a 1 player blows a gasket
cute-bald said:
..... changed results. Ladies started to send me messages before I sent them. They were eager to meet. After 2 years of no results when I even sent messages. I changed 1 thing... went from 5`6" to 6`2"....... SO MUCH FOR GAME.... just a bunch of ego b.s. BTW saw it all the time in my 20s .... my taller friends weren`t even that good with conversation & yet were getting hit up .... with me there being treated VERY platonically.
... our society defines a man in terms of his height. Surveys bear this out..... women attribute sexy to height. The opposite..... short men are not considered sexy or masculine. Such is our present society.
although the research shows it is very difficult for short men.... it is not impossible .... & my comments ARE in the context of on-line dating. As indicated & tested by me ..... on-line is a no go for short guys. I HAVE had female friends .... no luck beyond the platonic.
I am 44 , considered attractive, nice, fairly well off..... & no interest. Amber Jade is like many women in a relationship that say all these things about me . They hold this very idealistic view which often is .... there is someone for everyone...... OK but I now realize mine is on Mars. Esp. being 5`5". Not known any friends who even know any ladies attracted to short nice guys.I am treated like 1 of the girls. They have 0 sexual attraction except 2 ladies in my life who were 6` & really .... they were a little wackey & 1 had a drug problem .... which I will not tolerate.... I may be short but I have self respect!
First my female friends are married or busy with thier own lives & don`t have time to be used " to get girls". But if you mean, do they know any single girls..... well over the years my friends .... female friends & sisters knew single girls but they all wanted men 5`10" or taller. NOW you are 5`9" .... so unless a lady is really picky about height ..... then they see you as average...... 5`5" is viewed as super short . My views were not formed over nite but by a lifetime of experience & PLENTY of research ( all can be sourced on the internet) by competent & experienced researchers at various academic institutions. I am NOT saying it is impossible to find a women that will date a short guy....... ,(although a couple of documentries in recent years ..... like to portray things that way), & their IS a stigma a majority of women hold towards short men that prevents women from finding them attractive. I will re-iterate..... THAT it was my 2 tall friends that suggested L.L. . I am not that keen on it & hold out slight hope... however foolish.
... is the same , any age, any place. The ladies look for guys... who are looking like great lay material... very good looking= well built , average to tall height. Sooo for many of us short dudes .... it`s a bomb. Nothing changes.
I shave my head.. I think it suites me ... as do many. Many more women find a bald man sexy than a short one. I do not have the detailed report.... it was out of the sociology dept. at Harvard. I found it in a list of various artcles on the undesirability of short men by women... found on a site... short support. You may be a loner .... I am not & really .... paying for it just doesn`t cut it. Most of my friends are married.
Real people on there. Ya, sure ... some kids put up fake profiles to goof around but so what ... it is all free anyway. THANK GOODNESS ..... since I spent 3 years on there , everyday messaging all the new ladies that were my hight or shorter only to find I was undatable ( 5`5") . I could have gone broke finding that out !!
....I know no responce as explained in the forums section..... women on there are fixated on min. average hight - tall. As 1 guy explained , there is not a single woman in North America that goes on a site thinking " I like short .... I want to find a short guy" As he explains ..... it is quite the opposite & they avoid short guys like the plaque. The postings of the women in the forums section bears this out as well.
... too short to be dateable on ANY site. 3 years on P.O.F. & ZERO dates!
Since the start of 2009 (and I left a few of them out)...
Never have I ripped anyone a new asshole on this site, but here it comes.
Get the fuck over your self pity, that is the reason you are not getting any dates, not because of your height. We ALL have our problems in life that we have to deal with. I have issues with my weight, my really big voice and depression. I have a friend who can not handle many social situations. Some people have acne, blindness, physical disabilities, and some people can not afford a pot to piss in. Yet somehow all of these people are able to find dates and meet people of the opposite sex.
The problem here is not with women. It is with you. It is because you have put a social stigma on yourself, and you make your height the center of your universe instead of just plain ignoring it. Shit man, use your height to your advantage. Go for petite women who would be afraid of having their pussy being torn apart by a large man. Focus on the things you have to offer a woman, not your shortcomings god dammit. Again, get the fuck over it.
Lets make a deal here... If I can get you a girlfriend, or laid by a NICE civilian lady, you don`t bring up the short thing again. Deal?
Now, shoot me a PM so we can get together, go to a club or pub and find you a woman... and maybe one for me too. You will see how a bit of game can overcome any physical pitfalls you might think you have. You up for it?