Steeles Royal

Gene Simmons or John Holmes?

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
Before we get to the topic at hand ...nevermind... I should clarify something. I'm actually a veteran of this board, I left over a year ago with my ventilatore on a quest for ripped. I had to create a new handle since the old one is now the exclusive property of Badkat and her twin sister Dr GoodKat. Unless I'm willing to accept a caning and a body cavity search I cant revel my identity.

To all the males: If the good Lord blessed you with an oversized appendage which one would you prefer? Dont answer both, no one is that lucky.

My myself, I'd rather be like Gene Simmons. He's healthy,wealthy and wise while John Holmes is....well..dead. DATY is a narcotic to me, it tunes me in and turns me on. It can be frustrating, the good Lord saw fit to give me more than I need in the loins and not enough over my jaw.

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Von Wigglestaff said:
Badkat and her twin sister Dr GoodKat.
OK I'm confused...which one is the evil twin sister?

It's been suggested by many sex therapists and other practitioners that speaking strictly from an physical perspective, the first three inches are what matters. Anything more than that is just taking up space so therefore, I consider myself well endowed with 50% more than is required.

So strictly from a sexual perspective, we could all do with a little more tounge.


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Re: Re: Gene Simmons or John Holmes?

The Doctor said:
................speaking strictly from an physical perspective, the first three inches are what matters. Anything more than that is just taking up space so therefore, I consider myself well endowed with 50% more than is required.
Fifty per cent more than 3 inches is 4-1/2 inches. You're a brave man to admit to that! :D


Aug 20, 2003
First of all Gene Simmons was born that way. The rumours about his tounge are numerous but mostly false. I am a person who has a very long tounge and I guess that is what I would prefer to have. The only problem with having that is some women get to liking it so much they forget about you. I can only imagine it works the other way around.


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
Dani, I know Gridiron as a friend, and my favorite supplier of all things Kiss related for my young beast. Gridiron showed me his oral appendage while comparing it to a Gene Simmons poster in the beast's room. It truely is a thing of beauty and his lady is very lucky.
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