You just, again,demonstrated your bullshit, igorance or sense of grandiosity.
Mineralology is the stdy of the minerals themselves. That is to say themstudy of their atomic structure, composition, chemicsl reactivity, ability to form alloys and the resultant properties etc.
Geology in relation to say Greenland's mineral wealth, size, location, accessibility ss the study of the probable location, formations certain minerals may be found in etc. On that basis, an ecoomomic feasibility study is undertaken to see if there is enough valuable minerals in sufficient concentrations within economicially viable sites. Most of Greenland's mineral are buried under thousands of feet of ice. Then found in hard rock oprmations even farther underground. All in extraordinary climate and remore locations that make it uneconomiclly unviable/
Hell, the Ontario Ring of Fire hasa bonanza of of preciousminerals less than 299km away from fully paved year round roads and they are still not rcomonivlly visble. z Threre are thoudands of known reserve gold claims in thrme nesr north of Ontario that are still not economicslly visble. But orders of magnitude more viable than Greenland.
Why you Trump mutts swallow any of his verbal ejaculations and try to digest them using locig is a fools game. He does NOT have realpolicies and is simply a set of the pants con-man carnival entertainer. Who is clarly acting like a kept man owned by Russia.