Tbill on the radio


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
librarian said:
Hmmm. Isn't there a provincial election coming up with no newsworthy issues really getting the voting public's attention?

Granted, the possible privatization of LCBO is something most feel strongly about, but even more voters will perk up their ears when they hear on the radio HOW EASY IT IS FOR MARRIED MEN to find SPs to be with.
I hear the election bells ringing........

When people figure out 'how easy it is for married men to find SPs to be with' they just might make it MUCH HARDER for ladies to stay in the biz or EVEN enter the BIZ.

Most people in our society will always VIEW this industry and the people involved in it, as disgusting. They view the clients poorly and almost as predators. *****And with the recent discussions/evidence of how SOME of these EE mafia agencies are run and how the ladies are abused and treated this..... will especially get the medias attention (*****AND TBILL I AM SURE THESE EE HANDLERS WILL 'THANK YOU', probably with a fruit basket LOL, MAYBE EVEN PERSONALLY, IF YOU HELP TO DISTURB THEIR "VERY" LUCRATIVE BIZ by bringing unwanted attention to it), and validate all the stereotypes of men who are in this industry as predatory opportunistic users..... who prey and take advantage of the plight of pretty young vulnerable ladies, who are old enough or maybe even younger than their own daughters.

*****BTW I hope you guys trust these 'upstanding mafia guys' (who have shown their true colours by being 'soooo nice and fair' to these very young and ladies from their home countries who work/SLAVE for them *sarcasm*) with your PRIVATE PERSONAL INFO and to safe guard it or not to use it to blackmail you, if thier very lucrative money flow is stopped! Because TRUST is the first thing that comes to mind when dealing with the MAFIA, especially the ones from EE. They seem like a trustworthy group of men.

I expect to be flamed for saying this but .......after seeing one mans statement, in a recent thread, a few weeks ago, in the review section, about EE mafia run escort agencies, that........ after seeing an escort from one of these agencies and trying to help her by giving advice and requesting that she be treated more fairly...... he said he got a VERY DIRECT phone call from the HANDLER that he better 'watch his tongue'. WTF?????? Damn, thats all I would need to hear to stop patronizing that agency, ASAP, these guys dont play 'footsies'.
Are some of you guys that naive? I know that the way people treat the other people in their life, should be and IS a good indication OR RED FLAG, how they will possibly or may eventually treat you!

Can you imagine the mainstream publics reaction to review boards! Even ME, as an openminded escort was shocked and in disbelief when I first heard of escort review boards. At first I really thought it was a joke.
And for most people in our society, in their eyes, " it is bad enough", that a man, especially a intelligent and successful business man a professional man, a husband and family man visits escorts on occassion.......BUT........when people (especially wives) hear that this VERY SAME man GOES TO THE EXTENT of................. posting and reviewing the prostitutes he sees (like people using 'legit' / above board businesses such as restaurants) , and spends huge amounts of time and energy dedicated to this industry and especially PARTYING with prostitutes and other men who visit prostitutes at TERB parties. Watch the shit hit the fan!!!!!!!!!

Society does not and I believe will NEVER view this as a legit industry, it is a fringe 'outcast' society in most peoples eyes. And for anyone trying to change millions of peoples strong beliefs, you are very naive. And I like it that way, to some extent, because thats what keeps this biz so lucrative.
My GOAL or intentions is not to change peoples views and beliefs about this industry, I believe for the most part that would be a waste of my precious time..because people see and believe what they want to see and believe at the end of the day, right! I want to make money to help make my life better, period!

I hate to be a party pooper BUT....... as I asked a regular client of mine who was a professional married man, with kids who went to a few terb parties, out of curiosity....'what are you thinking? How could you take such a careless risk? Can you imagine what the 'field day' your wifes lawyers would have with this type of info in divorce court or during a custody battle? Lets say some crazy guy or undercover reporter goes to one of these places with a hidden camera? (and as we have seen recently with many escorts being privately videotaped their are a lot of camera happy men and is very possible, maybe very unlikely but I ask why take the risk when especially someone has sooo MUCH too LOOSE! Foolish IMO!)
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Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
twinkle said:

Society does not and I believe will NEVER view this as a legit industry,...
A very few short years ago, no one would "ever" accept an openly homosexual employee. It would ruin the business if word got out a "fag" was working for them. Yet the legislation has been passed.

A very few short years ago, no one would ever accept Marijuana as anything but a horrendous, evil drug with no possible use. Yet the legislation is being tabled.

No one would ever accept a homosexual couple receiving spousal benefits. Yet the legislation is being tabled.

A few short years ago, no one believed we'd ever be rid of "Uncle Jean" and his golf buddies, yet he's finally on his way out.

Society may never accept prostitution as a "normal" industry, but I have a feeling we're not too many years from regulation, though acceptance by the general public is about as likely as approval of homosexual lifestyles by mainstream society. (Don't forget regulation/legalization is not the same thing as public acceptance -- you can't legislate people's morality, only limit what the incensed/indignant are allowed to do to express their objections.)

TBill is probably going to get himself in some hot water, but I question whether he can get in any legal trouble for running a review board. Whether encoded in Canadian law or not, freedom of speech is a generally accepted right in Canadian society (unless of course you wish to speak English in Quebec.)

A judge would be hard-pressed to find someone guilty of "living off the avails" by accepting advertisers. Now if TBill is actively recruiting SPs, encouraging the use of the board to coordinate sessions, etc., then he might get in legal trouble. But as long as it's only reviews and discussion, I don't see it as a serious legal issue.

That said, it still can cost some serious money to defend against unfounded charges, with little hope of recovering the costs if the charges were laid by the government instead of an individual.

Were he to start blabbing the "real names" of registered members, he'd embarass some people, but he'd also be up on libel/slander charges in a heartbeat. Have no fear that some of the clients are people with both the will and the means to squash a pest who makes the mistake of blabbing to the wrong people -- presuming some of the shadier organizations behind parts of the business didn't get to him first.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Just a reminder guys dont get careless with your actions and what you post about YOURSELF and the ESCORTS you see.
Keep you thinking hats on! Its better be safe than sorry. You dont want to cause you or your family or ladies in this biz any harm! THIS is the very reason why I have been SCREAMING and PLEADING on this board that men have to be more cautious with what they post about ladies in the biz on this FREE, OPEN and PUBLIC review board! Your words may come back to haunt YOU and the very LADIES who treated you well and put a smile on your face!

Look what happened to 'cooper' as he stated in a recent thread (can someone pull that thread up) that he was careless and got caught by his S.O. because he 'gave out' too many exact details about his own personal life on this board, that made him identifiable. And when she did an internet search using his handle, (maybe it was the same email address), she was EASILY able to put 2 and 2 together and figure out it was him. The price he paid for being careless was too high.

And there is software that exists that can tell someone what you have typed and every site you have visited. A girlfriend of mine just caught her boyfriend cheating this way.

*****I have found that even though the biggest FEAR for guys in this biz ,is that an escort will COMPROMISE their privacy and discretion......the funny thing is those are usually the same guys who make the biggest MESS UPS and BLUNDERS and they are actually the ones to blame when it comes to COMPROMISING their own discretion. Almost as if they unconciously want to get caught?
(i.e. leave escorts names and numbers in pocket for S.O. to find, leaving the computer on forgetting to wipe terb, escort sites off the screen, giving out name and address to mafia run agencies, etc).

Thank goodness I am independant and at the moment have enough REGULAR clients, that keep me busy enough, and I dont have or need to advertise at all.......because who knows what may happen in the next little while in this industry, and the trickle down affect, after Tbills 'little' interview.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Nope, I checked TBill's board once and thought it was crap, so I don't have much of a feel for it's "personality" or style. If what Vanessa says is true, TBill should be taking his "profits" and leaving the country or hiring a really good lawyer.

I've always considered that legal risk to be the biggest issue with using TERB/PERB/MERB to arrange sessions via PMs, with the "special treatment" aspect a distant second.

You learn a lot about where the lines are drawn for freedom of speech when you spend a few months on the MMJ advocacy boards. That whole community is very, very concerned with issues of freedom and privacy, and not in a tin-foil-hat kind of way.

The general membership may not always see the distinction, but LE has shut down MJ advocacy sites that did not militantly eject underage users and delete "hook up" threads. I'd be rather surprised if they didn't take the same attitude for review boards.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Sound advice, BB -- far better for TBill to speak with a lawyer before the radio show and know where to draw the line, rather than being forced to speak to a lawyer after crossing that line.


Aug 24, 2001
York Region
librarian said:
Hmmm. Isn't there a provincial election coming up with no newsworthy issues really getting the voting public's attention?

[sarcasm]"The state of Ontario Hydro. Are they beating that dead horse again?"[/sarcasm]

Granted, the possible privatization of LCBO is something most feel strongly about, but even more voters will perk up their ears when they hear on the radio how easy it is for married men to find SPs to be with.

Isn't it bad enough that the grandstanding, ineffectual pols have pushed LE into cracking down on the "evil" massage parlors?
LIBRARIAN > This is why we have the governments we have! Hmmm... there is a provincial election campaign on RIGHT NOW not coming up! If you think the issues are Hydro1 (they changed their name you know) and LCBO, you have been reading the old newspapers in your library. Maybe you should read what is happening in the current papers.

Prostitution is a FEDERAL manner not provincial and not municipal.

Tbill's radio stunt is not going to make any difference. Anyone who listens to Mojo enough, knows that the talk shows are VERY tongue in cheek. Oakley is an egomanic idiot anyways. He will see TBill for what he really is and the audience in general will not take the subject seriously. LE already knows about TERB and John CO-OP so it is not going to give them any new ideas.

Yes, there will be a few in the audience that will check out the sites after hearing the interview but reality is that most of the people on these boards are blowing this way out of proportion.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Good God, those four horsemen are a-riding again. I have to agree with YNG as he makes a good point. I'm just concerned with any undue attention to the hobby, I guess.

Well, one thing I am thankful for is that it is on MOJO, not CFRB or CBC.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
I agree Goober but one thing does need to be pointed out here. The lengths to which Tbill will go to advance his “cause.” If anything this should prove to many once and for all his true nature. Of course its only MOJO but what if was something more. I’m sure he has tried to go bigger than MOJO but has been rejected. What I find unfair in the entire matter is that he lures people to his site without stating what his intentions are. Thereby not allowing people to make an informed decision whether or not to “go into business” with him.

For someone who complains about the “truth” being censored here on this board, he sure has done a fine job withholding it on his board.
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Jun 3, 2002
Cardinal Fang said:
... The lengths to which Tbill will go to advance his “cause.” If anything this should prove to many what Tbill is capable of doing if given the opportunity.
Tbill's only 'cause' is Tbill. Everything else he spouts is simply smoke, mirrors and obfuscation

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Goobers got a point; this will be on MOJO. What holier-than-thou, self-righteous, uptight dick and his wife listen to MOJO?

Folks, this will be a tempest in a teapot. There will be a surge in the attention that gets paid to the industry, but seriously, how long will it last? Some people may get busted for being careless, and that’s unfortunate, because even good people get careless, but that’s an on-going concern. In a way, if this event causes hobbiests and SP’s to excerise more discretion, then that’s not such a bad thing.

It would be nice if the biz became a little more mainstream, sort of like SC’s. Many SO’s don’t like it when men go to SC’s, but many will tolerate it. Imagine the same attitude being applied to MP’s, and SP’s? Simply tolerated by SO’s? Heck, as long as there’s just good clean fun, LE already tolerates it.

Well keep imagining, because it will remain a fantasy! 99 44/100% of women will never never never accept their man fooling around on them, no more than most men would accept similar behaviour from their SO’s. Doesn’t matter if its with a pro, with a co-worker, with her best friend, etc!

Tbill, if you’re out there listening, you must realize that while your intentions may be noble (at least in your mind), you are simply not the right person for the job. You simply lack the eloquence and verbal dexterity (by your own admission) to match up with these guys at MOJO. If you must seek publicity, why don’t you try to recruit someone else to speak on behalf of the industry? If your cause is improved legitimacy for the biz, don’t you think you should go with our best speaker? There are some amazing mouthpieces on this board!

Anyway, just like Isabel, this whole thing will blow over.


By the way, Meesh: what does obfuscation mean? Is that a new position? Does it require a great deal of strength and/or flexibility?

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here

To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: “A great effort was made... to obscure or obfuscate the truth” (Robert Conquest).
To render indistinct or dim; darken: The fog obfuscated the shore.


Jun 3, 2002
hehe....thank you Mr. Webster!


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Define Sheik... never mind... define T-Bill

Cardinal Fang said:
Not at all. The dictionary was a gift from Sheik. It'a amazing what you can find in there. :D
So define Sheik.

Oh better yet... what does it say for T-Bill?


aka T ?
Aug 16, 2003
Snake Pliskin said:
Tbill, if you’re out there listening, you must realize that while your intentions may be noble (at least in your mind), you are simply not the right person for the job. You simply lack the eloquence and verbal dexterity (by your own admission) to match up with these guys at MOJO. If you must seek publicity, why don’t you try to recruit someone else to speak on behalf of the industry? If your cause is improved legitimacy for the biz, don’t you think you should go with our best speaker? There are some amazing mouthpieces on this board!
Who do you recommend? who in this community with better communication skills than tbill would go on the air for him?
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