Bullshit. You are restricted to doctors within your provider. Deductibles can run as high as $14,000 now to make it affordable. Talk to lower income people.
Their outcomes are much worse. Higher mortality rates. Far higher prescription costs and doctors getting kickbacks to get you on them.
No thanks.
The network for most insurances I’ve been on have included majority of doctors. I’ve never come across someone not in the network for a speciality visit. Even if they are out of network, you have a max amount you pay out of network 1000 or 2000 until out of network are paid as well, generally at 80 or 90 percent of the amount.
This is true for most. A full time cashier at Walmart would get the same insurance contract and coverage as a vice president at Walmart.
Where it becomes a problem (while rare) is a 100k hospital charge out of network, you’re still paying 10k, maybe 20k coinsurance. The other problem is denied claims but you can avoid that by talking to your insurance company prior to going and going with their suggestion to avoid a denied claim.
We are unhealthier because most Americans eat shit and are obese. The doctors are not taught to diagnose comorbities of obesity correctly. If you go to cardiologist, he’s going to look at only the cariovascular system in a vacuum. If you go to an orthopedic surgeon, he will look at that in a vacuum. Pharma costs are higher because we eat the cost of drugs so the rest of the world gets a subsidized amount. Even so, the worst copay I’ve seen for a pharma prescription is 50 dollars, which the majority being 5 dollars or free for a generic. If you are poor, you probably qualify for Medicaid.
Does the healthcare system need more work? Absolutely but it’s not as bad a media sensationalizes it. A small price to pay for not being socialist.