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  1. K

    Sex Addiction

    New S.A.G. Sex Addiction Group Anyone wanna help me start a new group? Rules [Draft] 1.We meet only once a month to as to not constantly be thinking about it. 2. Between meeting we are limited to the amount of access to sex or anything sex related. 3. Between meetings Masterbation is also...
  2. K

    Poor Melissa Rivers

    LOL that was awesome I wished I watched the full episode! Business is cut-throat but Hollywood business is simple mutilation. The key to succes in Hollywood is to come back from the dead and screw everyone who took you for a ride. Where can I watch the full episode? LOL
  3. K

    Sex Addiction

    Thanks for all the feedback. As I read the definitions the more I seriously think I am an addict. My symptoms: I surf porn at home and at work. Financial issues partly ended my marriage years ago (unbeknown to her some $$ spent on MPAs) I have a really hot and young SO but I still look for...
  4. K

    Sex Addiction

    What are the symtoms? All kidding aside, we can all say we are addicted but there are real sex addicts out there who are sick. how do you know if you really are one? Where does one go?
  5. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    instead of making assumptions about someone i like to know what i'm talking about or who i'm talking about... research is a big part of my job so its something that comes naturally .. a lil creepy true but very useful indeed. you'd be surprised how much info people give about themselves online...
  6. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    hmmm... I guess I'm just fueling the fire which isn't a good idea when dealing with someone who has nothing better to do then spend all day on this site, sit in courtrooms for amusment and occassionally hang out on the 2nd floor to catch a GO ride to the airport You are "one of those".. good...
  7. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    hmmm commenting on my immaturity at does not infer that you feel you are more mature? that doesn't infer an air of supriority? you said it yourself, your intent was to insult me ...? keep calling the kettle black... I guess you care enough to keep responding. and apparently you didn't even...
  8. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    In all honesty Justin I proabably wouldn't go off. it's not my style. All the power to you as I'm realizing that to enter into a relationship like that would require a great amount of self confidence, trust, respect and "maturity/worldliness" ;) Much respect to you brother. all the best to you...
  9. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    gimme a break. commenting on someone's maturity level or lack there of, as well as their worldliness is to infer your own superiority, just without actually coming out and saying it. I think everyone can clearly make that connection. Its like saying, "wow you have a small penis" = "my penis is...
  10. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    Thanks Eldoguy, I think your right. For myself, mentally managing the situation would be too taxing. Kudos to you as it seems you’ve done it a few times. Maturity and worldliness are accomplished through experience. My apologies to you if I have not the level of your experience, hence my...
  11. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    Thats one of the things I'm worried about. I kow for a fact that some of my colleagues are terbies cuz they turned me onto the site so could you imagine bringing her as my gf to a company party? imagine if one fo my colleagues hit on her or offered her money for a bj in the coat room? I'd go off...
  12. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    Sorry, for their privacy and my own I won't be sending a link. besides i posted this for advice not for a review. ;)
  13. K

    Questions about dating an SP

    This should really have two separate threads but I'm too lazy to. 1. I've been seeing an SP regularly and its been great. We have great report and tons of fun. I don't pay the full price anymore cuz I see her often enough and she really enjoys her time with me and vice-versa. She has hinted on...
  14. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    Would vikings position changd if it were jaywalking tickets rather than traffic tickets? Jay walking is against the law too you know. Its all about discretion but the more i read I'm beginning to think Viking = LEO, but one who enjoys the hobby too much. you do realize that both hobbyist and our...
  15. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    If this is true then your like a fat kid in a candy store on a diet. good luck
  16. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    The ironic thing here is that we are arguing about who is right for doing what and who is breakign the law... where are we right now? what hobby are we indulging in? who do we support on this reveiw board? .... kinda funny this conversation is in retrospect. ;)
  17. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    We can agree to disagree... They need to get paid better and their making it this way. Its not illegal for them to do it but i think its wrong, but all the power to them.. I would rather they hang out in high schools and arrest every little punk for smoking or selling pot. Or any of these punk...
  18. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    Rylan, Viking. I won't argur I broke the law but my point is when a LEO is constantly complaining of beign under paid and over worked and the courts are constantly saying they are log jammed and you have police officers wrting tickets and RECOMMENDING they go to court to fight the ticket and you...
  19. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    Rylan hate to burst your bubble but they are. If you know any LEO truly well enough like I do (family members and those I've grown up with) and heard them all sitting around a table drinking beer they will be honest with you and say they do write them to earn court time. Cuz they get paid crap...
  20. K

    Toronto cops make mad loot writing tickets. Still think the system isn't corrupt?

    I'll have to agree. I have many many LEO friends and even family and they know and tell me many officers are corupt but they just laugh over it saying they deserve to be cuz of the BS they put up with...????... And for everytime I've been given a BS ticket the LEO has always told me to fight it...
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