How do you want to be “rejected” or “declined” as a client?


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
So if an escort has seen you and they don’t want to see you again for whatever reason - how do you want to be told?

Do you just want her to always be “booked”? Do you want her to just say you don’t have the chemistry she is looking for? Or if there is a specific reason like she doesn’t like how you fuck, thinks you’re too aggressive, or you have hygiene issues, do you want her to tell you the truth? Or if you are getting to clingy, do you want her to tell you that?

So how do you want to be told that she doesn’t want to see you anymore?


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Thanks for the date, however, recently I've decided I have to limit my clients. So thank you for booking but going forward I won't be able to take you on as a client. But thanks and good luck!

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
I think being straight forward and telling it as it is will help.
For example:
"While you are a good client I dont think my body can take rough sex. I will cherish our time together but hope you have a good time with other ladies who are more comfortable".
Something like that, maybe?

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
So if an escort has seen you and they don’t want to see you again for whatever reason - how do you want to be told?

Do you just want her to always be “booked”? Do you want her to just say you don’t have the chemistry she is looking for? Or if there is a specific reason like she doesn’t like how you fuck, thinks you’re too aggressive, or you have hygiene issues, do you want her to tell you the truth? Or if you are getting to clingy, do you want her to tell you that?

So how do you want to be told that she doesn’t want to see you anymore?
Who did you have in mind?

Personally my best experience was being told after I asked why do you hate me? Answer "your personality. None of the girls like you. If I was your girlfriend I would have got rid of you. You are terrible at sex. You don't know how to make love to a woman. What you do is like porno"
Last time I tried to get in she physically pushed me out the door. Her parting words were "Why don't you go away and take some medicine and die? Nobody is forcing you to come here. Fuck your mother!"

That wasn't quite what I was hoping for, but it got the job done.
I still love that bitch. lol. she was the champ.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
If I was an escort i would simply block the number. Not giving any reason. Too many wackos out there.

I once had the opposite. I told a girl i would not see her anymore as I had seen her too often. she got pissed and replied ‘You ass hole will book me once or twice a month is that clear?? I always was super nice to you give me some respect you moron!’ Ok ok i continued to see her. And fuck was it good after that!

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
If I was an escort i would simply block the number. Not giving any reason. Too many wackos out there.

I once had the opposite. I told a girl i would not see her anymore as I had seen her too often. she got pissed and replied ‘You ass hole will book me once or twice a month is that clear?? I always was super nice to you give me some respect you moron!’ Ok ok i continued to see her. And fuck was it good after that!
That's what my girl told me. The "I was always nice to you" part. No invitation to come back though.

Brown Nose Bear

Well-known member
Oct 24, 2023
I'd prefer being told the truth, even if it's hard to hear, that way if I did something wrong I could fix it. If you don't know why you got turned down you'll always wonder what happened. If telling the truth is too uncomfortable, make up something else that's plausible.

Always "fully booked" is the worst because you keep wasting time trying to book until you eventually get the hint. I'd rather just get ghosted.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
So how do you want to be told that she doesn’t want to see you anymore?
I have a skin condition, and I'm always upfront about it with both pros and civilians. I've had an agency booker mention a couple of escorts who declined to see me. (Fine by me.) I suspect other agencies lined me up with providers who said 'yes', but I'd be fine if they mentioned a specific provider declined.I blacklist any agency that fails to mention my skin condition to a provider for being shitbags.

Most indies haven't had a problem with seeing me. I've had a couple of out of town Leo indies just not respond. That leaves a lingering question of did they just not respond because they got my message late, or was it because of my condition? In that case I MAY try to contact them ONE subsequent time in the future, though I've honestly prefer if they just declined if it's because of my skin thing.

I'm clearly in the, "Just tell me." camp, but I can see that as a bad idea because of creepers, weirdos, and potentially violent or unstable people. So I think some tailored version of response #4 would probably be best. After that exchange you should feel free to block if appropriate.

Always being 'busy' seems like stringing a guy along. Black hole-ing a guy would be effective, but that might lead to bitter guys giving negative reviews or otherwise trolling / shit talking you when given the chance. Being too honest may lead to the same.

So some version of, "I'm restricting my client base." may be best if you aren't confidant guy can take the honest reason. All IMO. I suspect your own judgement on the subject would be better than mine. :)


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I have a skin condition, and I'm always upfront about it with both pros and civilians. I've had an agency booker mention a couple of escorts who declined to see me. (Fine by me.) I suspect other agencies lined me up with providers who said 'yes', but I'd be fine if they mentioned a specific provider declined.I blacklist any agency that fails to mention my skin condition to a provider for being shitbags.

Most indies haven't had a problem with seeing me. I've had a couple of out of town Leo indies just not respond. That leaves a lingering question of did they just not respond because they got my message late, or was it because of my condition? In that case I MAY try to contact them ONE subsequent time in the future, though I've honestly prefer if they just declined if it's because of my skin thing.

I'm clearly in the, "Just tell me." camp, but I can see that as a bad idea because of creepers, weirdos, and potentially violent or unstable people. So I think some tailored version of response #4 would probably be best. After that exchange you should feel free to block if appropriate.

Always being 'busy' seems like stringing a guy along. Black hole-ing a guy would be effective, but that might lead to bitter guys giving negative reviews or otherwise trolling / shit talking you when given the chance. Being too honest may lead to the same.

So some version of, "I'm restricting my client base." may be best if you aren't confidant guy can take the honest reason. All IMO. I suspect your own judgement on the subject would be better than mine. :)
Not the right chemistry, and ideally the option to hear what that means via email or some such.
Some issues could be improved upon, but there a time to hear that info.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Slap me around and call me Susan.

Foggy memory, Tommy Lister was no in the scene. He was In Living Color.



Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Keep it simple. Be tactful and not hurtful/mean. Some of us may bruise easily like a banana. example,

Thanks for ur interest. Comfort and chemistry is very important to me and my clients. Sorry, I'm not comfortable with seeing you again. Please respect my decision. I will not be replying to this message any further. Best of luck to U in finding another lady.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2017
Honesty is the best policy. We're all adults here. No reason to sugar coat anything. I recently had someone who I've been seeing for 2+ years decide that I am too rough for them. They chose to have their agency tell me instead of telling me themselves (we chatted a few times a week by phone). It came across to me as cowardly and immature. Your body, your choice. Just be upfront.
Nov 5, 2024
With honesty but with courtesy and respect though I can imagine that the honesty part can often be awkward and difficult. If so, then I like what harryass suggested:

Comfort and chemistry is very important to me and my clients. Sorry, I'm not comfortable with seeing you again. Please respect my decision. I will not be replying to this message any further. Best of luck to U in finding another lady.
It makes it clear it is about YOUR comfort and firmly states that there is no reconsidering, the decision is final and time for him to move on.
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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2017
Most women due to their nature tend to be cautious than even let you know in person. If she was independent she probably would have just told ya over text. Either you were too rough or it was some other reason and sometimes they just go with a reason that seems best to just end things. Happens in the dating world too. I usually will tell someone after dating them a few times if it's not working out or depending on my mood just ghost them. Don't take it personally and just move on with your life.
Not sure if this was directed at me but she had my phone number and used it regularly. I didn't take it personally. I just thought she could have handled it better.

Mister pantstent

Active member
Oct 28, 2021
I hate to be that guy that throws cold water on a topic. Personally, I would rather learn the truth so I could fix it.

The world is full of unstable people. Some can't handle being let down and might get ugly about it. It's nothing to get a burner or new sim and contact the SP with a new number. Any host of nefarious things could occur.

I would err on the side of caution and just block the number. I suppose they could get another number in this scenario too but at least no triggers were pulled.

@Jenesis, I have visited with you and you were bloody delightful. Hope to see you again in the future. Unless I'm one of those guys...
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