Question for the ladies: How do you handle regular clients who fall in love with you?

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
I agree that if you go to SP's looking for love,then you're bound to get hurt,however,what I am saying is that SP's like anyone else are capable of having romantic relationships ,which some on this board seem to disagree with.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
we arent......nice to see some gents out here realize it.
Too bad some dont and think that we arent worthy of a relationship.
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Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
I think most SP or MPA's would be terrific to have an outside of work relationship with IMHO. Almost all of the ones I have met have been super people and nice to be with. Although there are always exceptions.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
You would be amazed how many men become obsessed with their sp's. You have to draw the line with him - keep everything strictly "professional" and try to stop seeing him ... claim that you are busy or heading out to get your hair done.

I have a friend that fled to Japan to get away from one guy who was stalking her. It's incredibly stressful to go through this ...



Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Is it Love, Lust or Infatuation?
Right now I am in one of the above with a provider. I think she may have some feelings for me but not totally positve on that, probably not.
I still enjoy her company and of course all services provided but would love to be able to spend longer amounts of time with her other than the structured period alotted. But you take what you can get.


Feb 19, 2003
goalie000 said:
Is it Love, Lust or Infatuation?
Right now I am in one of the above with a provider. I think she may have some feelings for me but not totally positve on that, probably not.
I still enjoy her company and of course all services provided but would love to be able to spend longer amounts of time with her other than the structured period alotted. But you take what you can get.
Is she an agency girl or indy? Wait till she offers to go off the clock before you make a move. I think Misty's advice is wrong. Why hassle the poor girl until you know she's into you. It will make things strange between the two of you if you blurt out fellings that she isn't feeling as well.



New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
I am presently in LUST (and developing strong feelings for) one of my clients/friends. I have a huge crush on him and I am certain the feeling is mutual!

OMG I get wet just thinking about him.
WOW he is the best lover I have ever had, by far, he leaves me in a DAZE.
This man should teach a class at the 'Learning Annex' lol.
(its amazing how good sex can bond two people, lol)
Damn our bodies just 'FIT', if you understand that.
We have very INTENSE chemistry, very intense.
The kind of stuff you see in the movies.
This is a first for me, in the time I have been in the biz.
Funny, I actually miss him when he goes away on business, and he will call just to say hi, and I dont mind.
I see him at 'least' once a week, and time stands still when we are together.
He is very handsome and kind of cute, fit, always well dressed and well groomed, always wonderfully clean (I want to eat him from head to toe like a lollipop, and I have, *wink* trust me, lol), a real gentleman, funny, fascinating, respectful, caring, giving, nurturing, interesting, sweet, etc. etc. etc. my dream guy in many aspects.
You can tell I am smitten with him.

BUT........when he asked me to go out with him for a bite to eat 'off the clock'. I had to refuse, very nicely, unfortunately.
As tempting as his offer was and if I would have met him outside the biz I would have asked him out on a date in a 'new york minute'.....
..I dont want to possibly ruin a very very good thing, if it aint broke why try to fix/change it and open pandoras box of emotions and feelings, that can never be closed.

Damn I am getting paid to have the best sex of my life, with a guy I would pay to have sex with (because he is that damn good ladies lol). Thats not a bad deal. I am not stupid LOL.

Twinkle (waiting to be left in an absolut DAZE again)
My 'pocket rocket' will have to fill in the meantime, until I see him again, LOL! BTW my vibrator hates him and is very jealous and feels abandoned.
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New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Re: Advice not !

Mystique Misty said:
I was not giving anyone advice fernie .....Im simply saying it would be a shame to not share your feelings ! If we all kept
our feelings to ourselves then how do we grow and learn about eachother ? For some of us we have to feel a certian connection with a person to make the intimacy meaningful to us . Sharing your lustful thoughts with the SP or MP is not a bad thing and can make for some pretty interesting chain of events . Explore ! Misty
That is the exception to the rule IMO.

Most of the times it just opens up a can of worms that should never be opened, puts the lady in a very uncomfortble position, and more tahn likey ends the professional/business relationship as well!


Feb 19, 2003
Men should think twice before revealing their emotions to working girls. Most likely she is just doing her job and doesn't want the complications of clients falling in love. Which is really what the thread is all about.



Feb 19, 2003
Re: Understand ...

Mystique Misty said:
and I agree .....dont get me wrong ..>>misty
I think too many clients attempt to have relationships with escorts. They're not a dating service. I'm guessing that only on rare occasions would anything work outside of a transaction based relationship.



May 18, 2002
hdog said:
If you're crazy enough to see an sp you're probably crazy enough to fall for one.
A good sp is a versatile actress that adapts to each individual clients' needs. After the movie is over I leave the theatre (both physically and emotionally).



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2003
I have had very similar situations know from experince how sad it is when you have a client that no only is a client but becomes a good friend and then you find out they have more feelings for you than you do for them ...but unfortunatly the best thing to do in this situation in my opinion would be not to see him again amount of money is worth the complications this kind of situation can bring...the last time something similar happend to me the client almost left his wife first thinkin if he did i would get serious with him ..when i found out i immediatly sat him down and explained to him the under no circumstances would our realationship change even if he didnt have a wife because i was already seriously committed to someone...and thankfully i stopped him before he made a very serious mistake...we tried after that to continue to see each other only in a cleint/sp situation but unfortunatly no matter how hard i tried and he tried his feelings were already to involved....i have no problem with bieng friends with a client and actually incourage it ...but if i feel that,that person can not handle the relationship as it is and would become more attatched i usually stop seeing them


Feb 19, 2003
bootycall28 said:
A good sp is a versatile actress that adapts to each individual clients' needs. After the movie is over I leave the theatre (both physically and emotionally).

Unfortunately a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good SP makes you forget your paying for it. And that causes confusion for some men.


The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
How is actually dating a bad idea?

As you know Jenn,I gotta disagree on this one.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Aphrodite said:
Knowing both of your situations I did think about them as I wrote it.

Quite frankly I hope things work out for both of you.

Miranda you have had your share of ups and downs and I think we both know your original thoughts on the whole personal issue don't we. Amazing how our mind sets can change in just over a year. Mirand aI wish you all the happiness in the world and honestly hope things work out as you both deserve it...

Any relationship has its share of ups and downs..not just SP/client ones.

And as I do recall were the one that was all gung-ho about the idea when him and I met......Yes it is amazing how mind sets can change.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
. When you hire an sp your paying for a fantacy that lasts for an hour or so. I live that fantacy everyday and it doesnt cost a cent. I didnt fall in love with an sp, I just fell in love with a woman Who happens to be an sp [/B]

I agree don't fall for an sp . If you are still with this person and she is an sp still I wouldn't call that love. You said it 's a fantasy


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: thread

thunder0702 said:
Escorts are people to and should be treated if they so wish like every other human beings. They to may want to be friends and fall in love or go out to dinner and walk along a beach. If they choose to do it with a client and it works so be it. It is time to treat these ladies as human beings rather than chattel.

I agree with ripper . Of course they are human beings but they are the ones that are saying they don't fall for clients .
They want to keep it a money relationship and say they can't fall in love when they are still working.

i thought i was falling for an sp myself, took her to blue jay game ,
dinner etc but of course it didn't work out. They are not interested in a real relationship nor can they have one while they are still working. Don't be surprised if a lot of guys don't respect you .


New member
Oct 12, 2003
When are people going to get it that people in messed up SP/client relationships will probably be in messed up relationships even if they didn't work in the biz?

She might not have been into you, booboobear w/o it having anything to do with your rationalization/generalization that "they're not interested in a real relationship nor can they have one while they're still working." Whatever gets you through the situation, buddy. Same goes for Jenn who I hope will read all these things in 10 years and see how much she changes her views. That's just life for you so of course Miranda and Misty are just at different stages and have enough life experience to figure stuff out more. Good points & nice "big sister" advice for her by Misty. I love reading these real life experiences so thx for sharing them here. I wish you did write more about it so other stuff is here, not just bad mouthing sp stuff.



Sr Member
May 19, 2002
Why do we fall in Love?

Everyone does it from time to time in his or her lives. People fall in love that find each other attractive and appropriate for them. And what makes the dynamics of falling in love different if they first meet on a professional basis? Both must share the responsibility that causes it to go outside its’ original bounds. However when the lady outright demonstrates that she is attracted to him with attention and affection that goes well beyond the normal Client/SP involvement will quickly bring the relationship to a totally different level. If they are equally sincere and honest, the relationship is capable of working to the benefit of both.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Re: Re: thread

booboobear said:
They are not interested in a real relationship nor can they have one while they are still working.

Just because the lady you dated wasnt interested in anything real with you does not give you the right to make generalizations as such.

And yes,we can have relationships while still working.I will admit,it certainly adds some pretty tough issues to the relationship and I, myself, eventually chose my relationship over working as a SP,however it can and has been done.
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