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  1. G

    Quincy Carter.....

    If the reason is drugs and you can't stay off them for the millions you are paid and the love of the game, then you are truly the biggest moron I have ever seen
  2. G

    If you could...

    Have to go with Vegas been a bunch of times never get tired of it
  3. G

    Poutine: Where can I find in GTA?

    Burger King has it too
  4. G

    Am I The only one who's wife uses his handle?

    The answers are soooooooo funny. No I am not doing her sister lol. Lucky? Yes I am. It is nice to be able to check out women when you are out and turn to her and say "Would you do her"? LOL
  5. G

    Am I The only one who's wife uses his handle?

    Only if the SP is bi. We will do a couple review
  6. G

    Am I The only one who's wife uses his handle?

    Just wondering if I was the only one who's wife comes on and checks out the site as well. Just got home and had to wrestle the mouse away lol
  7. G

    Willing to help?

    Anything I can do to help let me know. I am not bright but I can lift alot LOL. Would be glad to offer my assistance
  8. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    That was God on terb only lol let's not read too much into it
  9. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    Didn't feel embarrassed sheik just didn't want to interupt you were a popular guy. Thanks for the reply
  10. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    I think I see why people just lurk and the worst part is I still don't get the Who are you part LOL
  11. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    Sorry Geoffrey do I know you ? I am a terb member who went to the secret venues party
  12. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    The GOD on terb part was refering to sheik and his million posts
  13. G

    Review of People I met on June 3

    I would like to give a review of the people I met at the SV party on June 3. I hope I don't miss anyone. I will try to be as brief as possible. Curvy Sabrina - cute face & personality, gorgeous BBW Mistress Victoria - intimidated only after I saw her whip, talking to her alone will save money...
  14. G

    next weekend

    Check out Savanna she is a member here and from her pics looks gorgeous. She works out of Barrie
  15. G

    Gene Simmons or John Holmes?

    would a picture do????
  16. G

    Gene Simmons or John Holmes?

    First of all Gene Simmons was born that way. The rumours about his tounge are numerous but mostly false. I am a person who has a very long tounge and I guess that is what I would prefer to have. The only problem with having that is some women get to liking it so much they forget about you. I...
  17. G

    Bisexual escort?

    How about posting who you found? Some of us would be more than interested
  18. G

    Bisexual escort?

    You can also try Dani or Savanna both are reviewed here.
  19. G

    American Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving and make sure you watch FOOTBALL!
  20. G

    best live albums

    KISS Alive
Toronto Escorts