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Trump's attack on government employees and nominating incompetents already kills 67 Americans


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
BTW, for the record, I just spoke to a recently retired air traffic controlled (straight white male) and he was furious as Trump's description of the air traffic system and the controllers was no where near reality. He's literally just pulling it out of his ass-istance.

The training and steps and the process by how you get postings at major airports are well layed out and arduous. No way in hell does someone without demonstrated competence get into a tower of a level 1 airport.
Also no one with a psychiatric history gets behind the screen. Not. One. So this too is bullshit.
Turns out those on the autism spectrum better at reading the output of the bag detectors. FAA does more than just hire air traffic controllers. Again, reality.

No one with any (disclosed) mental illness is allowed to act as a pilot nor Air Traffic Controller.

Any Air Traffic Controller needs to pass a Class 3 Medical every 4 years if they are under 40, every 2 years if over. One question is that you MUST disclose any medical condition or treatment you have. Including mental health.

Depression is a very common problem in western society and because it is a medically disqualifying condition, most pilots who have it do not seek treatment as it would immediately ground them. Various pilots groups have argued against this blanket disqualification as it is more dangerous to have air crew who are NOT being treated. They advocate for assessment on an individual basis, much the way with pilots who develop diabetes and/or heart disease etc are assessed and possibly disqualified or their medical certificate reinstated.

As INDIVIDUAL private physicians act as Aviation Medical Examiners and their medical license and HUGE liability are on the line, NO WAY they would sign off on any DEI hires that had mental health issues.

These Trump Chumps buy anything their Conmander in Chief offers them... pathetic.
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