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Search results

  1. M

    All Decade Superstars

    Erica was by far my favourite MA ... Receiving a hair cut first, then retiring to the kitchen table for an "attitude adjustment" and then upstairs for a magical massage is an experience I constantly miss ... Erica constantly received the coveted "Slurp's seal of approval"!
  2. M

    Cuba has changed

    You may have problems bringing a girl back to your hotel room ... especially on a resort. Casa particulars are B&B's and they way to go staying in the big cities like Havana. Things are not good in Cuba these days with the monetary changes and the increase of COVID daily cases. Cuba had over...
  3. M

    Cuba has changed

    Some more bad news ..."In conjunction with the restrictions on travelers from the six flagged countries, Cuba is increasing the monitoring of all arriving travelers in January. MINSAP says from January 10, all international arrivals will need evidence of a PCR test with a negative result for...
  4. M

    Cuba has changed

    I'm not sure about the "benefits" for the "yuma" ... it's just another blow to the ordinary Cuban. Devaluing the CUC to an ordinary peso (right now it's 25 to 1...July 1 it'll be worthless) is a killer for everyone. We'll probably go back to the days of peso's and U.S. dollars like it was 20...
  5. M

    milf factory

    I didn't realize commenting in these forums was a game where we keep score...As for the rest of the conspiracy theories ... lets make America great again and stop stealing the election :cool:
  6. M

    milf factory

    surveillance video into an apartment building??? How does one distinguish who the residents or friends of residents are? Gimme a break and stop starting talking about silly rumours with no truthful basis....
  7. M

    Happy Massage Kingston?

    It's nice to hear about Asian MP's again since the departure of the "regulars" of this board. Slurp's seal of approval is sorely missed
  8. M

    A thanks to Folder8

    Just wanted to extend my thanks to Folder8 for his detailed reviews! So nice to read in these COVID times...
  9. M

    New look

    I recently received a message from a Terb'er in regard to my "first unread message" comment. I have noticed that the new board now follows the same principle as the old board where you are taken to the first unread message of a post. You should keep in mind though that all posts that are...
  10. M

    New MP In “Gatineau”

    Further research shows this... a view from outside "Véronique and her young ladies at the Erotic massage parlor" in Saint-Hippolyte, Quebec according to a Google Maps pic taken in 2018 ...
  11. M

    Julia 8040 Full Blown Brazzers Style PSE

    if you looked closely at her pics which have her name and June 2020 on them, she looks pretty fit for being 5'6" and 150 lbs ... in fact....she looks stunning!
  12. M

    New look

    The only thing I don't like about the new look is the option in the old look that allows you to start at the first unread message of the post....
  13. M

    asian Korean near bayshore

    yep....that's the one the one we're both referring to had a ad on Bablyon forever ... maybe she retired from the business....
  14. M

    asian Korean near bayshore

    is this female still working? Her ad on Bablyon has disappeared ... would love any contract info :) Many thanks,
  15. M

    Sunny Joy Foot Spa Kanata

    It's amazing how lazy some can be in the era of Google search... I'm even too lazy to provide the address of this establishment's website...
  16. M

    Best Place for a single guy to hobby vacation in the Caribbean/Mexico/Central America

    I've been to Cuba more than 20+ times and I feel safer walking down a "calle" at 1 am in the morning than I do on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa during the day. Why? Everyone in Cuba knows that "yumas" bring in necessary dollars to the economy and when you fuck with a tourist (not literally...
  17. M

    Breath Taking Vivian Retires! (end of an era)

    the same as tipping $500 on an hour session...
  18. M

    Review for the month of October.

    All three are searchable on Leos's ....
  19. M

    Review for the month of October.

    great monthly reviews Tbone!!!
  20. M

    Rockstar Review of Asian Rada or Radda 2779

    Rada is back in town today....
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