I think shack's been banned temporarily.
The evidence:
Look at his stats in post #1 of this thread; his posts total is 51, 719. That would put him in 4th place for most messages among active handles, between Aardvark154 and WoodPeckr on the
'notable members' list, but he doesn't appear. His custom handle, 'Nitpicker Extraordinaire', still appears; this would be changed to 'banned' if he was gone permanently.
Permanently banned handles don't appear in the stats, otherwise
fuji, (80, 011), would still hold the top spot.
My guess is that he crossed the line in Politics on December 2, and was given two weeks; it would surprise me if he doesn't post somewhere on Monday or early Tuesday morning.
I had one 72 hour enforced hiatus with this handle, and I noticed that bit with the site stats.