Most Sick & Shocking Video To Come Out Of Gaza Yet


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
solitaria said:
No, you have not grasped what I said. I said ethnocentricism is a part of every society. That is not the same as prescribing actions and beliefs on a particular race.
I do get what you are saying. You keep repeating the phrase THE JEWS which directly runs counter to your comments on individuality.

Your racism comes through because you define Jews in North America as Jews as opposed to (North) Americans. You seem to put much more value in their religion than anything else, regardless of whether or not they were brought up with any level of religious instruction.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
solitaria said:
Come on basketcase think big picture. I was showing that past Israeli PMs have condoned terrorism and then used an Ariel Sharon quote that effectively showed that. You use Zionist websites to state those quotes are a fabrication even though the majority of websites attributed the quote I used to Ariel Sharon. Fine, there is more than one way to skin a cat, and I use the Qibya massacre to show that Ariel Sharon believes those things since he did those things (is the light going on yet?). Now that I have shown Ariel Sharon has actually done the things I quoted does it even matter if he said those things when the whole point of the quote was to show ex-Israeli PMs condone terrorism?

"The Qibya Massacre occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Arial Sharon attacked a Jordanian West Bank village. 69 Palestinians were killed, many while hiding in houses blown up over their heads. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed.

The act was condemned by the US State Department, the UN Security Council, and by Jewish communities worldwide.[1] "
This post seems pretty much like the posts that gryf makes.

Make an illogical statement without basis and then repeatedly post a link to something that has nothing to do with your original point in hopes that people will believe you...

As it is, there are two quotes you've used. One is supposedly from an interview with General Ouze Merham in 1956. Can you find any mention anywhere that this person existed or evidence that the term 'Palestinian' was in use at the time? The other quote was said to be in an interview with Amos Oz who has specifically stated he never interviewed Sharon.

Your quotes are B.S., not because a 'zionist' site says so but because there is absolutely no corroboration that they ever happened. Just because a bunch of anti-Israel sites post it doesn't mean it's in any way true.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
fuji said:
So what was in the crowd that was being targetted, and why did the crowd allow it to be there?

My bet we don't know... so this isn't the full story.

Excuse me, but why is it that the Palestinians cannot arm themselves but the Israelis can ???? Certainly justifies killing children, mothers and other civilians ???

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
gryfin said:
I'm guessing you haven't factored 50 years of occupation, murder, and torture into your equation.

Can you recalculate and get back to us?
What's your solution?

I would love to know.

At least I'm proposing a peaceful negotiation. The current situation sucks for both sides. It's easy to talk smack, but one needs to think of a real viable solution.


Jan 31, 2005
gryfin said:
They do find it disgusting and therefore, they don't do it.
Dude it's well documented that they do. They launch attacks from residential buildings in the hopes that the counter-attack will kill as many civilians as possible.

Even most critics of Israel acknowledge that this is what Hamas do. You are the only one who denies it. Maybe because you are part of Hamas??


Jan 31, 2005
euripides said:
Excuse me, but why is it that the Palestinians cannot arm themselves but the Israelis can ???? Certainly justifies killing children, mothers and other civilians ???
I don't think anyone has a problem with Fatah being armed. Be careful not to tar all Palestinians with the Hamas brush.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
fuji said:
Dude it's well documented that they do. They launch attacks from residential buildings in the hopes that the counter-attack will kill as many civilians as possible.

Even most critics of Israel acknowledge that this is what Hamas do. You are the only one who denies it. Maybe because you are part of Hamas??
Well documented?

Well...give us those links and we'll take a good look.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
fuji said:
Sorry, but those examples are no more human shields than the Chinese citizen who blocked a tank with his body in Tienanmen Square or people who sit in front of trucks to stop deliveries during a strike. During the civil rights era, it was common for groups of people to block police with their bodies. Civil disobedience to irrational force has been around for centuries.

A human shield is someone who is forced at gunpoint or under any threat of violence to put themselves in harm's way for the person threatening the violence not to get hurt. Like Israeli soldiers do.

You are going to have to do better than this.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
The Houdini said:
What's your solution?

I would love to know.

At least I'm proposing a peaceful negotiation. The current situation sucks for both sides. It's easy to talk smack, but one needs to think of a real viable solution.
As you can see, these guys don't really have or want a solution. Everytime there is a chance of peace it gets sabotaged...
Last edited:


Jan 31, 2005
You fail at English, Gryfin. A human shield is ANY use of civilians to protect military targets. Someone held at gunpoint is called a "hostage", a human shield can be voluntary.

In fact Hamas leaders have GIVEN SPEECHES in which they have discussed their strategy of using their women and children as human shields.

As for the civil rights movement--I don't recall the civil rights movement having a military and hiding its armed soldiers behind protestors. Nor do I recall that guy in Tiananmen being associated with any military.

On the other hand Hamas hides its rocket launchers behind women and children because they are disgusting cowards.

gryfin said:
Sorry, but those examples are no more human shields than the Chinese citizen who blocked a tank with his body in Tienanmen Square or people who sit in front of trucks to stop deliveries during a strike. During the civil rights era, it was common for groups of people to block police with their bodies. Civil disobedience to irrational force has been around for centuries.

A human shield is someone who is forced at gunpoint or under any threat of violence to put themselves in harm's way for the person threatening the violence not to get hurt. Like Israeli soldiers do.

You are going to have to do better than this.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
fuji said:
You fail at English, Gryfin. A human shield is ANY use of civilians to protect military targets. Someone held at gunpoint is called a "hostage", a human shield can be voluntary.

In fact Hamas leaders have GIVEN SPEECHES in which they have discussed their strategy of using their women and children as human shields.

As for the civil rights movement--I don't recall the civil rights movement having a military and hiding its armed soldiers behind protestors. Nor do I recall that guy in Tiananmen being associated with any military.

On the other hand Hamas hides its rocket launchers behind women and children because they are disgusting cowards.
On the contrary, there is not a single instance of Hamas forcing Palestinians to act as Human Shields with threats of violence. But history is replete with examples of people voluntarily use their bodies to confront aggressors with the reality of what they are doing. They almost always do it for a cause they believe in - for example Tienanmen Square, the Civil Rights Movement, Strikes, and in the case of the Palestinians, massing in front of predictable targets to force Israeli pilots to confront the reality of what they are doing.

People have got every right to use their bodies this way if they's their right and responsibility. If it's voluntary, then by definition there is no force or threat of violence.

The Israeli army on the other hand always uses Palestinians, including children, at gunpoint to protect its soldiers while those soldiers undertake violence against Palestinians.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
This post seems pretty much like the posts that gryf makes.

Make an illogical statement without basis and then repeatedly post a link to something that has nothing to do with your original point in hopes that people will believe you...

As it is, there are two quotes you've used. One is supposedly from an interview with General Ouze Merham in 1956. Can you find any mention anywhere that this person existed or evidence that the term 'Palestinian' was in use at the time? The other quote was said to be in an interview with Amos Oz who has specifically stated he never interviewed Sharon.

Your quotes are B.S., not because a 'zionist' site says so but because there is absolutely no corroboration that they ever happened. Just because a bunch of anti-Israel sites post it doesn't mean it's in any way true.
You are dumb.

I couldn't be bothered arguing with you about whether Ariel Sharon actually said those words because you would just believe the few Zionist sites that reinforce your belief of everything is a fabrication.


That means he believes in terrorism. Actions speak louder than words!

Now you have to dispute whether Qibya happened under Sharon or shut-up.

I mean you love to argue straw-man. Instead of arguing against the main point you start calling me a rascist or disputing exactly what was said when more solid proof was given (actions) of Sharon's belief in terrorism.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
fuji said:
You posted a fabricated Ben-Gurion quote. Given your history of posting fabrications I think it's right for people to suspect any quote you post might be a fabrication. Normally I give people the benefit of the doubt, but you know what they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

If you want us to believe that somebody said something, given your penchant for posting fabrications in the past, you are going to have to supply us with a sterling citation.
Massive comprehension difficulties. I posted a link by a Jewish historian at the Ben-Gurion university supporting the claim of what was said in the quote by Ben-Gurion. Read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand that doesn't sit well with your simpleton viewpoint of the Israeli government being innocent angels acting only in self-defense but you can only deny reality so long.


Jan 31, 2005
gryfin said:
On the contrary, there is not a single instance of Hamas forcing Palestinians to act as Human Shields with threats of violence. But history is replete with examples of people voluntarily use their bodies to confront aggressors with the reality of what they are doing.
So you've ADMITTED that Hamas put their rocket launchers in the midsts of civilians and now you are trying to justify it.

You are trying to link NON-VIOLENT methods that the civil rights movement used to efforts to maximize the civilian casualties in a VIOLENT, MURDEROUS military act.

Unbelievable. This needs its own thread... you actually think this practice of using human shields is virtuous.

You are insane.

In any case since you have admitted that the placement of rocket launchers in the midsts of civilians is intentional, you've agreed that Hamas is responsible for the deaths that result.


Jan 31, 2005
solitaria said:
Massive comprehension difficulties. I posted a link by a Jewish historian at the Ben-Gurion university supporting the claim of what was said in the quote by Ben-Gurion. Read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No you didn't. I read the entire document and your fabricated Ben-Gurion terror quote does not appear anywhere in the document, and in fact out of that document arises a picture of an Israeli govt. that has realized some IDF units committed atrocities and REGRETS IT.

At any rate your fabricated quote is not in the document.

As at this moment you have attributed to Ben-Gurion a fabricated quote that you appear to have got from a white supremicist website.

Now you are throwing up sand by citing a bunch of OTHER things unrelated to your quote or even its topic in the hopes of distracting people from the fact that you have committed a racist fraud.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
solitaria said:
You are dumb.
More gryfinisms. You cant argue logically so you resort to insults.

Now you have to dispute whether Qibya happened under Sharon or shut-up.
How does this prove that the fake Sharon quotes are real? Your jstor link doesn't so that either.

I mean you love to argue straw-man. Instead of arguing against the main point you start calling me a rascist or disputing exactly what was said when more solid proof was given (actions) of Sharon's belief in terrorism.
Your main point is that Sharon made racist quotes to a person who never existed and to a journalist who never interviewed him. You have refused to find any evidence that the General that one quote was from ever existed or that the journalist actually interviewed him.

I did not call you racist for posting these fake quotes. I called you racist for your assertions that "THE JEWS" control the media. Your anger and illogical pursuit of your fake quotes says to me that I obviously hit a nerve.
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