Club Dynasty

Full school vouchers for all


New member
Nov 20, 2006
QUESTION? Greensleaves, If I was to give you $10000 per child tell us where you'd send your child(ren)?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Read my first sentence!

With sincere respect buckwheat1, if I was a gay who was so abused in the public schools that I prefer to be on the street selling myself to Bay Street closet gays (BJ's in their cadilacs, you know, the ones with the tinted windows) and going to a school on weekends run by volunteer gays in a room donated by the YMCA so I can learn survival math and english (this does exist as I worked at the downtown YMCA), I would not be so quick to stop whinning about wanting my own monies back so I could do something else with my life like, say, go to a private boarding school in B.C. for gays that my neighbours are sending their child to so he can escape the abuse and have to mortgage their house in order to do it - you are only considering your own postition, not everyone lives in your world.


Congrats on being a super parent, you are worthy of the award but not everyone has such an inclination nor should they. It is the schools job to motivate and teach, as a parent, I should be interested and encouraging but I should not have to learn the subject matter and do the teaching. I work all day and get tired. I do not want to come home and take on the roll of teacher.

Your question of where I would send my child is where my job as parent comes into play (not in the actual teaching.)

First, there are many choices already available and each child should go to the school best differentated for his/hers ability, inclination and personality. As well, the more money that is freed up the more private schools - and the public schools as they are forced to compete - will differentiate creating a wonderful, pressing and difficult decision : where to send your child?

Personally, I would take some of my child's vouchers and pay an independent expert to understand my child and where he/she may be best placed and what schools are competetent not the ones that take your monies and give out false grades, as we have established that they do exist. I would probably do this with at least two experts for verification.

Then I would do my own research to confirm the expert was correct. My child would be with me on this path then if all four of us : me, my child , my expert and my wife all agreed then we have made a decision until we all change our fu**ing minds and do it all over. :D

In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse
T S Eliot

Oh yeah, about me home schooling. I should not have to go to such a huge effort. If I wanted to home school, which I do not, I want my monies back so I can pay tutors to teach my children in my basement, or wherever, along with other selected children so we could pool our monies and hire the best. I should not have to pay twice for my child's education.

I believe I have fully answered your questions. As I am on temporary leave, I hurt my back - to many sp - I have been able to do so.

And as I respect your opinion as intelligent I am eager to hear your response as I will thank the shootist who puts my false ideas six feet under and corrects my sinful ways.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
forgot to mention


If one does home school with 10 k in vouchers ( a number we have pulled out of thin air ) I forgot to mention one concept that is quite appealing.

If one pools with other home schoolers and one is wise with the vouchers there is every chance one would not spend the full amount. Under such a likely scenario, the extra monies could be put into a voucher bank account and allowed to compound.

After a numder of years the child will be ready to leave the home schooling environment. With the magic of compounding in play, if they decide to go to a institute of higher learning tuition costs would already be well subsidized.

That public schools without any voucher system is world wide certainly gives me pause, but does not deter me, sound logic will. Fuedalism was once world wide, so was monarchies, church run states etc. Only when we terminated them did we advance.

It is my money. I want it back.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
I'll still state education is a parents responsibility. I work 10-12 hours a day
when my kids were young I sat with them by the hour each night to hear them read yes it was painful to sit and listen but in the end it payed off.
Good parenting takes time and effert at all ages, in the end once I have taught them and instilled good values they realize nothig comes easy in life it takes hard work. I can honestly say my kids had great teachers and I could never conplain. One thing I'll say is that my kids went to a school of 550 kids in rural ontario and a high school where it was around 1000 kids.


New member
Jan 13, 2009

I ,too, went through such a school system. I was one of the very last to attend a one room country school with grades k-8 with one teacher, a part time School Inspector (an incompetent puritanical sadist, IMHO, who must of sucked off someone to get his job) and one bad part time music teacher and then off to a high school with less than 500 students. It was located just south of Chatham.

I do not think this is relevant, unless you were blessed with a perfect storm of good teachers and fellow students, which is possible given the law of probabilities.

I do remember thinking at the time that I was trapped in a situation that I had no escape from (and I was correct) and that I was searching for wisdom in a system that had none.

It is there that I developed my ideas that state control over education is an extemely bad idea. A concept that I hold to be valid .

I am curious, where was your educational background. Maybe we have some similarites in our background that would be quite intriguing.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
I attend school south of Woodstock Ontario high school was actually only 400. My kids attended school east of Belleville then into Belleville for high school. Oldest daughter is at Queens in Con-ed
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