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  1. S

    Vegetarians - Do they taste better?

    OK, I can almost buy into the vegetarian not swallowing post, but this garlic up the puss thing is getting silly! Fernie, is your next post going to about someone stuffing a Bounce sheet up their butt so the farts don't stink? :)
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    Vegetarians - Do they taste better?

    I heard something similar from a friend who was eating a lot of fruit while on vacation. His SO indicated he tasted sweet! So...what store has the best pricing on fresh pineapple!?! :)
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    tbill on Mojo this morning

    I agree, he seemed pretty harmless. The users of his site went from about 78 at the beginning of the interview to 120 a little after the interview. Nothing earth shattering there. He gave out his web site address a couple times. He didn't give out terb, but did use the phrase "The Escort Review...
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    fastest way to rid of....

    Try posting an ad on an automobile club site, or a racing forum.
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    do women really go for a**holes

    I started typing a post calling everyone here an idiot and such, thinking maybe a real hottie would look on me as a project. Thought it might be worth a chuckle. But then I realized, you are who you are! The women who go for jerks have a character flaw, but that doesn't mean an otherwise nice...
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    Try Sport and Nutrition Canada, they have good prices. They have EAS Betalean HP on their site. I used to use it, but have switched to Thermodynamx, and find that works just as well, although I don't get as "stimulated". They have a store in Oakville, just off the QEW, so its a short drive from...
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    Wheres my foreskin?

    A good friend and his wife just had a baby boy yesterday. Well actually his wife had the baby...he just watched. They didn't even ask if they wanted him circumcised.
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    Old acquaintances now in the industry

    Whew, what a bod! Wish I looked like that! Wait....that's not what I meant. How about I wish I had muscle definition like that? Yeah, that's better. It takes a lot of discipline and a high protein diet to put yourself together like that. I, for one, really admire it. Any reviews? :)
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    Favourite Colognes: Tabulated results

    Thanks to everyone for their input on their favourite cologne. Here's a few of the most mentioned fragrances: Issey Myaki.............................3 ladies 4 men Aqua di Gio..............................2 ladies 5 men Dolce n Gabbana......................2 ladies 3 men Cool...
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    Question for the ladies...

    Whew! (I can put the Nomex suit away) Princess: You explained your right to not describe your work to a “one night stand”. I agree with you 100%! In your case, you would rather not have every one in the bar know what you do. If you were a fork lift operator would you tell him? If you were a...
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    Question for the ladies...

    You have got to be kidding!!!!! Wait until someone falls in love with you before dropping a bomb like that on him!?! Then you expect him to be understanding? How do you figure that you have that as a "right"? Even if he doesn't run for the hills because of your choice of career, he may never...
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    Bobbi, Sorel or Michelle come to Ottawa !

    Stay in Toronto Sorel! :) You’re near and dear to the hearts of Toronto hobbiests. The poor guys in Ottawa are just uptight due to overexposure to politicians. Its not their fault. And its not all of them, either. So just feel a little pity for the ones who appreciate what they’re missing, and...
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    What is your favourite Men's Cologne?

    Ummmm...won't there be a feline scent afterwards anyway? Grrrr
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    Tbill on the radio

    Nooooooobody Yeah! Mel Lastman would make a great spokesman! What's his handle? We need to send him a PM! He's gotta be here somewhere!
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    Tbill on the radio

    Goobers got a point; this will be on MOJO. What holier-than-thou, self-righteous, uptight dick and his wife listen to MOJO? Folks, this will be a tempest in a teapot. There will be a surge in the attention that gets paid to the industry, but seriously, how long will it last? Some people may get...
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    What is your favourite Men's Cologne?

    Boss Elements.........meowwwwwwwwww Thanks Miranda, nice to hear a ladies opinion! :)
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    What is your favourite Men's Cologne?

    have you ever tried cooking with it??? Nope, and I'm all out. Used it to clean my intake manifold!
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    What is your favourite Men's Cologne?

    So I’m running low on Aqua Velva (haha), and thought I would ask what the ladies out there think of men’s cologne? What’s your favourites? I guess a different one for a daytime date vs an evening date. Do they still make Hi Karate? :)
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    Condo for rent

    Wrong hole IRS - yeah, I'm afraid of Independent Rear Suspension too!
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    A Few Questions From A Guy Lacking Intimate Experience...

    if the first several times that you ever got laid in your life was with a Platinum Ar Yeah...that sounds pretty awful...glad that didn't happen to me!
Toronto Escorts