Allow me to continue my retort.
buckwheat1 Your numbers for the public school costs are way off. $7900 is what a school is compensated for each student, the actual costs are far greater. This $7900 does not include the capitolization costs ie the cost to build the school, nor does it include the loss of tax revenue as schools sit on some extremely choice property, the costs of the huge government buildings and employees, the costs to run the buses, repair costs etc.
I submit private schools are cheaper (but not of course boarding schools)
Giving you the money in school vouchers will not increase your taxes, indeed, if I am correct it will decrease your taxes. And , by the way, you do pay for it all even though a small potion comes directly from your income tax where do you suppose the rest comes from? From a money tree?
LarryFyne Yes bloody way. You cannot use one example to define all. There are tons of alternate educational places that are superior, some by great sums that are radically different in concept. If a certain school sucks it is your job as a parent not to send your child there.
wonkyknee NO. Money goes to the child not the parent.
onthe bottom My point exactly. If the public school can effectively compete with the private enterprise allow them to do so . If not they go the way of all the dinosaur.
buckwheat1 Your numbers for the public school costs are way off. $7900 is what a school is compensated for each student, the actual costs are far greater. This $7900 does not include the capitolization costs ie the cost to build the school, nor does it include the loss of tax revenue as schools sit on some extremely choice property, the costs of the huge government buildings and employees, the costs to run the buses, repair costs etc.
I submit private schools are cheaper (but not of course boarding schools)
Giving you the money in school vouchers will not increase your taxes, indeed, if I am correct it will decrease your taxes. And , by the way, you do pay for it all even though a small potion comes directly from your income tax where do you suppose the rest comes from? From a money tree?
LarryFyne Yes bloody way. You cannot use one example to define all. There are tons of alternate educational places that are superior, some by great sums that are radically different in concept. If a certain school sucks it is your job as a parent not to send your child there.
wonkyknee NO. Money goes to the child not the parent.
onthe bottom My point exactly. If the public school can effectively compete with the private enterprise allow them to do so . If not they go the way of all the dinosaur.