Dream Spa

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  1. P

    "your fired"

    i know. i just have a big heart and like to think the best of everyone, and 9 time out of 10 they end up screwing me up anyway. business is slow enough this time of year as it is, i dont need other girls stealing clients to make it worse. this reminds me why i prefer the company of men cause...
  2. P

    "your fired"

    well those of you who remember back in december i was complaining about finding illegal substances in the spa. lots of you said just fire the girls. well i should have taken your advice because the two girls were stealing the customers and giving them their phone numbers to meet outside of...
  3. P

    American Idol 2007 Thread

    what time does it start?
  4. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    or we can just take half
  5. P

    Fallen from grace...and stayed there!

    Dini Petty, i know she was only really famous in Canada, but she made a comment on her show about "jewing down the price" of something and no she does some informercial about skin creme
  6. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    i hope i havent offended the dancers on the boad with this thread, but you gals must get fed up with some of the girls you work with.
  7. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    its because i keep breaking them when i teach customers a lesson.
  8. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    ok, well at the risk of sounding like a shill, they have great UV gels, as well as Bio gell nails. please dont ban me
  9. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    oh they are your neighbours then. now i get it sorry, u opened up your self for that one
  10. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    im not a dancer but can i come too?
  11. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    must have been, u sent the three most annoying girls in mthe GTA to get their nails done where i get mine done to get me back for always being right
  12. P

    Fallen from grace...and stayed there!

    -leif garret. now i think he is in rehab. -gerry hallowel, tried to go it alone from the spice girls
  13. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    and geenie, may i remind you, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT
  14. P

    The Jewish Conspiracy Thread

    honestly you have to admire a group of people that have been murdered and displaced throughout history and instead of playing the race card and using it as an excuse for not getting ahead in this world, take the initiative to succeed. so many people blame the jews for their woes instead of...
  15. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    oh my, watch out there is a moderator in training viewing this thread and she may ban you!
  16. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    and im sure you dont go o n at the top of your lungs about your job in public places. and btw, moet, you are seriously one of the cutest girls ive ever seen.
  17. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    well i know lots of girls that are dancers or escorts or massage girls. some have the maturity and the class to behave in public and some are just kids playing at being a woman. regardless of profession, i really hate being the audience to that garbage.
  18. P

    Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!

    i get a ton of people PM ing me asking me where i work, and you get bet your ass i dont tell them who i am. only a few who have figured out who i am have come to see me, and i dont ask them to review me. i joined this board because i was sick of jerks, and read a review a jerk wrote about me...
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