Wow, are you ever so smart.
Did you even read about where the current bike lanes that Ford is proposing to restore to road lanes are located?
Spoiler alert, they are located within the urban, inner city, core of Toronto with exception of the portion located west of the Humber River on Bloor St West in the former Etobicoke. He is not proposing to remove bike lanes in the inner suburbs, suburbs and in the GTA.
He is only proposing to remove bike lanes where they are used the most, where they rival and surpass motor vehicle travel times along these corridors, where shop owners state that cyclists and pedestrians far outweigh motor vehicle drivers as their sources of revenue, where because of pedestrians, cyclists and transit these urban, inner city, local neighborhoods thrive and are not cultural wastelands like the most parts of the GTA.
Saying that it is typically faster to drive in the GTA than cycling or taking transit does not translate to the urban, inner city, local, neighborhoods road and areas of Toronto that Ford's bike lane removal legislation targets, Einstein.
Get off you Bike Lane Monitor Boy tricycle and stay on topic.