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  1. D

    sunshine girl today...

    I thought I saw her in a video on the CMT station when I was channel surfing one night. Either her or a look a like. And she's not my type at all. You can have her cause she's too wholesome looking. DD
  2. D

    Just heard the news about Huey/Sound System head bouncer dying

    Oh, man. Any clubgoers on terb? I just read in NOW about Huey from Sound Sytems dying in August. Was it club related? He was one of the classier bouncers in the city. What a loss. DD
  3. D

    Question for the ladies: How do you handle regular clients who fall in love with you?

    When are people going to get it that people in messed up SP/client relationships will probably be in messed up relationships even if they didn't work in the biz? She might not have been into you, booboobear w/o it having anything to do with your rationalization/generalization that "they're not...
  4. D

    Paris Hilton sex tape?

    At least now she can be famous for actually doing something, instead of just simply being famous for having a rich daddy and being a spoilt rotten brat. DD
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    sunshine girl today...

    Is Jennifer Valentyne a country western singer by night? DD
  6. D

    Toronto Mayor Vote

    It's Miller time. I'm voting for Miller. DD
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    High anxiety: SPs paranoid or just carefull?

    Many sp's are not seeing new clientele at this time and some girls are even quitting the biz due to the stress. Cut them some slack for implementing safety precautions and appreciate the fact that it's not the johns who end up dead. DD
Toronto Escorts