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  1. poker

    I can has memes

    Possibly the best advice you will ever read!
  2. poker

    Fresh brewed coffee vs Instant

    Them: Do you like your coffee strong? Me: Strong taste? Or big caffeine jolt? Because they can be 2 different things. Them: ??? Me: There are 5 grades of coffee. It’s based on the number of imperfect beans on a random sample. (About 30 beans, but I may be off). The top grade having the...
  3. poker

    Zeihan: thoughts on the new Iran deal

    Bringing lrans oil back to market legally… while they compete against Russia’s sanctioned (discounted) oil is kind of big…
  4. poker

    Zeihan: thoughts on the new Iran deal

    I thought that’s what Zeihan explained…
  5. poker

    If recycling ads were honest…

  6. poker

    Insne: slut of a wife decides to have multiple sex partners

    That is Bullshit man! ….ok, I’m over it now.
  7. poker

    I can has memes

  8. poker

    I can has memes

  9. poker

    I can has memes

  10. poker

    I can has memes

  11. poker

    Hunter Biden heading for a trial

    Fair. I just see a lot problems with both sides of the political elite.
  12. poker

    Hunter Biden heading for a trial

    Nah… I’m not sure who really cares if Hunter Biden goes to Jail. The optics possibly look bad…. But beyond that, he’s the spoiled little shit of a rich and powerful politician that Does not know the meaning of a hard days work. If he did the crime, I want him to do the time. Don’t care care...
  13. poker

    Mandatory paternity tests in Tennessee

    That’s one way for the gov’t to collect everyone’s DNA.
  14. poker

    The Ouija Board…

    Looking closely, you can see “Parker Brothers” on the box… and “William Fuld talking board set” above Ouija on the board. This is an old one.
  15. poker

    I can has memes

  16. poker

    The Ouija Board…

    Smithsonian Magazine: HISTORY The Strange and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board Tool of the devil, harmless family game—or fascinating glimpse into the non-conscious mind? Linda Rodriguez McRobbie October 27, 2013 The makers of the first talking board asked the board what they should call...
  17. poker

    The Ouija Board…

    Rule 7…. Always break it out with a few bottles too many of red wine… and bat shit crazy friends. Just sayin.
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