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  1. Vera.Reis

    Twitter Has Banned Over 1,000 Accounts After English Soccer Players Faced Racial Abuse From Fans In The Aftermath Of Euro Cup 2020

    Only if you're willing to listen to me babble on about what I learned in my political science (honors) degree for hours lmao
  2. Vera.Reis

    Twitter Has Banned Over 1,000 Accounts After English Soccer Players Faced Racial Abuse From Fans In The Aftermath Of Euro Cup 2020

    Sports has always been, and will always be political. Nationalism and regionalism is political, for starters, but here a host of other examples. The racists need to stop acting like sports just got political just because...
  3. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    I do find it simpler, personally.
  4. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    I think its more understanding principles, less memorizing formulas, but at this point I'll never forget the quadratic formula so for me it isn't helpful haha but I think I would have preferred it to memorizing the formula if I learned them simultaneously.
  5. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    I'll leave the weirdos who think mathematics is static and inherently uniform or somehow derived naturally with this: "What mathematicians can prove depends on their starting assumptions, not on any fundamental ground truth from which all answers spring."...
  6. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    The most hilarious part is after 8:30 because this person clearly dow All the time means "regularly through history" On a fun note, since the quadratic formal was mentioned, there is apparently a new, simpler, way of approaching these problems - might be too woke for the right though lmao
  7. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    I love comic parodies
  8. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    Most of us have met people who technically know a process step by step but because they do not understand why that process is what it is, they are completely lost the second they need to trouble shoot a solution. I remember in my grade 9 math honors class we were given paper and scissors to...
  9. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    You're probably right, it was just always so frustrating to me to need to show what in my mind was unnecessary steps because to me it was so obvious what I was doing. In my first degree I didn't have this problem because geometric proofing baffled me for a while so I needed all the steps to get...
  10. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    I think we agree, I was just pointing out that knowing multiple ways to do the same type of equation only strengthens your knowledge. I can use a quadratic formula for a linear equation where factoring would have been sufficient but it doesn't mean it was the most effective way to solve the...
  11. Vera.Reis

    Woke Math mandatory for grade 9 - Ontario

    You isolated it from what it was in response to, the person was talking about math as a whole, so in CONTEXT my statement makes sense.
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