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  1. G

    Great Puzzle

    does anyone care? I think I just figured it out. The reason that it does not matter which door you choose if Monty does not know which door the car is behind, is that his choosing door three does not quarantee the door is behind door two the way it would if, and only if, he had previous...
  2. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    buckwheat1 I ,too, went through such a school system. I was one of the very last to attend a one room country school with grades k-8 with one teacher, a part time School Inspector (an incompetent puritanical sadist, IMHO, who must of sucked off someone to get his job) and one bad part time...
  3. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    forgot to mention buckwheat1 If one does home school with 10 k in vouchers ( a number we have pulled out of thin air ) I forgot to mention one concept that is quite appealing. If one pools with other home schoolers and one is wise with the vouchers there is every chance one would not spend...
  4. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    Read my first sentence! With sincere respect buckwheat1, if I was a gay who was so abused in the public schools that I prefer to be on the street selling myself to Bay Street closet gays (BJ's in their cadilacs, you know, the ones with the tinted windows) and going to a school on weekends run...
  5. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    Conrad Black is a saint compared to George Bush member of the bizarre, highly elitist and secretative "Skull and Crossbones Society". Let us not forget the pimps on wall street and the corporate executives and the ... ah, but wait! Bernardo, Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Manson and almost every Hells...
  6. G

    not sure why, but this made me really hot watching it:))

    Way to go Senicdrive! Cats like you make me believe humanity just might survive its own destruction. I admire machismo but do not bow down to caveman mentality.
  7. G

    Any assholes online tonight ???

    we are all assholes at one time or another in "The Naked Lunch" the brain and the asshole had an argument so the asshole refused to function until the brain surrendered
  8. G

    Did you hear about the gay midget?

    Gotta love that shiek he keeps you laughing and from taking yourself too seriously
  9. G

    I just cut my own hair

    I know someone who puts a bowl over their childs head and then cuts around it. They look like shemp from the 3 stooges.
  10. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    stop having kittens Stop having kittens! I am barfing out an idea to see if my pig can, or cannot, fly. I AM NOT TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. My hypothesis, although weakened, still stands. For starters, I meant all competent parents, within established parameters, more to the point...
  11. G

    1 in 12 now unemployed

    tboy BETTING ON THE RISE OR FALL of a stock without actually owning it (you own it in theroy) is called going long (rise) or going short (you win if the stock falls) SOME OTHER GAMBLES that do nothing to create liquidity (IMHO) but are nothing more than a gamble are .ar⋅bi⋅trage   ...
  12. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    First my apologies for duplicating my replies. That was a stupid misuse of the board but was not intentional. I feel this string has been productive in quality of thought, particularly Dr Know and Tboy, both of who feel I am off my Meds and to who I have responded. I still feel I am correct...
  13. G

    not sure why, but this made me really hot watching it:))

    Thx amber that was inspiring to watch. Gotta admire their spirit. Amazing so few people get seriously hurt in that sport. I used to work out with the Gracies in California before they became famous. They came up from brazil and said they would give anyone $100,000 if they could beat them...
  14. G

    The world's longet carrot!

    Capture the gene sequence. No more world carrot shortages.
  15. G

    Adult dating services

    I concur with Plan B and Tarkovsky. It is a lot of time and disapointment for any real results. As far as Noir goes, that hers is the opinion of an SP is irrelevant that she is female is not. Guys are more willing to use the service and as a way to cheat, not so with females. Better to go to...
  16. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    Allow me to continue my retort. buckwheat1 Your numbers for the public school costs are way off. $7900 is what a school is compensated for each student, the actual costs are far greater. This $7900 does not include the capitolization costs ie the cost to build the school, nor does it...
  17. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    my replies I have replied but my replies were not posted so I will try again as I saved them. My belief that the command of the public schools should be terminated is a real one. I am testing out my hypothosis against some of the brightest wankers in the world - terbites. I appreciate all...
  18. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    I post this a second time as I cannot find it in the string Thankyou for your considerate responses. They are the best so far. Dr Know 1 Again What Data??? I know of no data that captures the abuse that occurs in the public shools. Every time a fat child is ridiculed, every time a Gay...
  19. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    DR KNOW and TBOY Thankyou for your considerate responses. They are the best so far. Dr Know 1 Again What Data??? I know of no data that captures the abuse that occurs in the public shools. Every time a fat child is ridiculed, every time a Gay is called names, racial slurs, physical...
  20. G

    Full school vouchers for all

    Allow me to continue my retort. buckwheat1 Your numbers for the public school costs are way off. $7900 is what a school is compensated for each student, the actual costs are far greater. This $7900 does not include the capitolization costs ie the cost to build the school, nor does it...
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