircraft flew overhead during the rally. Israel denied it was involved."

These three lines show the complexity and the fundamentals of this war. Hamas, in his stupidity and disregard for human life, endangered not only common cilivilans but children. He tried to blame Israel for his mistake, which in turn gave his army more incentive to launch rockets and continue the fighting... even four years later. Israel refuses to back down and so it continues. Both sides are wrong for killing innocent people, but I truly believe if Hamas was replaced by someone who actually cared about the fate of his people and did not use them as bait, the country might begin to live in peace.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
fuji said:
Hamas is not targetting all of Israel so it is stupid to use the rate of car accidents in all of Israel. What is the rate of car accidents in Sderot to injuries from rocket attacks in Sderot for the portion of the population that refuses to use bomb shelters? (Are there any who refuse to?)
The Israeli government responds to the threats to Israel as a whole and not Sderot on its own so it is not really that stupid.

In any case, you are losing perspective from all the detail you like to drill down to. Again reading your arguments I am always thinking you can't see the forest for the trees.


Jan 31, 2005
solitaria said:
Basically 9/11 was the only real major attack on US soil resulting in a massive loss of life.
No shit. The point remains--AQ's activity has plunged over the past few years as the war on terror took its toll.

The fact that the US attacked Afghanistan didn't do anything towards diminishing the threat of being attacked again in my opinion.
You like to make up stuff like this, and I guess you're entitled to make up whatever you want. Personally I don't claim to know which aspects of the war on terror were effective and which were a waste. Something worked.

My suspicion is that it was closer co-operation with middle eastern intelligence services leading to better infiltration of the bad guys--something that white Christian CIA agents were never able to do, but which the Saudi's and Pakistani's are pretty good at.

The fact that they beefed up their domestic intelligence and security as well as generally understood the nature of the threat better was the reason in my opinion.
There are good reasons to think that opinion is wrong. The beefing up has primarily been in relation to hard targets like airlines. AQ has been infiltrated to the point where they are not able to pull off soft target attacks either and there has been no significant beefing up of security around soft targets.

I meant the CIA source is wrong in its comparison of debt between the countries. Just read what I posted from the OECD again.
Nope. It is not wrong. It is different. There are good reasons to exclude pensions. There are good reasons to include pensions. It depends on your purpose.

In either case though the point you were trying to make fails--even with the OECD data there is not a significant difference in the debt load between Canada and the United States, and even under the OECD data the US comes off much less indebted than several other Western nations which did not fight expensive wars.

the USA is definitely way worse off than before they started attacking all things Al-Queda and more and a turnaround is not in sight
Sure, but nowhere near as "worse" as WW2 or Vietnam. All you are saying here is that the war had a cost, but it has not been a particularly onerous cost, and it has not significantly impacted the financial resources available to the United States government.

If it went on forever sure someday it would, but it would have to go on like this for a very, very long time before it actually became a financial problem for the United States.

I disagree but it would be too time-consuming an argument to respond. Regardless after the USA helped fight WW11 there were clear winners and Germany/Japan wasn't planning future attacks.
The same cannot be said of Vietnam. Also, this conflict isn't over yet.

I doubt the same can be said when the USA withdraws from Iraq and Afghanistan and they will eventually be forced to financially.
It does look at this point like Iraq is a success. Afthanistan is more of a mess at this moment but if Obama shifts significant resources there from Iraq it could turn around.

In any case Vietnam was not a success and cost more. Your argument was that this has "crippled" the United States and that is just plain bullshit. The US has not been "crippled" by the war on terror.

Legalistically is the most irrelevant way to look at it in my opinion because historic customs and traditions become irrelevant and international laws can be changed or just ignored.
So can anything, so that is a pointless thing to say. However countries have been more willing to agree on, and stick to, international law than some fantastical international morality.

The world disagree obviously. Israel will be forced to withdraw.
I doubt it. I bet there will be a negotiated settlement at some point. This is not cost-free for Hamas either. It wouldn't shock me to see Fatah take over Gaza when all is said and done, or for Hamas to sign some sort of truce that is significantly more restrictive than what it signed previously.

The utilitarian morality that you aren't particularly fond of is the historic basis that your legalistic based preferred views come from ironically.
No it's not. You are making this stuff up as you go along. Utilitarianism has been around for awhile but by no means is it the basis of modern law, and especially by no means is it the basis of international law.
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